106 research outputs found

    Effects on strength of vibratory exercise compared to walking in postmenopausal women

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    A major problem associated with advanced adult age is the remarkable decline in functional capacity and the associated loss of independence (1). Muscle strength of the lower extremities is a major neuromuscular determinant of these losses and mobility (2). Vibration exercise is a new method of training with ameliorations on bone (3), balance (4), strength of lower extremities (5, 6) and neuromuscular performance (7), and it easily to apply on previously physically untrained and frail persons. We hypothesized that a low-frequency vibrating board for 8 months would be feasible and improve more the functional capacity and the muscle strength of lower limbs than a walking-based program in post-menopausal women.The present study shows that our WBV training program may have a muscular positive effect, improving explosive strength. Moreover, to our knowledge, the current study is the first had obtained these results using low-frequency vibration in postmenopausal women. WBV seems to require longer sessions to pursue relevant effects on isokinetic strength. Walking programs should be prescribed to achieve significant improvements in health status related with usual daily physical tasks

    Cost-utility of an 8-month aquatic training for women with fibromyalgia: a randomized controlled trial

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    INTRODUCTION: Physical therapy in warm water has been effective and highly recommended for persons with fibromyalgia, but its efficiency remains largely unknown. Should patients or health care managers invest in this therapy? The aim of the current study was to assess the cost-utility of adding an aquatic exercise programme to the usual care of women with fibromyalgia. METHODS: Costs to the health care system and to society were considered in this study that included 33 participants, randomly assigned to the experimental group (n = 17) or a control group (n = 16). The intervention in the experimental group consisted of a 1-h, supervised, water-based exercise sessions, three times per week for 8 months. The main outcome measures were the health care costs and the number of quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) using the time trade-off elicitation technique from the EuroQol EQ-5D instrument. Sensitivity analyses were performed for variations in staff salary, number of women attending sessions and time spent going to the pool. The cost effectiveness acceptability curves were created using a non-parametric bootstrap technique. RESULTS: The mean incremental treatment costs exceeded those for usual care per patient by euro 517 for health care costs and euro 1,032 for societal costs. The mean incremental QALY associated with the intervention was 0.131 (95% CI: 0.011 to 0.290). Each QALY gained in association with the exercise programme cost an additional euro 3,947/QALY (95% CI: 1,782 to 47,000) for a health care perspective and euro 7,878/QALY (3,559 to 93,818) from a societal perspective. The curves showed a 95% probability that the addition of the water-based programme is a cost-effective strategy if the ceiling of inversion is euro 14,200/QALY from a health care perspective and euro 28,300/QALY from a societal perspective. CONCLUSION: The addition of an aquatic exercise programme to the usual care regime for fibromyalgia in women is cost effective in terms of both health care costs and societal costs. However, the characteristics of facilities (distance from the patients' homes and number of patients that can be accommodated per session) are major determinants to consider before investing in such a programme. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Current controlled trials ISRCTN53367487

    Ejercicio Físico en Personas con Fibromialgia. Documento de apoyo a las actividades de Educación para la Salud

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    La fibromialgia (FM) es una patología crónica de etiología desconocida que causa dolor generalizado y fatiga; acompañado a menudo de rigidez, sueño no reparador y ansiedad. Estos síntomas hacen que los pacientes con FM tengan una calidad de vida reducida en actividades cotidianas y laborales. Para paliar los síntomas de la FM, además del tratamiento farmacológico clásico centrado en analgésicos, antidepresivos y relajantes musculares, han mostrado una gran efectividad los tratamientos no farmacológicos basados en ejercicio físico de bajo impacto mecánico. De esta forma, un objetivo prioritario es que el paciente con FM pueda obtener el mayor grado de ca- pacidad o independencia posible para realizar sus actividades cotidianas y laborales. En este sentido, el ejercicio físico es una herramienta fundamental que proporciona a los pacientes con FM un mayor grado de capacidad física para desarrollar actividades de la vida diaria, lo cual, es un factor determinante para mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas que padecen este síndrome. El libro se divide en dos partes bien diferenciadas; una primera parte introductoria en la que se presentan some- ramente las características propias de la FM como diagnóstico, tratamiento, manifestaciones clí- nicas, etc., y una segunda parte de carácter más práctico, en la que se hace una propuesta de las cualidades físicas que conviene entrenar en pacientes con FM, tipo de actividad más reco- mendable, intensidad de ejercicio más adecuada y frecuencia y duración apropiadas. Finalmente se proponen unas recomendaciones generales para prescribir ejercicio físico en pacientes con FM y unos consejos y precauciones generales para el manejo de la FM. Todo ello con el fin último de conseguir que las personas con FM mejoren su calidad de vida relacionada con la salud

