234 research outputs found

    Different invasibility of permanent and temporary waterbodies in a semiarid Mediterranean Island

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    Nonindigenous species (NIS) represent a threat to aquatic biodiversity worldwide. However, freshwater ecosystems in drylands are potentially more prone to biological invasions than those located in temperate regions because of the higher number of artificial waterbodies generally occurring in these areas, which might act as invasion hubs for NIS. We review the available information about NIS in Sicilian waterbodies, discuss the role exerted by artificial lakes and ponds in facilitating the establishment of NIS in arid and semiarid areas, and compare the invasibility of permanent and temporary waterbodies in drylands. Artificial waterbodies increase the target-area effect for dispersers and provide a hospitable environment for NIS because of their recent origin and the lack of efficient biological filters against newcomers, thus acting as bridgeheads and invasion hubs favouring invasive species. Finally, we propose actions to attenuate the threats caused by NIS to the sensitive native biota of aquatic ecosystems in drylands

    Cladocera (Branchiopoda, Anomopoda, Ctenopoda, and Onychopoda) from Sicilian inland waters: an updated inventory

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    An extensive survey aimed at updating and increasing the knowledge on species richness and distribution of Cladocera (Branchiopoda) in Sicily has been carried out in the period 2000-2004. More than 250 water bodies, mainly temporary, have been sampled on the whole Sicilian territory and the circum-Sicilian islands. This sampling effort led to the discovery of several species new to the fauna of the island and, coupled with a careful bibliographic review, allowed the realization of an updated checklist that includes 57 species definitely present on the island (only 33 were formerly known), and two more, whose actual presence in Sicily is dubious and needs confirmation. The chorological spectrum of the Sicilian cladoceran fauna shows a predominance of taxa with a wide distribution, but several others with a strictly Mediterranean range are also present. A slightly major affinity of the Sicilian cladoceran fauna with the Tunisian one, rather than with that inhabiting the water bodies of the Italian mainland, was observed. Moreover, the lack of detailed information on cladoceran species richness and composition in Tunisia does not allow to determine a definitive outline of the affinities and origins of the fauna on the island. Nevertheless, the island, located in the middle of the Mediterranean basin, represents a pivotal point in this area, characterized by high biodiversity indices

    On the occurrence and distribution of Calanipeda aquaedulcis Kritschagin, 1873 (Copepoda, Calanoida, Pseudodiaptomidae) in Sicily, Italy, with some notes on coexistence and species replacement in calanoid copepods

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    The only population of the pseudodiaptomid copepod Calanipeda aquaedulcis Kritschagin, 1873 to date reported to occur in Sicily disappeared at the beginning of the XXI century due to deep environmental changes which affected the single site (Lake Biviere di Gela) known for this species on the island. In that site C. aquaedulcis is now replaced by Copidodiaptomus numidicus (Gurney, 1909), a diaptomid copepod whose distribution has been greatly increasing since the second half of the last century. In the present note, the occurrence of C. aquaedulcis in 12 novel water bodies spread throughout Sicily is reported, and some environmental data on the sites where the species was collected are provided. Moreover, in a few sites C. aquaedulcis was found to co-occur with Copidodiaptomus numidicus. The recorded co-occurrence of these two species and the replacement of C. aquaedulcis with C. numidicus in Lake Biviere di Gela are briefly discussed

    Antiproliferative and pro-apoptotic effects of the phytochemical Indicaxanthin on human intestinal (Caco-2) and hepatic (Ha 22T) cancer cell lines

