45 research outputs found

    Pricing of water - mechanisms and policy

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    Pricing of water - mechanisms and polic

    Initial theoretical framework.

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    <p>Initial theoretical framework.</p

    Bivariate statistics.

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    <p>(*β€” significant at 0.01 level of significance, ** β€” significant at 0.05 level of significance).</p><p>Legend: 1 – Gender, 2 – Age, 3 – Educational level, 4 – Marital status, 5 – Nature of industry, 6 – Current employment level, 7 – Income level, 8 – Frequency of volunteering, 9 – Duration of volunteering, 10 – Nature of contact, 11 – Self esteem, 12 – Employer encouragement, 13 – Job performance, 14 – Life satisfaction.</p

    Descriptive statistics.

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    <p>Descriptive statistics.</p

    Final framework (based on significant coefficients).

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    <p>Final framework (based on significant coefficients).</p

    Difference in <i>P. aeruginosa</i> cell surface.

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    <p>(A and B) Schematic showing changes in PA14 wildtype and Ξ”<i>phzA-G</i> cell surface respectively before and after DNase I treatment. (A) Natural production of pyocyanin by wildtype strain facilitates EPS (mostly constitute of eDNA) binding to <i>P. aeruginosa</i> cell wall and removal of eDNA by DNase I treatment subsequently removes EPS from its cell wall. (B) The mutant Ξ”<i>phzA-G</i> deficient in pyocyanin production could not facilitate eDNA/EPS binding with <i>P. aeruginosa</i> cell wall, therewith no effect of DNase I treatment on its cell wall.</p

    Size analysis of <i>P. aeruginosa</i> PA14 strains.

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    <p>(A to C) Hydrodynamic diameter of PA14 wildtype and Ξ”<i>phzA-G</i> strains, grown over 1 to 3 days respectively and effect of DNase I treatment on it. (D) Represents the change in reduction in hydrodynamic diameter of wildtype and Ξ”<i>phzA-G</i> after DNase I treatment. Error bars represents standard deviations from the mean (nβ€Š=β€Š5). Asterisks and hash indicate statistically significant (p<0.05) differences in hydrodynamic diameter in comparison to DNase I treated wildtype and Ξ”<i>phzA-G</i> strain (regardless of DNase I treatment) respectively. Dollar indicates statistically significant (p<0.05) differences in reduction in hydrodynamic diameter between wildtype (before and after DNase I treatment) and Ξ”<i>phzA-G</i> (before and after DNase I treatment) respectively.</p

    Effect of DNA addition in aggregation of <i>P. aeruginosa</i> PA14.

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    <p>The % reduction in optical density after 60 min due to aggregation of PA14 wildtype and Ξ”<i>phzA-G</i> strains before and after addition of 1 Β΅g/ml of final concentration of exogenous DNA isolated from <i>P. aeruginosa</i> cultures. Error bars represents standard deviations from the mean (nβ€Š=β€Š3). Asterisks indicate statistically significant (p<0.05) differences in % of aggregation in comparison to DNase I treated wildtype strain.</p

    Interfacial free energy of aggregation of <i>P. aeruginosa</i> PA14 strains.

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    <p>(A to C) Components: Lifshitz-Van der Waals (LW Ξ”G) and acid-base (AB Ξ”G) and total interfacial free energy (Total Ξ”G) of aggregation of PA14 strains before and after DNase I treatment. Error bars represents standard deviations from the mean (nβ€Š=β€Š3). Asterisks and hash indicate statistically significant (p<0.05) differences in the free energy of aggregation in comparison to DNase I treated wildtype and Ξ”<i>phzA-G</i> strain regardless of DNase I treatment respectively.</p

    Pyocyanin binding with DNA responsible for thick slimy EPS formation.

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    <p>Photographic image showing formation of bacterial pellet and thick slimy eDNA constituted EPS (only on wildtype strain) formation after harvesting and centrifugation of 3 day old planktonic culture of <i>P. aeruginosa</i> PA14 strains (above panel). The slimy eDNA constituted EPS degraded completely after DNase I treatment in wildtype strain where as the pyocyanin deficient mutant Ξ”<i>phzA-G</i> does not show any effect on DNase I treatment (below panel).</p