14 research outputs found

    Teaching to Fail: Creating Vulnerable Learning Communities to Facilitate Students\u27 Growth

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    In today’s academic environment, students perceive no room for failure. Thus, they do not explore or take risks, and this limits their growth. As a result, the instructor must create opportunities for failure while mitigating the stress associated with failure. Opportunities for failure can be created in the curriculum and course structure through scaffolding, formative assessments, and extensive feedback. The instructor must also adopt a growth mindset when it comes to the students’ abilities. Instructors can create an environment where failure is expected by being vulnerable in the classroom themselves and highlighting their failures and subsequent growth. Graduate students are particularly well-placed to do so because of the proximity of their experience to that of their students. Higher education institutions emphasize learning as a transaction that can be measured and count failure against both students and instructors. Thus, instructors (and students) are incentivized to present themselves as having control and mastery rather than being vulnerable in the classroom. We must overcome these forces to create a shared learning community that emphasizes strong interpersonal relationships in the classroom

    A Traveling-Wave Solution for Bacterial Chemotaxis with Growth

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    Bacterial cells navigate around their environment by directing their movement along chemical gradients. This process, known as chemotaxis, can promote the rapid expansion of bacterial populations into previously unoccupied territories. However, despite numerous experimental and theoretical studies on this classical topic, chemotaxis-driven population expansion is not understood in quantitative terms. Building on recent experimental progress, we here present a detailed analytical study that provides a quantitative understanding of how chemotaxis and cell growth lead to rapid and stable expansion of bacterial populations. We provide analytical relations that accurately describe the dependence of the expansion speed and density profile of the expanding population on important molecular, cellular, and environmental parameters. In particular, expansion speeds can be boosted by orders of magnitude when the environmental availability of chemicals relative to the cellular limits of chemical sensing is high. As analytical understanding of such complex spatiotemporal dynamic processes is rare, the results derived here provide a mathematical framework for further investigations of the different roles chemotaxis plays in diverse ecological contexts.Comment: 27 pages main text, 34 pages Supplemental Informatio

    Stress-induced Metabolic Exchanges Between Complementary Bacterial Types Underly a Dynamic Mechanism of Inter-species Stress Resistance

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    Metabolic cross-feeding plays vital roles in promoting ecological diversity. While some microbes depend on exchanges of essential nutrients for growth, the forces driving the extensive cross-feeding needed to support the coexistence of free-living microbes are poorly understood. Here we characterize bacterial physiology under self-acidification and establish that extensive excretion of key metabolites following growth arrest provides a collaborative, inter-species mechanism of stress resistance. This collaboration occurs not only between species isolated from the same community, but also between unrelated species with complementary (glycolytic vs. gluconeogenic) modes of metabolism. Cultures of such communities progress through distinct phases of growth-dilution cycles, comprising of exponential growth, acidification-triggered growth arrest, collaborative deacidification, and growth recovery, with each phase involving different combinations of physiological states of individual species. Our findings challenge the steady-state view of ecosystems commonly portrayed in ecological models, offering an alternative dynamical view based on growth advantages of complementary species in different phases

    Quorum Sensing in Bacterial Biofilms: Regulating Matrix Production through Communication

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    Bacteria grow on surfaces in complex communities known as biofilms. Biofilms are composed of cells embedded in extracellular matrix. Within biofilms, bacteria often communicate, cooperate, and compete within their own species and with other species using Quorum Sensing (QS). QS refers to the process by which bacteria produce, secrete, and subsequently detect small molecules called autoinducers (AIs) to assess the local population density of their species, or of other species. QS is known to regulate the production of extracellular matrix. We investigated the benefit of QS in regulating matrix production to gain access to a nutrient that diffuses from a source far from the biofilm. We employed Agent-Based Modeling (ABM), a simulation framework that allows cells to modify their behavior based on local inputs, e.g. nutrient and AI concentrations. We first determined the optimal fixed strategies (that do not use QS) for simulated pairwise competitions between strains, and identified the conditions that favor matrix production. To understand if QS can provide a competitive advantage, we modified our model to include QS with constitutive AI production. We demonstrated that simple QS-based strategies can be superior to any fixed strategy. However, we found that if AI production is not constitutive but rather depends on nutrient intake, then QS-based strategies fail to provide an advantage. We explain this failure of QS using analytic methods. We derive an expression for the biophysically limited dynamic range of AI concentration detection in nutrient limited environments. This expression implies that for QS to provide an advantage in biofilms, production of AI should be privileged and not limited by overall metabolic rates

    Dynamic coexistence driven by physiological transitions in microbial communities

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    Microbial ecosystems are commonly modeled by fixed interactions between species in steady exponential growth states. However, microbes often modify their environments so strongly that they are forced out of the exponential state into stressed or non-growing states. Such dynamics are typical of ecological succession in nature and serial-dilution cycles in the laboratory. Here, we introduce a phenomenological model, the Community State model, to gain insight into the dynamic coexistence of microbes due to changes in their physiological states. Our model bypasses specific interactions (e.g., nutrient starvation, stress, aggregation) that lead to different combinations of physiological states, referred to collectively as "community states", and modeled by specifying the growth preference of each species along a global ecological coordinate, taken here to be the total community biomass density. We identify three key features of such dynamical communities that contrast starkly with steady-state communities: increased tolerance of community diversity to fast growth rates of species dominating different community states, enhanced community stability through staggered dominance of different species in different community states, and increased requirement on growth dominance for the inclusion of late-growing species. These features, derived explicitly for simplified models, are proposed here to be principles aiding the understanding of complex dynamical communities. Our model shifts the focus of ecosystem dynamics from bottom-up studies based on idealized inter-species interaction to top-down studies based on accessible macroscopic observables such as growth rates and total biomass density, enabling quantitative examination of community-wide characteristics.Comment: 14 pages main text with 24 pages supplementary information. Submitted for peer revie