153 research outputs found

    Semantic Query Optimisation with Ontology Simulation

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    Semantic Web is, without a doubt, gaining momentum in both industry and academia. The word "Semantic" refers to "meaning" - a semantic web is a web of meaning. In this fast changing and result oriented practical world, gone are the days where an individual had to struggle for finding information on the Internet where knowledge management was the major issue. The semantic web has a vision of linking, integrating and analysing data from various data sources and forming a new information stream, hence a web of databases connected with each other and machines interacting with other machines to yield results which are user oriented and accurate. With the emergence of Semantic Web framework the na\"ive approach of searching information on the syntactic web is clich\'e. This paper proposes an optimised semantic searching of keywords exemplified by simulation an ontology of Indian universities with a proposed algorithm which ramifies the effective semantic retrieval of information which is easy to access and time saving

    Implementation of an efficient Fuzzy Logic based Information Retrieval System

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    This paper exemplifies the implementation of an efficient Information Retrieval (IR) System to compute the similarity between a dataset and a query using Fuzzy Logic. TREC dataset has been used for the same purpose. The dataset is parsed to generate keywords index which is used for the similarity comparison with the user query. Each query is assigned a score value based on its fuzzy similarity with the index keywords. The relevant documents are retrieved based on the score value. The performance and accuracy of the proposed fuzzy similarity model is compared with Cosine similarity model using Precision-Recall curves. The results prove the dominance of Fuzzy Similarity based IR system.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with http://ntz-develop.blogspot.in/ , http://www.micsymposium.org/mics2012/submissions/mics2012_submission_8.pdf , http://www.slideshare.net/JeffreyStricklandPhD/predictive-modeling-and-analytics-selectchapters-41304405 by other author

    Marginalized ordering and adaptive reaction time in bird flocks

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    We develop a model for a rich dynamics of a flock in a marginalized ordering state. The aim is to present an inter-individual coordination mechanism that keeps a flock constantly ready to respond to perturbations naturally present in biological systems. We extend the generalized Cucker-Smale model with the coupling of acceleration and introduce adaptive reaction times of each bird. We regard two key factors in the reaction times: (1) the local ordering state of each bird and (2) reaction sensitivity of a flock to the neighbor's momentum change with κ1\kappa^{-1}. We show that our model displays innate fluctuations and rich dynamics as a reminiscent of natural flocks due to the adaptive reaction delay. This happens without relying on stochastic variables. We compute the correlation lengths of the fluctuations and find that the correlation of velocity and speed is scale-free, indicating some criticality of a flock. It is dynamically in a marginalized ordering states, rather than in either an ordered or a disordered state. Surprisingly, at a large value of κ1\kappa^{-1} (i.e., reaction sensitivity is high), the transition occurs from the standard diffusion to the super-diffusive Levy flights by increasing the strength of the velocity alignment. Our results indicate that the emergence of the long-term behaviors such as Levy flights can also be explained in terms of the inter-individual interaction that makes the system in a marginalized ordering state

    Intra uterine growth restriction

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    In the beginning of the 20th century, the only explanation that was offered to a small baby born was that of prematurity. Fetal growth was defined by birth weight alone. The concept that a fetus might suffer poor growth in utero became recognized in the 1960's. In 1963 Lubchenco and colleagues showed that the classification of neonates by birth weight percentile had a significant prognostic advantage. This classification improved the detection of neonates with intra uterine growth restriction and those at risk of adverse health events throughout life.http://www.ogf.co.z

    The Heterogeneity of Victim Impact Statements: A Content Analysis of Capital Trial Sentencing Penalty Phase Transcripts

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    Victim impact statements (VISs) are controversial in capital sentencing proceedings largely due to their questionable relevance to sentencing, the concern that characterizations of the victim may lead to arbitrary sentencing judgments, and the belief that the emotional nature of this evidence may be inflammatory. A sample of 192 capital trial VIS transcripts was analyzed for content as well as a linguistic analysis of emotionality. The findings reveal that these statements are highly varied, including their format, length, and relation between the witness and the victim. Despite a legislative mandate that they address the emotional, financial, and physical suffering experienced by victim survivors, testimony of this nature occurs in a minority of the cases. Most commonly, these statements tend to characterize the victim and their qualities, relay the witness’ shock at first learning of the victim’s death (i.e., trauma narratives), and address the significance of the deceased to the family unit. In approximately one third of the transcripts reviewed, the witness made mention of the defendant, but this rarely included any mention of a desire for vengeance or recommended punishment. Linguistic analysis revealed that emotional content was prevalent throughout the testimony, with sadness emerging as more pervasive than anger. However, the degree of emotional language contained in these statements was not particularly high—and was comparable to that typically encountered in everyday life (e.g., newspapers, novels). Implications, particularly with regard to the potential for VISs to be considered inflammatory, are discussed

    Obstetric haemorrhage and the use of blood and blood products

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    Obstetric haemorrhage remains one of the most challenging conditions to manage in pregnancy. Irrespective of the level of skill and experience of the attending health care provider, bleeding of an obstetric patient poses many difficulties from the moment of presentation, through making the correct diagnosis and providing timely and life-saving treatment. Prompt resuscitation and reversal of coagulopathy are critical while definitive measures are carried out to arrest the bleeding.www.ogf.co.zaam201

    From micro to macro levels of practice: a showcase of a SoTL journey within and beyond classroom experiences

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    Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is closely related to a teacher's journey of personal and professional growth, which initially occurs in the classroom. In higher education, where academics are recognised experts in their fields, SoTL activities are critical for translating educational principles into innovative practices that are consistent with the body of knowledge, thus significantly facilitating the learning process of students. When implemented consistently, two components of SoTL - reflective practice and practice dissemination - have the potential to accelerate growth not only at the micro (classroom) level, but also at the meso (institutional) and macro (national and international) levels. This article showcases a SoTL journey that began with a micro level practice in engineering classes and progressed into meso and macro level implementations. Beginning with student-centred learning approaches designed to assist students with classroom engagement, motivation enhancement and contextualised learning during a challenging course, the practice expanded into institutional-level experience-sharing sessions. This resulted in the development of structured training programmes and later, a centre of excellence. SoTL practice at the institutional level paved the way for national and international professional development training. This reflection showcases SoTL implementation at all three levels while demonstrating the potential for growth from one level to another leading to wide-ranging impacts both within and beyond the classroom

    A Standardized RNA Isolation Protocol for Yam (Dioscorea alata L) cDNA Library Construction

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    For the purpose of constructing yam cDNA libraries, attempts to isolate high quality RNA using several previously reported protocols were unsuccessful. Therefore a protocol was standardized for yam total RNA isolation by using guanidium buffer at the Department of Biology, Virginia State University. The RNA isolated using this standardized protocol was high in quality and led to successful good quality cDNA library construction and identification of functional ESTs in yam