    Exercise in warm water decreases pain but no the number of tender points in women with fibromyalgia: a randomized controlled trial

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    Introducción: el propósito de este estudio fue evaluar los efectos de 8 meses de ejercicio físico en agua caliente sobre el dolor de mujeres con fi- bromialgia (FM). Métodos: treinta y tres pacientes fueron distri- buidas aleatoriamente en dos grupos: un grupo de ejercicio (n=17), que realizó 3 sesiones semanales de 60 minutos de ejercicio físico; y un grupo de control (n=16), que continuó realizando sus activi- dades habituales de la vida diaria. El dolor fue evaluado usando las dimensiones de dolor del Fi- bromyalgia Impact Questionnarie (FIQ) y Short Form 36 (SF-36). También se evaluó el número de puntos gatillo. Resultados: después de 8 meses de ejercicio fí- sico fueron observadas mejoras significativas en el grupo experimental respecto al grupo de control en las dimensiones de “dolor” del FIQ (9%; p=0.040) y “dolor corporal” del SF-36 (58%; p=0.001). El número de puntos sensibles no mos- tró ningún cambio significativo. Conclusión: ocho meses de ejercicio físico en agua caliente fue un tratamiento efectivo para re- ducir el dolor en mujeres con FM. Sin embargo, el programa de ejercicio físico no tuvo efectos positi- vos en la reducción del número de puntos sensibles

    Fitness and health-related quality of life dimensions in community-dwelling middle aged and older adults

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of the present study was to identify the physical fitness (PF) tests of a multi-component battery more related to the perception of problems in each dimension of the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) assessed by the EuroQol 5 dimensions 3 level questionnaire (EQ-5D-3L) in community-dwelling middle-aged and older adults</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional study was conducted with 7104 participants (6243 females and 861 males aged 50-99 years) who were recruited in the framework of the Exercise Looks After You Program, which is a public health program designed to promote physical activity (PA) in community-dwelling middle-aged and older adults. Participants were assessed by the EQ-5D-3L questionnaire and a battery of fitness tests. The responses to each EQ-5D-3L dimension were collapsed into a two-tier variable consisting of «perceive problems» and «do not perceive problems». Correlation coefficients for the relationships between the HRQoL variables, between the PF variables, and between the HRQoL and PF variables were obtained. Two logistic regression models, one adjusted and one unadjusted, were developed for each EQ-5D-3L dimension.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were significant correlations between all variables except anxiety/depression and the back scratch test. The PF tests that correlated best with the HRQoL dimensions were the Timed Up-and-Go Test (TUG) and the 6-min walk; pain/discomfort and anxiety/depression correlated less well. All PF tests correlated, especially the TUG and 6-min walk tests. Unadjusted logistic models showed significant goodness of fit for the mobility and pain/discomfort dimensions only. Adjusted logistic models showed significant goodness of fit for all dimensions when the following potential confounding variables were included: age, gender, weekly level of PA, smoking and alcohol habits, body mass index, and educational level. For all dimensions, the highest odds ratios for the association with PF tests were with the TUG; this was observed with both the unadjusted and adjusted models.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The perception of problems, as measured by the EQ-5D-3L dimensions, was associated with a lower level of fitness, particularly for those dimensions that relate more closely to physical components. The PF tests that associated most closely with the perception of problems in the HRQoL dimensions were the TUG and the 6-min walk. This information will aid the design and assessment of PA programs that aim to improve HRQoL.</p

