34 research outputs found


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    Objective: The aim was to determine the botanical, GC-MS chemical characteristics and antibacterial activity of Strobilanthes. kalimantanensis as a new species. Methods: Characterization of plants through microscopic and macroscopic analysis, isolation of essential oil (EO) by steam distillation, GC-MS analysis of essential oil content and antibacterial effectiveness tests. Results: The results of the steam distillation process of essential oil produced yield 0.547%, clear and has fresh scent. GC-MS results from essential oils identified major phytochemicals, including anethole and estragole. Antibacterial activity of EO is 100 mg/ml against Staphylococcus aureus and 150 mg/ml against Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, and Streptococcus epidermidis. Conclusion: Plant with the first species reported as Strobilanthes kalimantanensis contains essential oils that have antibacterial activity


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    Ketoconazole is an antifungal azole synthetic which derivatived from imidazole. Ketoconazole is practically insoluble in water and its bioavailability depend on pH condition of the gastrointestinal tract. The purpose of the research is to increase the solubility of ketoconazole by solid dispersion method using Eudragit® E 100, PEG 6000, and glycerol. Solid dispersion was evaluated with respect to solubility, cristalinity, complexation and morphology of solid dispersion. The optimum formulation with the highest solubility was resulted by solid dispersion with ratio ketoconazole - Eudragit® E 100 - glycerol of 1:8:0.5. X-ray diffraction test revealed the change of crystalline ketoconazole and similar to Eudragit® E 100. This result was also supported by spectrum of infrared and endothermic peak of differential scanning calorimetry. Based on scanning electron microscopy morphology of pure Eudragit® E 100 and solid dispersion was similar. Solid dispersion of ketoconazole with Eudragit® E 100 and glycerol improved solubilty. Keywords : ketoconazole, solid dispersion, Eudragit® E 100   ABSTRAK Ketokonazol merupakan zat antijamur sintetik golongan azol yang merupakan turunan imidazol.Ketokonazol praktis tidak larut dalam air dan ketersediaan hayati melalui rute oral sangat beragam tergantung dari kondisi pH saluran pencernaan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kelarutan ketokonazol dengan cara pembuatan dispersi padat mengunakan Eudragit® E 100, PEG 6000, serta gliserol. Dispersi padat di evaluasi dengan uji kelarutan jenuh, kristalinitas, kompleksasi, dan morfologinya.Formula optimal dengan peningkatan kelarutan tertinggi dihasilkan oleh perbandingan dispersi padat ketokonazol - Eudragit® E 100 - gliserol 1:8:0,5. Pengujian difraksi sinar-X menunjukkan adanya perubahan kristalinitas ketokonazol yaitu sama seperti Eudragit® E 100.Hasil ini juga didukung oleh hasil pengujian spetkrofotometer infra merah dan puncak endotermik differential scanning calorimetry.Berdasarkan hasil scanning electrom microscopyterlihat morfologi dari Eudragit® E 100 murni dan dispersi padatnya yang hampir sama..Pembentukan dispersi padat ketokonazol dengan Eudragit® E 100 dan gliserol dapat meningkatkan kelarutan. Kata Kunci : ketokonazol, dispersi padat, Eudragit® E 10

    Formulation and Stability Tests of Hair Tonic from Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) Leaves Extract and Effectiveness in Protecting Hair

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    Hair loss is a condition that unavoidable process, where the hair is detached more than 100 strands per day that occurs continuously. Oil palm leaf with their compounds can be used to treat hair loss and damage. The purpose of this study was to formulate oil palm leaf extract into hair tonic preparations and evaluate the effectiveness in preventing hair damage. Hair tonic formula from oil palm leaf extract contains 96% ethanol, menthol, propylene glycol, phenoxyethanol, and aquades. The evaluation of hair tonic preparations included organoleptic, homogeneity, pH, and viscosity tests, as well as tests of antioxidant activity and effectiveness of hair tonic preparations. The results of the antioxidant activity test of oil palm leaf extract hair tonic showed the IC50 value at room temperature (25°C) indicating an average value of 37.2519±8.535 ppm, warm temperature (50°C) 40.5459±9.086 ppm, and cold temperature (4°C) 36.8257±6.928 ppm, which belongs to the category of very strong antioxidant activity, with the results of the evaluation of the oil palm leaf hair tonic slightly colored. greenish to dark green, has a distinctive menthol aroma, has a pH and viscosity that meets the requirements of a good hair tonic preparation, with pH between 3-7 and viscosity less than 5 cPs. Hair tonic preparations of oil palm leaf extract can prevent hair decolorization due to sun exposure at concentrations of 25 ppm to 200 ppm


