3,037 research outputs found

    Energia hidrelétrica: projeções em um clima em mudança e impactos desta fonte

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    INTRODUCTION: Hydropower is an extensively used renewable source; in 2016, 159 countries reported benefiting; currently, there are around 9,000 projects in operation due to the competitive cost of generating a similar cost such as thermal energy such as coal, oil, or gas in the range of USD 4 - 5 cents US dollars per kilowatt-hour. OBJECTIVE: Investigate the results of hydroelectric development in the face of the changing climate and the generated impacts, making hydropower a subsector of special attention to discussing the global projection. METHOD: Bibliographic review to reflect on the global context of hydroelectricity based on scientific studies. RESULTS: Hydropower projects a 6% decrease for Europe by 2070, from 20% to 50% throughout the Mediterranean, and a reduction in usable capacity in most hydroelectric plants between 61% for the 2040 scenario– 2069 globally. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS: Globally, hydropower presents a broad vision of the advantages, and little said about the disadvantages and problems, and only there are specific studies that shown various project studied in a general way. It is shown that hydroelectric production has several implications in the face of the changing climate and impacts generated in ecosystems by the deployment of large infrastructures.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    An approach of the hydropower: advantages and impacts. A review

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    The present review shows a perspective of hydropower development, a renewable source that has a global installed capacity of 1308 GW with 9000 stations around the world. The document showed the advantages and the impacts around the different author’s perspectives. The review method consisted of defining a criterial find of articles, thesis and scientific material to consolidate the knowledge and give a viewpoint of this renewable source. The results show extensible affectations from hydropower expansion and this renewable energy source that requires analysis and study to delineate development sustainable with multidisciplinary areas of reflection. Moreover, the investigated results worldwide show that hydropower is not a pollution source; however, it has environmental impacts, social and cultural; such facilities may affect land, homes, and natural habitats. It concludes that the development of hydroelectric projects brings benefits but entails unavoidable impacts; therefore, it recommends that these affections must evaluate with detailed studies based on sustainability criteria.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The American continent hydropower development and the sustainability: a review

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    The present review compares and takes the main ideas around hydropower development in eight countries of the American continent, identifying its advantages and disadvantages, showing a vision concerning sustainability. It is conclusive that there are impacts for each megawatt produced with hydropower, and the generation structure that uses the water resource of natural currents is not highly clean. Moreover, there is the mistaken criterion for developing a renewable hydropower project related to sustainability, a wrong approach, as demonstrated with the review. The examination in the eight countries of America some analyzes and the most concludes that, before considering a construction with thousands of dollars of investment and water contained in dams, the social and environmental analysis must respond to the restrictions on building new hydropower projects, promoting other unconventional renewable energy sources development. It is recommended to determine an objective quantitative approach of hydropower combining hydrology, energy efficiency, and interaction scenarios of future climate change to know the best energy grids diversifying balanced renewable and no renewable sources for each country.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    A hydropower development perspective in Ecuador: past, present, and future

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    Ecuador is a small Andean country located in the western hemisphere of South America. The country has 361.747hm3 annual superficial water resources; As a result, Ecuador, in the last fifteen years (2005 to 2020), has been rapidly developing hydropower projects to triple the production in this renewable source. There were eight new hydroelectric plants constructed in Ecuador among 2007 and 2015 invested close to USD 6 billion the projects. Increased the energy response with renewables; for example, in 1985, the country produced 4 TWh, in 2005-registered 7 TWh, and to 2020, 24 TWh. According to the Electricity Corporation of Ecuador in 2020 reported that generated around 80% of all electricity through hydropower; thus, the article aims to critically analyze the development of hydropower in Ecuador in recent years and establish general energy projections to 2030 to expand the fields of knowledge and perspectives. The paper methodology is quantitative, according to scientific editorial sources, articles, investigative documents, and collects data from  government agencies that regulate energy development in Ecuador. It is conclusive between a projection’s calculation, Ecuador will need for the year 2030 around 43 TWh, 47 TWh, or 52 TWh to supply the energy grid, according to the scenarios proposed (low, medium, high). Although hydropower will be essential to contribute to this requirement, the country has a barrier because hydropower is very sensitive to external factors of diverse nature, generating an uncertainly future directly associated with climatic effects

    Efficient Cancer Classification by Coupling Semi Supervised and Multiple Instance Learning

