3 research outputs found

    Dynamic Evolution of Bitterness Units in Beer Worts: Modeling and Concerns

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    Beer bitterness is reported in International Bitterness Units (IBU), which is the concentration (in ppm) of iso-alpha-acids in the product. Such acids result from the isomerization of alpha-acids originally found in hops which is carried out by boiling the beer wort. This concentration can be measured by HPLC, which led, in the past, to some empirical predictions for the effects of boil time and wort density on the dynamic evolution of IBU in barley worts. Since HPLC is an expensive and time onerous procedure, the organizations devoted to the standardization of procedures in the brewing industry established protocols that indirectly evaluate the IBU by spectrophotometry. This work investigated the dynamic evolution of IBU values as a function of the wort density when evaluated by this standard procedure, which involves the extraction with iso-octane and the UV absorbance measurement in a spectrophotometer. Three barley worts were prepared with dry malt extract (DME) having specific gravities (SG) of 1.030, 1.040 and 1.050. These worts and a fourth sample constituted of distilled water (SG = 1.000) had their pH buffered in 5.2 and were boiled under atmospheric pressure. During the boiling step, Czech Saaz hop pellets were added according to a time schedule (1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 40 and 60 minutes). All reactions were conducted in small (500 ml) aluminum reactors with triplicates for each isomerization time.  Finally, the IBU of the samples were measured and used to fit non-linear empirical models for the IBU evolution in the wort, based on a maximum likelihood statistical criterion along with deterministic optimization methods. Results indicated that IBU values, evaluated by the standard procedure, rise to their final value within a few minutes, instead of one hour, which is traditionally assumed

    Desenvolvimento de unidades de amargor (IBU) em cervejas

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    Aplicando-se o método de aferição de amargor utilizando espectrometria e absorção da luz UV, foi realizada medição do amargor transferido pelo lúpulo à cerveja. Tal aspecto, obtido através de uma reação de isomerização na etapa de fervura, teve sua intensidade observada em mostos de densidades diferentes e com pH estabilizado. A reação de isomerização representa parte importante no processo cervejeiro pois é através dela que os α-ácidos, presentes no lúpulo, são transformados em iso-α-ácidos, substâncias responsáveis pelo sabor amargo da bebida. A reação ocorreu em três processos diferentes. A primeira bateria de experimentos ocorreu em minirreatores de vidro e mostrou que o armazenamento da cerveja, mesmo em ambientes refrigerados, interfere negativamente na qualidade da bebida. A segunda isomerização ocorreu em um balão de três vias e pode ser observado que a densidade da cerveja interfere no amargor da mesma. A terceira isomerização, a qual ocorreu em minirreatores de alumínio e constitui a parte mais importante deste trabalho, envolveu a coleta de triplicatas para cada tempo de reação (1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 40 e 60 minutos) em meios reacionais com densidades de 1.000, 1.030, 1.040 e 1.050. As amostras foram armazenadas durante 15 dias para que a extração pudesse ser realizada em dois momentos diferentes, uma imediatamente após a isomerização e outra após os 15 dias de armazenamento. A análise consistiu na acidificação das amostras e na extração pelo solvente orgânico iso-octano. Da fase orgânica composta pelo solvente e pelas substâncias que foram extraídos pelo iso-octano, incluindo iso-α-ácidos, uma alíquota foi colocada em uma célula de quartzo e então teve a absorbância a 275nm medida pelo espectrofotômetro. O resultado foi multiplicado por 50 e obteve-se o valor relacionado a Unidade Internacional de Amargor (IBU – International Bitterness Units) que a cerveja apresentaria se fosse feita nas condições do experimento. Os dados experimentais mostraram um comportamento não linear do valor do IBU, que aumenta rapidamente nos primeiros minutos até atingir um patamar assintótico. Com esses resultados foi desenvolvido um modelo empírico de regressão não linear com variância de 7.84, baseado no critério estatístico da Máxima Verossimilhança, para avaliar a evolução do IBU em função do tempo de ebulição e da densidade do mostoCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPESThrough the bitterness measurement method using spectrometry and UV light absorption, the bitterness imparted by the hops to beer was measured. This aspect, obtained through an isomerization reaction in the boiling stage, had its intensity observed in musts of different densities and with stabilized pH. The isomerization reaction represents an important part of the brewing process because it is through it that the α-acids, present in the hops, are transformed into iso-α-acids, substances responsible for the bitter taste of the drink. The reaction took place in three different processes. The first battery of experiments occurred in glass mini reactors and showed that beer storage, even in refrigerated environments, negatively interferes with the quality of the drink. The second isomerization occurred in a three-way balloon and it can be seen that the density of the beer interferes with its bitterness. The third isomerization, which occurred in aluminum mini-reactors and constitutes the most important part of this work, involved the collection of triplicates for each reaction time (1, 3, 5, 10, 25, 40 and 60 minutes) in reaction medium with densities of 1.000, 1.030, 1.040 and 1.050. The samples were stored for 15 days so that the extraction could be performed at two different times, one immediately after isomerization and the other after 15 days of storage. The analysis consisted of acidifying the samples and extracting them with the iso-octane organic solvent. From the organic phase composed of the solvent and the substances that were extracted by iso-octane, including iso-α-acids, an aliquot was placed in a quartz cell and then had the absorbance at 275 nm measured by the spectrophotometer. The result was multiplied by 50 and the value related to the International Bitterness Units (IBU) that the beer would present if made under the conditions of the experiment was obtained. The experimental data showed a behavior of the non-linear IBU value, which increases rapidly in the first minutes until reaching a continuity. With these results an empirical model of nonlinear regression was developed with a 7.4 variance, based on the Maximum Likelihood statistical criterion, to evaluate the evolution of the IBU as a function of the boiling time and the wort density113 f