    Comparative effect of two whole-body vibration exercise programs on the neuromuscular function and fitness in young women

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    Introduction Vibratory exercises are increasingly used in sport training and physical rehabilitation. This study aims to determine the comparative effects of two vibratory frequencies on the neuromuscular leg function in healthy young active females. Methods Twenty-four women (aged 21.9 ± 2.6 years; weight 59.9 ± 7.1 kg) were randomly assigned into 3 groups of 8 subjects: group 25 Hz (G25), group 30Hz (G30), and control group (CG). All intervention programs consisted of 30 training sessions within a 10-week period.The peak torque at 60º/s in concentric and eccentric actions were measured by an isokinetic dynamometer (Biodex System-3, Biodex Corp., Shirley, NY, USA). Fitness tests such Squat Jump, Counter Movement Jump, Stair-Climbing 10-stairs time, 10-m walking time, were also performed. The effects of the interventions were analysed by an adaptation of Analysis of Covariance adjusted by weight. Results Vibratory training at 25Hz induced a significant reduction of peak torque in concentric contraction at the velocity of 60°.sec-l and improved the stair-climbing capacity. All other variables remained unchanged in the three groups. Discussion The results of the present study suggest that 10-weeks of Whole Body Vibration (WBV) programs improved ballistic strength but not isokinetic strength. Some studies with similar frequencies (between 25 Hz and 40 Hz) reported an improvement on vertical jump after 4 and 8 months (Torvinen et al., 2003 Torvinen et al., 2004). Roelants et al., (2004) showed significant improvements of strength measured by isokinetic dynamometer at low (50º/s) and medium velocities (150º/s) in the knee extensors after 24 weeks at 35-40 Hz. Roelants et al., (2004) experimental subjects, were totally untrained whereas ours were female physically active. However, aquatic training (more isoinertial than vibration) improved in isokinetic dynamometry (Gusi et al., 2006). Therefore, young active women could require longer programs to enhance isokinetic dynamometry and the WBV is a non-specific technology to isokinetic strength

    Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Versions of EQ-5D-Y-3L and EQ-5D-Y-5L in Children with Cancer: A Comparative Study

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    Background: The recent published version with five levels of response of EQ-5D-Y needs to be studied in children with chronic illness. For this, the aim of the present study was to assess and compare the psychometric properties of EQ-5D-Y-3L and EQ-5D-Y-5L in terms of feasibility, ceiling effect, redistribution properties, informativity and inconsistence responses in children with cancer. (2) Methods: A core set of self-report tools, including the Spanish version of EQ-5D-Y-3L and EQ-5D-Y-5L, were administered to children drawn from the population with cancer. EQ-5D-Y-3L and EQ-5D-Y-5L were evaluated in terms of feasibility, ceiling effects, redistribution properties and differences in absolute and relative informativity. (3) Results: A total of 73 children (9.7 ± 2.3 years old) from the population with cancer participated in the study. No missing data in the new EQ-5D-Y-5L were visualized, so the feasibility was acceptable. EQ-5D-Y-5L showed a low ceiling effect in all dimensions with relative changes from EQ-5D-Y-3L to EQ-5D-Y-5L of between 15.3% and 42.4% for the dimensions and 44.6% for the overall system. Compared to EQ-5D-Y-3L, EQ-5D-Y-5L provided a better distribution of the severity of the problem in the five levels of response. The absolute informativity (Shannon’s index) did not show statistically significant differences between EQ-5D-Y-3L and EQ-5D-Y-5L in all dimensions and the overall system. (4) Conclusions: EQ-5D-Y-5L is feasible, presenting a low ceiling effect and high discriminative powerThis work was financially supported by the EuroQol Research Foundation. EuroQol Research Foundation by 1226-RA project. (The EuroQoL Research Foundation is a non-profit organization) : Regional Association of Parents of Children with Cancer (ANDEX), Spai

    The fibromyalgia treatment with physical exercise in warm water reduces the impact of the disease on female patients’ physical and mental health

