21 research outputs found

    Evaluating Juveniles Delinquency in Perspective of Socio-Economic Conditions of Pakistani Society

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    This article addresses the issue of rapid increase in the juvenile delinquency from the perspective of socio-economic conditions of Pakistani society. It explores that Pakistani society is facing many serious issues of its survival and increasing juvenil

    Peaceful Co-Existence between Muslims and Non-Muslims: An Analysis of Pakistani Society in the light of Seerah Muhammad (pbuh)

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    At time it is renewed focus paid by UNO on creating dialogue culture and peaceful co-existence among different religions and cultures particularly, between Muslims and non-Muslims in political, social and academic circles and at the regional and sub-regional levels

    Poverty Alleviation by Way of Charity in Islamic Perspective: An Analysis of Pakistani Society

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    This paper aims to discuss the issue of poverty and ways of its eradication particularly, by way of charity in perspective of Islam and socio-economic conditions of Pakistani society. It explores that Islam motivates its followers to help needy and poor people by way charity and declared it a source to please Allah. Rather, Allah Almighty has made the rich segment of the society bound to contribute to the development of the society by way of reducing poverty. The Pakistani rich segment is one of the generous communities of the world that helps the poor by way of charity. However, it is a matter of great concern that in Pakistan, poverty ratio is increasing day by day and more than 50% of the population is living below the poverty line i.e. US$1.25 per day. It leads that there are some flaws in the contemporary system of charity due to which poverty could not be reduced. In this context, this paper aims to throw light on the causes due to which poverty cannot be reduced and to recommend some suggestions which may helpful to reduce poverty in Pakistan by way of charity

    Zakat as a God

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    At present, poverty is the most critical issue of Pakistani society as almost 60% of the population is living below the poverty line with an earning less than 1.25US$ per day. In this context, this paper evaluates the prevailing system of zakat in Pakistan and its role in the reduction of poverty from the perspective of objectives of Shar

    Higher Education as a Way to Empower Nation: An Analysis of Pakistani Society from the Perspective of 21st Century

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    This article intends to analyze critically, the contemporary condition of higher education in Pakistan in the 21st century. It explores that the notion of higher education has received a great deal of attention for the last few decades

    Transformation of Islamic Economics into a Global Economics: An Analysis in the light of Capitalist and Socialist Systems of Economics

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    This paper aims to evaluate the modern notion of Islamic economics in the light of the capitalist and socialist systems of economics. It explores that each economic system claims to establish a just economic order in the light of the ethical economics, which ensure the fair distribution of wealth and resources to lessen the class differences and to eliminate poverty. The medieval history of the world economics reveals that the Muslim empire was succeeded to establish an economic system which was based on the ethical principles of economics such as fair distribution of wealth, alleviation of poverty, accessibility to basic necessities to all and abolition of feudalism etc. It is, however, a matter of great concern that the contemporary system of Islamic economics seems to be failed to overcome or even to reduce these issues

    Street Children and Their Access to Basic Rights: An Analysis of Pakistani Society in the light of the Fundamental Human Rights Provided by Islam, State Legislation and UNO Charter

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    This research addresses the issues of the street children from the perspective of Pakistani society. It explores that the street children are the most neglected segment of the society and they do not have access to the basic rights of survival like food, shelter and education. The legislature, the executive, the judiciary could not perform any role for the protection of the rights of the street children rather they have been left at the mercy of God

    An Analysis of

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    This research aims to analyz

    Analyzing the Cyberspace Laws to Protect Data Privacy in Pakistan

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    [Purpose] Cyberspace technology has become an unavoidable forum for communications, connections, and transactions. This phenomenon, however, led to cybercrimes and hi-tech crimes such as data leaking, stealing, blackmailing, digital fraud, bullying and hacking, and all this has put the cyberspace technology at risk and a great threat to the security and privacy of the people. In Pakistan, cybercrimes are on the rise and despite several laws had been published on the topic, the rate of cybercrimes is increasing every passing year. In this context, this study examines the existing regulatory and legal framework for data protection in Pakistan and to find out the major challenges in the way of application and enforcement mechanism. [Methodology] The conceptual framework of the research answers the question on to what extent the existing laws and enforcement mechanism of Pakistan is effective in protecting the data and information in the cyberspace? It highlights the importance of cyberspace technology nowadays and addresses the global agenda to combat cybercrimes, analyzes the Pakistani laws on the protection of data and privacy in cyberspace, and identifies major challenges in the way of the enforcement mechanism. The study focuses on the cyberspace laws of Pakistan with reference to the cybercrimes from a national perspective. [Findings] This paper asserts that there is sufficient protection of cyberspace laws in Pakistan although they lack proper enforcement and are plagued with poor management


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    From pre-mature state to the modern development of law and legal institutions, the subject of statutory interpretation has been facing daunting challenges. The most burning legal issues of the 21st century facing all the legal systems of the world are the development of a legal thinking to establish some general and flexible interpretive principles applicable to all laws. Talking about the Isl?mic legal system, it is confronting a rigorous challenge of being out-moded, stagnated and as an inappropriate system to cope with the changes of the modern scientific development. Lack of updated knowledge, unscientific understanding of the contemporary socioeconomic problems, world politics, a system of global governance and above all lack of unity have made the Muslim world subservient and dependent in every walk of life. This situation has led the contemporary Muslim scholars and the researchers to establish a flexible legal theory to re-interpret the Qur’anic legal texts in the light of the changed context. This phenomenon provided a significant opportunity for the scholars and students of law to compare different legal systems to find out the way to develop their own system. This research titled as “Interpretation of Statutes: A Critical Analysis in Perspective of Islamic Jurisprudence” presents a comparative analysis of the interpretive systems of English-common law and Islamic law. This work intends to explore that Islamic legal system consists of dynamic interpretive approaches which unfortunately are being neglected by the holders and made the whole system of the interpretation (ijtih?d) static and retarded. This work has been divided into five chapters. Each chapter has two sections. At the end of each chapter, a concluding Para has been added. Chapter, 1 addresses the nature and the historical development of the statutory interpretation of the English-common law. It also throws light on the development of law, statute, and legal text. Chapter, 2 elaborates historical development of the statutory interpretation of Islamic law. Chapter, 3 describes an interpretive system of English-common law. It describes both the classical and the contemporary theories of interpretation. Chapter, 4 consists of the discussion regarding the interpretive policy of Islamic law. It explains the linguistic rules, the fundamental, the traditional and the modern legal theories presented by the Muslim jurists of the last two centuries. The last chapter consists of a comparison of both systems. Further some conclusions have been drawn in the light of the past and the contemporary approaches of interpretation of both systems and thus some suggestions have been given to make the existing structure of the law flexible. This research thus, concludes that the theory regarding the re-interpretation of the Qur’anic legal texts and the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) in the light of the changed context has not built in a day rather it has its roots in the interpretive policy of the Qur’an, the Sunnah (PBUH) and the early Muslim jurists among the companions and the traditional Muslim jurists. This work suggests that the contemporary Muslim jurists should adopt flexible approaches to reconstruct the legal texts of the Qur’an and the Sunnah (PBUH) in the light of the objective and context of the text. This research recommends Ijtihad al-Maqasidi and contextual interpretation as the most recommended rules of interpretation to combat the challenges of the modern Muslim world. It also opines that it is quite possible to establish a common legal theory of interpretation in the light of the common and general interpretive principles of both systems by considering fundamental differences between English-common law and Islamic law. Note: The full thesis can be downloaded also from the following link: http://www.razi.ca/path/to/thesis.pd