    Obtenção de parâmetros cinéticos e dimensionamento de um sistema de lodo ativado convencional para efluentes sanitários

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    A escassez de recursos hídricos elevou a preocupação a respeito do uso consciente da água. Nas últimas décadas a legislação se tornou mais rígida em relação ao descarte de águas residuárias, tornando o tratamento de efluentes indispensável para as cidades e as indústrias. Dentre os compostos encontrados nos efluentes responsáveis pela poluição hídrica, a grande quantidade de matéria orgânica vem apresentando maior destaque. O tratamento secundário de efluentes apresenta como objetivo a degradação dos compostos orgânicos utilizando microorganismos. Um dos principais e mais eficientes tipos de tratamento biológico atualmente é o lodo ativado. Este trabalho desenvolveu-se para a realização do dimensionamento de um sistema de lodo ativado convencional. Foram encontrados parâmetros cinéticos para os dados experimentais apresentados por Santos (1996) na ETE da Penha – RJ, e em seguida, utilizando esses parâmetros, obteve-se todas as medidas necessárias do dimensionamento de um tanque de aeração. Para uma vazão de 100 L/s foram calculados os valores: Vt = 491,2 m³, As = 109,4 m², Q’’ = 148,9 m²/s, Q’ = 8491,1 m²/s e Qr = 494,5 m²/s. Os resultados obtidos foram satisfatórios, embora fatores externos influenciaram nos dados experimentais obtidos na ETE e refletiram no dimensionamentoThe scarcity of water resources has raised concerns about the conscious use of water. Over the last decades legislation has become more rigid regarding the wastewater disposal, making effluent treatment indispensable for cities and industries. Among compounds found in effluents responsible for water pollution, the great amount of organic matter has been more prominent. Secondary treatment aims to degrade the organic compounds by using microorganisms. One of the main and most efficient types of biological treatment today is the activated sludge. This work was developed to design of a conventional activated sludge system. Kinetic parameters were calculated for the experimental data presented by Santos (1996) in the Sewage Treatment Plant of Penha - RJ, and then, using these parameters, all the necessary measurements of the design of an aeration tank were obtained. For a flow rate of 100 L/s the following results were obtained: Vt = 491,2 m³, As = 109,4 m², Q’’ = 148,9 m²/s, Q’ = 8491,1 m²/s e Qr = 494,5 m²/s. The results were satisfactory, although external factors influenced the experimental data obtained in the Sewage Treatment Plant and reflected in the desig