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    In the present study antiproliferative effects of Indicaxanthin (Ind), a highly bioavailable pigment from the fruits of Opuntia ficus-indica (1), were investigated on a number of human cancer cell lines including hepatocarcinoma cells (HepG2, Ha22T, HUH 7), breast cancer cells (MCF7), cervix epithelial carcinoma (HeLa), and colorectal carcinoma cells (Caco-2). Cytotoxicity of Ind, in a concentration range between 25 to 100 \uf06dM, was evaluated by Trypan blue exclusion method and MTT assay. Ind caused a clear dose- and time-dependent decrease in the proliferation of Caco-2 and Ha 22T cells with an IC(50) of about 50 \uf06dM, with minor effect on the other cell lines. Flow cytometric analysis after Annexin V-FITC and propidium iodure double staining, at 24, 48 and 72 h of treatment with 100 \uf06dM Ind, showed a pro-apoptotic effect of the pigment at 48 and 72 h. Effect of Ind on DNA methylation investigated on DNA from Ha22T cells line and Caco2 cells line at 48 h of treatment with 10 \uf06dM Ind, using MESAP-PCR (Methylation-Sensitive Arbitrarily-Primed Polymerase Chain Reaction) (3) showed that Ind induces a slight global demethylation. While antiproliferative effects of indicaxanthin add further value to the nutritional characteristics of the fruits of O. ficus-indica (2), our results also are consistent with the emerging role of dietary phytochemicals on the epigenetic regulation of gene expression

    An alternative approach of TUNEL assay to specifically characterize DNA fragmentation in cell model systems

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    DNA damage is one of the most important effects induced by chemical agents. We report a comparative analysis of DNA fragmentation on three different cell lines using terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay, generally applied to detect apoptosis. Our approach combines cytogenetic techniques and investigation in detached cellular structures, recovered from the culture medium with the aim to compare the DNA fragmentation of three different cell line even beyond the cells adherent to substrate. Consequently, we detect any fragmentation points on single chromosomes, whole nuclei and other cellular structures. Cells were exposed to resveratrol (RSV) and doxorubicin (Doxo), in single and combined treatments. Control and treated astrocytes showed DNA damage in condensed nuclei and detached structures. Caco-2 cells showed fragmented DNA only after Doxo-treatment, while controls showed fragmented chromosomes, indicating DNA damage in replicating cells. MDA-MB-231 cells showed nuclear condensation and DNA fragmentation above all after RSV-treatment and related to detached structures. This model proved to perform a grading of genomic instability (GI). Astrocytes show a hybrid level of GI. Caco-2 cells showed fragmented metaphase chromosomes, proving that the DNA damage was transmitted to the daughter cells probably due to an absence of DNA repair mechanisms. Instead, MDA-MB-231 cells showed few or no fragmented metaphase, suggesting a probable activation of DNA repair mechanisms. By applying this alternative approach of TUNEL test, we obtained data that can more specifically characterize DNA fragmentation for a suitable application in various fields

    An analysis of botanical studies of vascular plants from Italian wetlands

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    Wetlands are essential for life on Earth, but at the same time the most threatened environments due to the gradual alterations associated with climate change and human action. The botanical studies on wetland higher plants carried out in Italy from 1950 until today are analysed in this survey. The 1,265 contributions resulting from this study are analysed from a historical, geographical, and content point of view. Most of the scientific contributions were published in the 1980s and 1990s, often by the same research groups and on a local scale. The predominant research theme is the inventory. Most papers are mainly focused on lakes and rivers. The results of this literature survey point to the need to continue and intensify these studies, especially in southern Italy and in temporary wetlands. It is essential to make the huge amount of data resting in drawers or included in scientific reports but not published in scientific journals readily accessible. This could also be achieved through online geographical databases

    Effect of Glucose and Inactivated Yeast Additions on the Fermentation Performances of Lactiplantibacillus pentosus OM13 during the Production of Nocellara del Belice Table Olives

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    The use of selected strains of lactic acid bacteria is necessary to produce fermented table olives with high hygiene and quality standards at the industrial level. A current tendency is the use of fermentation adjuvants (nutrients and activators) that can satisfy the nutritional needs of starter strains. In this study, five experimental protocols, different for nutrient and activator presence and addition of Lactiplantibacillus pentosus OM13 in freeze-dried form and after acclimatisation, were tested with the aim of improving the fermentation performances of the commercial starter. The trial inoculated with the starter strain acclimatised in the presence of nutrients and activator showed the most rapid acidification during the first phase of fermentation (third to ninth day), registering a pH loss of 3.40 units. The addition of adjuvants positively influences starter dominance (>89%) and rapid colonisation (>7 Log CFU/mL from third d) by indirectly limiting the presence of undesirable microorganisms. The analysis of volatile organic compounds revealed the presence of 32 chemicals distributed differently in each trial. Sensory evaluation showed that table olives produced with the different treatments were characterised by low bitterness, acidity, and absence of unpleasant odours/flavours. Control production showed slower acidification kinetics and lower sensory pleasantness than the other trials

