692 research outputs found

    Guidelines for the Management of Center-Involving Diabetic Macular Edema: Treatment Options and Patient Monitorization

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    Diabetic macular edema (DME) is the main cause of visual impairment associated with diabetic retinopathy (DR) and macular laser, during approximately three decades, and was the single treatment option. More recently, intravitreous injections of anti-angiogenics and corticosteroids modified the treatment paradigm associated with significant vision improvements. Nevertheless, not all patients respond satisfactorily to anti-VEGF or corticosteroid injections, so an adequate treatment choice and a prompt switch in therapeutic class is recommended. Several algorithms and guidelines have been proposed for treating center involving DME to improve patients' vision and quality of life. However, in Portugal, such guidelines are lacking. The present review aimed to provide guidelines for the treatment options and patient monitorization in the management of center-involving DME. We recommend anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) as first-line therapy after a clinical evaluation accompanied by a rigorous metabolic control. Depending on the response obtained after 3-6 monthly intravitreal injections we suggest switching outside the class in case of a non-responder, maintaining the anti-VEGF-therapy in responders to anti-angiogenics. The treatment regimen for Dexamethasone intravitreal implant (DEXii) should be pro-re-nata with bi-monthly or quarterly monitoring visits (with a scheduled visit at 6-8 weeks after DEXii for intraocular pressure control). If a patient does not respond to DEXii, switch again to anti-VEGF therapy, combine therapies, or re-evaluate patients diagnose. There is a resilient need to understand the disease, its treatments, regimens available, and convenience for all involved to propose an adequate algorithm for the treatment of diabetic retinopathy (DR) and DME in an individualized regimen. Further understanding of the contributing factors to the development and progression of DR should bring new drug discoveries for more effective and better-tolerated treatments.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Compromiso organizacional y satisfacción laboral: un estudio exploratorio en unidades de salud familiar portuguesas

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    Explorou-se a relação entre compromisso organizacional e satisfação laboral nos colaboradores de unidades de saúde familiar. Participaram seis unidades de saúde familiar do norte de Portugal e 105 profissionais (médico, enfermeiros e secretários clínicos). Utilizaram-se as adaptações portuguesas da Escala do Compromisso Organizacional de Meyer & Allen (1997) e do Questionário de Satisfação com o Trabalho (Spector, 1985). Os resultados sugerem associação positiva entre compromisso organizacional e satisfação laboral. Os profissionais estão moderadamente satisfeitos e comprometidos com as unidades de saúde familiar, sendo a natureza do trabalho, a relação com os colegas e a comunicação os aspectos mais satisfatórios, e as recompensas o mais insatisfatório. A componente afetiva do compromisso evidencia-se, salientando o envolvimento e a identificação dos profissionais com o projeto unidades de saúde familiar. O modelo de regressão linear revelou-se significativo, o compromisso organizacional explica 22,7% da variância da satisfação com o trabalho. Para esta amostra, o compromisso organizacional prediz a satisfação com o trabalho.This study explored the relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction among workers in family health units. Six family health units in the North of Portugal participated, including 105 health professionals (physicians, nurses, and clinical secretaries). The study used the Portuguese adaptations of the Organizational Commitment Scale by Meyer & Allen (1997) and the Job Satisfaction Survey (Spector, 1985). The results suggest a positive association between organizational commitment and job satisfaction. The professionals are moderately satisfied and committed to the family health units; the most satisfactory aspects are the nature of the work, relationship to coworkers, and communication, while pay is the most unsatisfactory. The affective component of the commitment appears, highlighting the professionals' involvement in (and identification with) the family health units project. The linear regression model proved significant, and organizational commitment explains 22.7% of the variance in job satisfaction. For this sample, organizational commitment predicts job satisfaction.Instituto Nacional de Saúde Dr Ricardo Jorgeinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Human parvovirus B19 infection and hydrops fetalis in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Formalin-fixed paraffin embedded lung and liver tissue from 23 cases of non immune hydrops fetalis and five control cases, in which hydrops were due to syphilis (3) and genetic causes (2), were examined for the presence of human parvovirus B19 by DNA hybridisation. Using in situ hybridisation with a biotynilated probe one positive case was detected. Using 32P-labelled probes in a dot blot assay format, five further positives were obtained. These were all confirmed as positive by a nested polymerase chain reaction assay. Electron microscopy revealed virus in all these five positive cases. The six B19 DNA positive cases of hydrops fetalis were from 1974, 1980, 1982, 1987 and 1988, four of which occurred during the second half of the year, confirming the seasonality of the disease

    A rare genomic duplication in 2p14 underlies autosomal dominant hearing loss DFNA58

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    Here we define a ~ 200Kb genomic duplication in 2p14 as the genetic signature that segregates with post-lingual progressive sensorineural autosomal dominant hearing loss in 20 affected individuals from the DFNA58 family, first reported in 2009. The duplication includes two entire genes, PLEK and CNRIP1, and the first exon of PPP3R1 (protein-coding), in addition to four uncharacterized long noncoding (lnc) RNA genes and part of a novel protein-coding gene. Quantitative analysis of mRNA expression in blood samples revealed selective overexpression of CNRIP1 and of two lncRNA genes (LOC107985892 and LOC102724389) in all affected members tested, but not in unaffected ones. Qualitative analysis of mRNA expression identified also fusion transcripts involving parts of PPP3R1, CNRIP1 and an intergenic region between PLEK and CNRIP1, in the blood of all carriers of the duplication, but were heterogeneous in nature. By in situ hybridization and immunofluorescence, we showed that Cnrip1, Plek and Ppp3r1 genes are all expressed in the adult mouse cochlea including the spiral ganglion neurons, suggesting changes in expression levels of these genes in the hearing organ could underlie the DFNA58 form of deafness. Our study highlights the value of studying rare genomic events leading to hearing loss such as copy number variations. Further studies will be required to determine which of these genes, either coding proteins or non-coding RNAs, is or are responsible for DFNA58 hearing loss
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