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    Introducción: Los pacientes con fibromialgia (FM) muestran dolor, rigidez muscular, condición física reducida y fatiga que limitan sus actividades de la vida diaria. El propósito de este estudio fue evaluar los efectos de la adición al tratamiento médico clásico de 12 semanas de ejercicio físico en agua caliente en el impacto de la FM en la salud física y mental de mujeres afectadas. Pacientes, material y métodos: Treinta y cuatro pacientes no entrenadas físicamente se distribuyeron aleatoriamente en 2 grupos: un grupo experimental (n = 17), que realizó 3 sesiones semanales de 60 min de ejercicio físico en agua caliente, y un grupo de control (n = 17), que no recibió dicho tratamiento adicional. El impacto de la FM en la salud física y mental de las pacientes fue evaluado mediante el Cuestionario del Impacto de la Fibromialgia (Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire [FIQ]). Resultados: A las 12 semanas de ejercicio físico se observaron mejoras significativas en el grupo experimental respecto al grupo de control, en la función física (35%; p = 0,016), sentirse bien (34%; p = 0,003), la capacidad de trabajo (14%; p = 0,046), el dolor (26%; p = 0,030), la rigidez (33%; p = 0,038), la ansiedad (36%; p = 0,044), la depresión (26%; p = 0,046) y en la escala total del FIQ (27%; p = 0,004). Conclusiones: La adición del programa de ejercicio físico acuático al tratamiento médico usual redujo el impacto de la FM en la salud física y mental de las pacientes. Sin embargo, el efecto placebo podría haber contribuido parcialmente en estas mejoras

    Aquatic training and detraining on fitness and quality of life in fibromyalgia

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the effects of a 12-wk period of aquatic training and subsequent detraining on health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and physical fitness in females with fibromyalgia. METHODS: Thirty-four females with fibromyalgia were randomly assigned into two groups: an exercise group, who exercised for 60 min in warm water, three times a week (N = 17); and a control group, who continued their habitual leisure-time activities (N = 17). HRQOL was assessed using the Short Form 36 questionnaire and the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire. Physical fitness was measured using the following tests: Canadian Aerobic Fitness, hand grip dynamometry, 10-m walking, 10-step stair climbing, and blind one-leg stance. Outcomes were measured at baseline, after treatment, and after 3 months of detraining. RESULTS: After 12 wk of aquatic exercise, significant positive effects of aquatic training were found in physical function, body pain, general health perception, vitality, social function, role emotional problems and mental health, balance, and stair climbing. After the detraining period, only the improvements in body pain and role emotional problems were maintained. CONCLUSION: The present water exercise protocol improved some components of HRQOL, balance, and stair climbing in females with fibromyalgia, but regular exercise and higher intensities may be required to preserve most of these gains

    Eight-month of physical training in warm water improves physical and mental health in women with fibromyalgia: a randomized controlled trial

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the feasibility of 8 months of supervised exercise therapy in warm water and its effects on the impact of fibromyalgia on physical and mental health and physical fitness in affected women. METHODS: Thirty women with fibromyalgia were randomly assigned to an exercise therapy group (n = 15) or a control group (inactive) (n = 15). The impact of fibromyalgia on physical and mental health was assessed using the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire and the anxiety state with State-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Physical fitness was measured using the following tests: Canadian Aerobic Fitness; hand-grip dynamometry; 10-metre walking; 10-step stair-climbing and blind 1-leg stance. RESULTS: After 8 months of training, the exercise therapy group improved compared with the control group in terms of physical function (20%), pain (8%), stiffness (53%), anxiety (41%), depression (27%), Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire total scores (18%), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory score (22%), aerobic capacity (22%), balance (30%), functional capacity for walking (6%), stair-climbing with no extra weight (14%) and stair-climbing 10 kg-weighted (25%). CONCLUSION: Eight months of supervised exercise in warm water was feasible and led to long-term improvements in physical and mental health in patients with fibromyalgia at a similar magnitude to those of shorter therapy programmes