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    This study aimed to test the activity of active ingredient mouth gel preparation of kalimantan black piper betle leaf extract with the main base of Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose namely (HEC) as a mucoadhesive polymer that is able to increase the attractive forces between the active material with a layer of mucus that will extend the contact time with the active ingredient tissue targets, moreover would be increase the effectiveness of antimicrobial activity causes inflammation of the gums (gingivitis) and tooth decay (caries). Activities that have been implemented are mouth gel activity assays with Kalimantan black piper betle leaf extract as in- vitro using the agar diffusion method pitting. In testing with active oral gel preparation of black piper betle leaf extract with the main base of Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose namely (HEC) as in vitro, it can be seen that the sample may provide the inhibitory effect of the fungus Candida albicans and the bacterium Streptococcus mutans in the presence of a clear zone indicated on the medium. Furthermore, at this stage of the dilution of the gel in twice causing decline in the effectiveness of the inhibition of both the fungus Candida albicans and the bacterium Streptococcus mutans. The results of in- vitro testing without dilution is 19.8 mm in bacteria Streptococcus mutans and 34.4 mm in the fungus Candida albicans. Keywords: antimicrobial, oral gel, black piper betle, gingivitis , cavities   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji aktivitas sediaan gel mulut berbahan aktif ekstrak daun sirih hitam Kalimantan dengan basis utama yakni Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose (HEC) sebagai mucoadhesive polymer yang mampu meningkatkan gaya tarik menarik antara bahan aktif dengan lapisan mukus sehingga akan memperpanjang waktu kontak bahan aktif dengan jaringan target, selanjutnya akan meningkatkan efektivitas aktivitas antimikroba penyebab radang gusi (gingivitis) dan gigi berlubang (caries). Kegiatan yang telah dilaksanakan adalah pengujian aktivitas gel mulut berbahan aktif ekstrak daun sirih hitam Kalimantan secara in vitro dengan menggunakan metode difusi agar teknik sumuran. Pada pengujian sediaan gel mulut berbahan aktif ekstrak daun sirih hitam Kalimantan dengan basis utama yakni Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose (HEC) secara in vitro,  dapat diketahui bahwa sampel dapat memberikan efek penghambatan jamur Candida albicans dan bakteri Streptococcus mutans dengan ditunjukkan adanya zona bening pada agar. Namun pada tahap dua kali pengenceran terhadap gel terjadi penurunan efektivitas kerja penghambatan baik pada jamur Candida albicans maupun pada bakteri Streptococcus mutans. Hasil pengujian in-vitro tanpa pengenceran adalah 19.8 mm pada bakteri Streptococcus mutans dan 34.4 mm jamur Candida albicans. Kata kunci: antimkroba, gel mulut, sirih hitam, radang gusi, gigi berluban

    Pengaruh Trietanolamin pada Basis Krim Minyak dalam Air yang Berbahan Dasar Asam Stearat dan Setil Alkohol: Effect of Triethanolamine on Oil-in-Water Cream Base Based on Stearic Acid and Cetyl Alcohol

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    The cream is a semi-solid preparation with one or more ingredients dispersed in two types of emulsions, water-in-oil (W/O) and oil-in-water (O/W) type creams. Oil-in-water type cream has a high water content so that it can provide a hydration effect that can increase the penetration of the active substance. Triethanolamine in topical preparations is used as an emulsifier and alkalizing agent to form a homogeneous and stable cream. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of triethanolamine on an oil-in-water cream base based on stearic acid and cetyl alcohol. Making the base is done by making preparations using four concentrations of triethanolamine 0.5% (F1), 1% (F2), 1.5% (F3), and 2% (F4). The cream base was then evaluated for its physical properties including organoleptic, homogeneity, pH, viscosity, spreadability, adhesion, and phase separation test. The results showed that in the organoleptic test cream bases were white, had a characteristic aroma with a semisolid form. The cream base has a homogeneity dispersion with an average pH between 6.53-7.29, viscosity between 3.5792396-3.8001904 (Pa.s), spreadability between 5.43-5.78 cm, and adhesion between 4.47-6.25 seconds. The cream base did not have phase separation and was stable in storage for 4 weeks at room temperature

    Formulation of Hand Sanitizer Gel Jatropha Sap (Jatropha curcas L) as Antiseptic

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    Jatropha curcas (Jatropha curcas L) is a medicinal plant that is often used, especially its sap. Jatropha sap contains secondary metabolite compounds in the form of saponins, flavonoids, and tannins which have antibacterial activity. This study aims to determine the antibacterial activity of Jatropha sap against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, to determine the antibacterial activity of jatropha hand sanitizer gel preparation against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, and to find out the best formula for hand sanitizer gel from jatropha that has antibacterial effectiveness against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. This research was conducted by formulating hand sanitizer gel from jatropha sap with various concentrations. Based on the research data, the best data obtained for the concentration of jatropha sap which has antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus is 10% with inhibition values of 13,33 ± 0,57 and 12,86 ± 0,51 the best concentrations of gel preparations. Hand sanitizer from jatropha sap which has antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus is 10% with inhibitory value of 12,63 ± 0,35 and 12,10 ± 0,17 and the best formula for hand sanitizer gel contains jatropha sap fence with a concentration of 5% with a diameter value of 6,36 cm, pH 4,89, a viscosity of 4,60 ± 0,14 Pa.S, a clear whitish color with a gel-shaped texture and a homogeneous preparation