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    [EN] The annotation of large datasets is often the bottleneck in the successful application of artificial intelligence in computational pathology. For this reason recently Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) and Semi Supervised Learning (SSL) approaches are gaining popularity because they require fewer annotations. In this work we couple SSL and MIL to train a deep learning classifier that combines the advantages of both methods and overcomes their limitations. Our method is able to learn from the global WSI diagnosis and a combination of labeled and unlabeled patches. Furthermore, we propose and evaluate an efficient labeling paradigm that guarantees a strong classification performance when combined with our learning framework. We compare our method to SSL and MIL baselines, the state-of-the-art and completely supervised training. With only a small percentage of patch labels our proposed model achieves a competitive performance on SICAPv2 (Cohen's kappa of 0.801 with 450 patch labels), PANDA (Cohen's kappa of 0.794 with 22,023 patch labels) and Camelyon16 (ROC AUC of 0.913 with 433 patch labels). Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/arneschmidt/ssl_and_mil_cancer_classification.This work was supported in part by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program through the Marie Skodowska Curie (Cloud Artificial Intelligence For pathologY (CLARIFY) Project) under Grant 860627, and in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under Project PID2019-105142RB-C22.Schmidt, A.; Silva-Rodríguez, J.; Molina, R.; Naranjo Ornedo, V. (2022). Efficient Cancer Classification by Coupling Semi Supervised and Multiple Instance Learning. IEEE Access. 10:9763-9773. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3143345976397731

    Self-learning for weakly supervised Gleason grading of local patterns

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    © 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.[EN] Prostate cancer is one of the main diseases affecting men worldwide. The gold standard for diagnosis and prognosis is the Gleason grading system. In this process, pathologists manually analyze prostate histology slides under microscope, in a high time-consuming and subjective task. In the last years, computer-aided-diagnosis (CAD) systems have emerged as a promising tool that could support pathologists in the daily clinical practice. Nevertheless, these systems are usually trained using tedious and prone-to-error pixel-level annotations of Gleason grades in the tissue. To alleviate the need of manual pixel-wise labeling, just a handful of works have been presented in the literature. Furthermore, despite the promising results achieved on global scoring the location of cancerous patterns in the tissue is only qualitatively addressed. These heatmaps of tumor regions, however, are crucial to the reliability of CAD systems as they provide explainability to the system's output and give confidence to pathologists that the model is focusing on medical relevant features. Motivated by this, we propose a novel weakly-supervised deeplearning model, based on self-learning CNNs, that leverages only the global Gleason score of gigapixel whole slide images during training to accurately perform both, grading of patch-level patterns and biopsy-level scoring. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, we perform extensive experiments on three different external datasets for the patch-level Gleason grading, and on two different test sets for global Grade Group prediction. We empirically demonstrate that our approach outperforms its supervised counterpart on patch-level Gleason grading by a large margin, as well as state-of-the-art methods on global biopsylevel scoring. Particularly, the proposed model brings an average improvement on the Cohen's quadratic kappa (kappa) score of nearly 18% compared to full-supervision for the patch-level Gleason grading task. This suggests that the absence of the annotator's bias in our approach and the capability of using large weakly labeled datasets during training leads to higher performing and more robust models. Furthermore, raw features obtained from the patchlevel classifier showed to generalize better than previous approaches in the literature to the subjective global biopsylevel scoring.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through Projects DPI2016-77869 and PID2019-105142RB-C21.Silva-Rodríguez, J.; Colomer, A.; Dolz, J.; Naranjo Ornedo, V. (2021). Self-learning for weakly supervised Gleason grading of local patterns. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 25(8):3094-3104. https://doi.org/10.1109/JBHI.2021.3061457S3094310425

    Imaginario social sobre el medio comunitario tvmicc canal 47 en Latacunga.