    Application of technological protocols on an industrial scale to improve Seville-style table olive production in Italy and Spain

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    Improving the fermentation performance of starter strains used in the fermentation of table olives is a biotechnological solution of current interest to improve the quality characteristics of the final product. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of Lactiplantibacillus pentosus OM13 as a starter culture for the fermentation of Seville-type table olives in two different production areas: Italy and Spain. The starter strain L. pentosus OM13 was inoculated into two different table olive varieties: Nocellara del Belice in Italy and Manzanilla in Spain. Lactiplantibacillus plantarum Vege-Start 60 was used as a commercial control, while an additional control pro- duction was carried out by spontaneous fermentation. The industrial productions consisted of three different protocols, differing in the type of nutrient and the presence/absence of acclimatisation of the starter strain. All trials were subjected to microbiological monitoring, evaluation of acidification dynamics and sensory analysis of the final product. After 90 days, the pH reached values below 5 in the different treatments. The LAB reached microbial loads varying between 6.5 and 8.7 log CFU/mL throughout the monitoring period. The microbial populations of spoilage and/or potential pathogenic microorganisms were variable depending on the microbial group monitored. However, after 12 days of fermentation, Enterobacteriaceae showed values below the detection limit. In contrast, a fluctuating trend was observed for yeasts, Pseudomonadaceae and Staphylococcaceae. Sensory analyses showed variable differences depending on the technological protocol used. Table olives ob- tained with L. pentosus OM13 in the presence of nutrient, activator and acclimatisation period achieved higher overall acceptability values compared to the other trials. The use of adjuvants (nutrients and activators) is a strategy used in the production of table olives fermented with L. pentosus OM13 to improve the sensory char- acteristics of table olives


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    I cianobatteri sono diffusi in moltissimi ambienti acquatici, dove possono produrre cianotossine con diversi profili tossicologici. Il presente rapporto riporta le linee guida per la gestione delle fioriture di cianobatteri nelle acque di balneazione, elaborate da un gruppo di esperti. La prima parte sintetizza le attuali conoscenze scientifiche su vari aspetti, fra cui la loro presenza nei laghi italiani, le caratteristiche chimiche e tossicologiche delle varie cianotossine, gli effetti osservati sulla salute dell\u2019uomo e la valutazione del rischio. La seconda parte definisce le linee guida per prevenire effetti dannosi per la salute dei bagnanti e gestire il rischio associato alle fioriture. Vengono fornite indicazioni per pianificare attivit\ue0 di monitoraggio ambientale e sorveglianza sanitaria nelle aree a maggiore criticit\ue0. Viene inoltre presentato un sistema di reportistica, ambientale e sanitario, anche allo scopo di uniformare le informazioni a livello nazionale. Il rapporto \ue8 completato dalle indicazioni tecniche rivolte alle strutture territoriali preposte.Cyanobacteria thrive in many aquatic environments, where they can produce cyanotoxins with different toxicological profiles. This report provides the guidelines for the management of cyanobacterial blooms in bathing water, put together by a group of experts. The first part summarizes the current scientific knowledge on various aspects, including their presence in the Italian lakes, chemical and toxicological characteristics of different cyanotoxins, the observed effects on human health and the risk assessment. The second part defines the guidelines to prevent harmful effects on the health of bathers and manage the risk associated with blooms. It provides recommendations for planning environmental monitoring activities and a health surveillance system in most critical areas. It also introduces an environmental and health reporting system, with the purpose to standardize the information at national level too. The report is supplemented by technical information aimed at territorial authorities in charge
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