    Penambatan Molekuler Senyawa Metabolit Sekunder Bawang Dayak (Eleutherine bulbosa) Sebagai Penghambat Dipeptidil Peptidase IV (DPP-4): Molecular Binding of Secondary Metabolite Compounds of Dayak Onion (Eleutherine bulbosa) As Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV (DPP-4) Inhibitors

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    Diabetes is a frightening disease that threatens people's lives, because almost every 10 seconds in the world, people die from complications of this disease. A new DM treatment approach in the creatinase system that inhibits dipeptidyl peptidase IV (Dpp-4) has been developed, and has been shown to effectively increase insulin secretion, maintain pancreatic -integration, and slow gastric emptying. antidiabetic, namely inhibition of the -glucosidase enzyme in one of its compounds and has not been found to inhibit the Dpp-4 enzyme. This study aims to determine the potential of the compounds in Dayak onions as inhibitors of the Dpp-4 enzyme. The method used is molecular anchoring or in silico because the research time is short and the cost is cheaper than in vitro or in vivo. The software used is autodock which is a device that can attach ligand molecules to receptor macromolecules. Then visualized using discovery studio 2020 and other devices to support tethering such as chemdraw and chimera 1.4. vidagliptin as an antidiabetic which has activity against inhibiting Dpp-4 inhibitors was used as a standard. The grid is placed on natural ligands with a box size of 52? x 28? x 26? and a center of 40,926? x 50,522? x 35,031? with a spacing of 0.375?. Based on the docking that has been done, the secondary metabolite compounds in Dayak onions have a low bond energy value, with the lowest value being -8.46 kcal/mol and the highest -5.54 with different values of inhibition constant and bond form. Eleuthoside C has the lowest bond energy of -8.46 and has the most similar interaction with natural ligands. The bond that occurs is the type of hydrogen bonding at the residues of Phe357, Arg125, Arg358, Tyr666, Tyr662, and Glu205. With this, Dayak onions have antidiabetic activity but further docking still needs to be done to see other compounds in Dayak onions as Dpp-4 inhibitors


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    ABSTRACT The research on effect of propylene glycol in diffusion of cream diclofenac sodium from hydrophobic base with in-vitro. The research has been used for concentrations propylene glycol (0, 3, 5, and 7%). The stability test included organoleptic, pH, viscosity, consistency, flow type for 56 days of storge, and diffusion test used diffusion franz cell and membrane spangler. The result showed that formula diclofenac sodium cream contained propylene glycol 7% was the one best in diffusion of 0.0203 ppm/menit.   Key words : Propylene glycol, diffusion, hydrophobic base   ABSTRAK Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai pengaruh propilen glikol terhadap laju difusi krim natrium diklofenak basis hidrofobik secara invitro. Dalam penelitian ini dibuat formula dengan variasi konsentrasi propilen glikol yaitu 0, 3, 5, dan 7%. Pengujian stabilitas fisik sediaan krim meliputi organoleptis, pH, viskositas, konsistensi, dan uji sifat aliran selama 56 hari penyimpanan, serta uji difusi menggunakan alat difusi Franz dan membran spangler. Dari hasil penelitian ini didapat bahwa formula krim natrium diklofenak yang mengandung propilen glikol 7% memiliki laju difusi paling baik yaitu 0,0203 ppm/menit.   Kata kunci : Propilen glikol, laju difusi, basis hidrofobi

    Identifikasi Metabolit Sekunder Ekstrak Metanol Akar dan Batang Merung (Coptosapelta tomentosa ) yang Memiliki Aktivitas Antioksidan Menggunakan Metode KLT Autografi

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    Secondary metabolites produced by plants have been known to have a variety of biological activities including antioxidants that serve to ward off oxidant compounds and free radicals. The roots of merung (Coptosapelta tomentosa) has been known to have strong activity as an antioxidant while antioxidant activity in the stem is not yet known to date.  This research aims to determine the secondary metabolites that have antioxidant activity on the root extracts and the stem of the vines qualitatively. The root extract and the stem of the merung plant are extracted with a methanol solvent using the maceration method. Antioxidant activity and identification of secondary metabolites are carried out qualitatively by the method of autography using the 2.2-Diphenyl-1-Picrylhydrazyl compound (DPPH) and some reagents of the secondary metabolite. Antioxidant activity of the merung root extract is on spot with RF 0.08 and 0.66. Spot with the RF 0.66 shows the brown color when reacted FeCl3, fluorescent yellow in UV rays 254 and 366 nm after reacted AlCl3 and red when reacted with KOH. The antioxidant activity of the merung stem extracts is at Rf 0.16, 0.33, 0.58, 0.66, and 0.75. Spot with the Rf 0.16 shows the color of brown when reacted FeCl3 and fluorescent blue in UV rays 254 and 366 nm after reacted AlCl3. Secondary metabolites that have antioxidant activity on root extracts and stems are suspected to be derivative phenolic compounds derived from flavonoid compounds