7 research outputs found

    Avaliação microbiológica do sêmen fresco e congelado de reprodutores caprinos

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    Objetivou-se avaliar a flora microbiana no sêmen fresco e congelado de reprodutores caprinos, assim como a eficácia dos antibióticos estreptomicina, penicilina e gentamicina, na viabilidade de doses de sêmen congeladas. Foram utilizados 25 reprodutores de diferentes raças, submetidos a duas colheitas de sêmen através do método da vagina artificial, após higiene da região prepucial. A primeira colheita do sêmen foi realizada visando o exame microbiológico e a segunda teve como objetivo proceder a congelação, após diluição em leite desnatado, utilizando penicilina + estreptomicina (A1), gentamicina (A2) ou sem antibiótico (A3). Ao proceder a avaliação microscópica no sêmen fresco, evidenciou-se média de 87,92 ± 7,76% de motilidade individual progressiva (MIP) e 4,96 ± 0,20 de vigor espermático. Em relação à avaliação bacteriana, constatou-se principalmente bactérias do gênero Staphylococcus spp e Bacillus sp. Após a congelação do sêmen, não foram evidenciadas diferenças (P>;0,05) entre os grupos quanto a MIP e vigor espermático. Entretanto, na avaliação microbiológica pós-descongelação, a bactéria do gênero Staphylococcus spp esteve presente na maioria das amostras. Observou-se também que a gentamicina (13,3mg/mL) apresentou melhor atividade anti-microbiana no processo de congelação do sêmen, concluindo-se que pode ser o antibiótico usado na congelação do sêmen de reprodutores caprinos.The aim of this research was to evaluate the microbial flora in the fresh and frozen semen of goat reproducers, as well as the effectiveness of the antibiotics estreptomicin, penicillin and gentamicin in cryopreservation of semen. It were used 25 males of different breeds, submitted to two semen collect through the artificial vagina method after cleanliness of prepucial region. The first collection of semen aimed the microbiological exam. The second collection had as goal accomplish freezing, after dilution in skimmed milk, with penicillin + estreptomicin (A1), gentamicin (A2) or control (A3). After microscopic evaluation, it was evidenced average of 87.92 ± 7.76% of MIP and 4.96 ± 0.20 of spermatic vigor in fresh semen. Regarding bacterin evaluation, it was verified, mostly, bacteria of the gender Sthaphylococcus spp and Bacillus sp. After semen cryopreservation, it was observed that there wasn't difference (P>;0.05) among groups in MIP and spermatic vigor. However, in the microbiological evaluation of frozen-thawed semen, bacteria of Sthaphylococcus spp gender was present in great part of samples. Gentamicin (13.3mg/mL) promoted larger inhibition of the bacterial growth in the semen post-freezing, concluding that gentamicin can be the antibiotic used for freezing of goat semen


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    Inadequate disposal of urban solid waste (USW) contaminates the soil, groundwater, bodies of surface water and the atmosphere, due to the emission of polluting gases. It causes urban flooding due to the obstruction of storm-water drainage systems caused by accumulated USW. Carried by rainwater, it also, among other environmental events, affects the macro- and micro-climate, raising the local and global temperature. In this scenario the present study asks how innovation in the management of urban solid waste can contribute to social and environmental innovation. The general objective of this work was to study the management of USW in the Amazon sub-region, given the advent of social and environmental innovation. To obtain its results, it took the following as its specific objectives: (1) interpreting the current management of the USW of the sub region of interest; (2) describing the ultimate destination of the USW; and (3) proposing models of socioenvironmental innovation for the management of USW in the local sub-regions. The case study method was applied, using the necessary procedures. It was observed that the management of USW in the studied sub region is restricted to public power facilities, where it employs few processes or technologies. Regarding the final disposal of the USW, the municipalities have not instituted any separation of recyclables from waste products and hence they send all domestic and industrial waste to landfill sites as if nothing was recyclable. In addition, most municipalities continue to dump contaminants in their old sites, pending decisions to close them and ask responsible bodies to supervise them. This paper is an academic contribution to the improvement of waste management. It proposes innovative USW management practices, based on the principle that the Polluter Pays; initiatives that favour socioenvironmental innovation must be substantiated. This research is of interest to scholars working on sustainability and to managers concerned with issues related to socioenvironmental management

    Respiratory and systemic effects of LASSBio596 plus surfactant in experimental acute respiratory distress syndrome

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    Background/Aims: Exogenous surfactant has been proposed as adjunctive therapy for acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), but it is inactivated by different factors present in the alveolar space. We hypothesized that co-administration of LASSBio596, a molecule with significant anti-inflammatory properties, and exogenous surfactant could reduce lung inflammation, thus enabling the surfactant to reduce edema and improve lung function, in experimental ARDS. Methods: ARDS was induced by cecal ligation and puncture surgery in BALB/c mice. A sham-operated group was used as control (CTRL). After surgery (6 hours), CTRL and ARDS animals were assigned to receive: (1) sterile saline solution; (2) LASSBio596; (3) exogenous surfactant or (4) LASSBio596 plus exogenous surfactant (n = 22/group). Results: Regardless of exogenous surfactant administration, LASSBio596 improved survival rate and reduced collagen fiber content, total number of cells and neutrophils in PLF and blood, cell apoptosis, protein content in BALF, and urea and creatinine levels. LASSBio596 plus surfactant yielded all of the aforementioned beneficial effects, as well as increased BALF lipid content and reduced surface tension. Conclusion: LASSBio596 exhibited major anti-inflammatory and anti-fibrogenic effects in experimental sepsis-induced ARDS. Its association with surfactant may provide further advantages, potentially by reducing surface tension