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    This research project focuses on analyzing the social imaginary which exist in the indigenous sector and farmer in Latacunga about TVMICC channel 47 (Television of the indigenous movement and farmer from Cotopaxi), the first community channel of Ecuador. A revision of ideas was done from various authors about the community communication, community media, social imaginaries, TVMICC, among other concepts that are the main points of research of this project. In this research was conducted interviews to indigenous leaders and farmers of Cotopaxi, social communicators and staff of TVMICC. In addition, 262 surveys were applied to the audience of the channel in the parishes San Buenaventura and Belisario Quevedo of Latacunga Canton in Cotopaxi province. In what corresponds to the results, the principal social discourses are exposed that allow to know since your optics the social imaginaries were formed that exist on the community channel, the same are also described later. This work constitutes a tool for future research about community media of Ecuador. Likewise, of this project comes off the approach to the current reality of TVMICC and alternatives to reduce the weaknesses that presents the community media analyzed, which are reflected in the final conclusions and recommendations, respectively.Este proyecto de investigación se centró en analizar los imaginarios sociales existentes en el sector indígena y campesino de Latacunga acerca de TVMICC canal 47 (Televisión del Movimiento Indígena y Campesino de Cotopaxi), el primer canal comunitario de Ecuador. Se ha realizado una revisión de ideas de varios autores acerca de la Comunicación Comunitaria, los medios comunitarios, los imaginarios sociales, TVMICC, entre otros conceptos que son los principales puntos de investigación de este proyecto. En esta investigación se realizaron entrevistas a líderes indígenas y campesinos de Cotopaxi, comunicadores sociales y al personal de TVMICC. Adicionalmente, se aplicaron 262 encuestas a la audiencia del canal en las parroquias San Buenaventura y Belisario Quevedo del cantón Latacunga en la provincia de Cotopaxi. En lo que corresponde a los resultados, se exponen los principales discursos sociales que permiten conocer desde que óptica se han formado los Imaginarios Sociales que existen sobre el canal comunitario, mismos que también se describen posteriormente. Este trabajo se constituye en una herramienta para futuras investigaciones sobre los medios comunitarios del Ecuador. Asimismo, de este proyecto se desprende el acercamiento a la realidad actual de TVMICC y alternativas para disminuir las debilidades que presenta el Medio comunitario analizado, que se reflejan en las conclusiones y recomendaciones finales, respectivamente

    Diagnóstico del sistema de gestión de mantenimiento para la producción de energía eléctrica del bloque 21 de la empresa Petroamazonas Ep.

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    The oil sector was an important item that solved the country's economy for 40 years, Ecuador is in daily oil development by creating stations and daily work to the people, when the operator Petroamazonas EP. it is in a phase of certifications and personnel adjustment to new policies of production and exploitation, hence the emergence of this research. The research was based on the programming of industrial production based on the need to improve the inefficient management system in the area of electricity generation 21 Block of the maintenance department. Its methodology of inquiry was based on the scientific method of research and exploratory character, with analysis of historical data that generate a quantitative approach throughout the investigation; the solution of the problem had two main points, first redesign management system control the power plant, with the creation of software daily monitoring of activities with data and graphics productivity, as the second item further generating an index, compilation and creation of manual procedures.El sector Petrolero fue un ítem importante que solventó la economía del país desde hace 40 años, el Ecuador a diario se encuentra en la explotación de crudo creando estaciones, bloques y trabajo diario para la ciudadanía, al momento la operadora Petroamazonas EP. se encuentra en una fase de certificaciones, y ajuste de personal a las nuevas políticas de producción y explotación, de aquí el surgimiento de esta investigación. La investigación se fundó en la programación de la producción industrial a base de la necesidad de mejora del sistema de gestión ineficiente en el área de generación eléctrica del Bloque 21 del departamento de mantenimiento. Su metodología de indagación se basó en el método científico de carácter investigativo y de tipo exploratorio, con análisis de datos históricos que generan un enfoque cuantitativo durante toda la investigación; la solución del problema tuvo dos puntos principales, primero el rediseño del sistema de gestión de control de la planta de generación, con la creación de un software de control diario de actividades con datos y graficas de productividad, adicional como segundo punto la generación de un índice, compilación y creación del manual de procedimientos

    Ruptura de hematoma hepático en embarazo a término, secundario a síndrome de Hellp incompleto

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    El síndrome de Hellp es una complicación de los trastornos hipertensivos en el embarazo y que puede llegar a desarrollarse en el 10% de estos casos aproximadamente, es por eso que es de gran importancia tanto a nivel mundial como en Ecuador conocer a fondo acerca de este tema ya que presenta alta prevalencia y gran severidad en sus complicaciones. Se debe tener en cuenta que la fisiopatología este síndrome no esta bien esclarecida, sin embargo, se conoce que este síndrome se caracteriza por presentar hemólisis, elevación de las enzimas hepáticas y trombocitopenia, así mismo las complicaciones que pueden presentarse son numerosas dentro de las cuales están coagulación intravascular diseminada que es la más común de presentarse, desprendimiento prematuro de placenta, edema pulmonar, insuficiencia renal aguda, ascitis severa, derrame pleural, edema cerebral y hematoma subcapsular hepático teniendo en cuenta que este último es poco común de presentarse y que puede encontrarse asociado a gestantes que tengan Síndrome de Hellp. Este síndrome suele ser de difícil diagnóstico lo que condiciona una elevada tasa de mortalidad, por lo que se recomienda educar a las madres ante signos de alarma que pueden presentarse, mantener el estado de vigilancia ante cuadros clínicos sospechosos aún sin evidencia analítica de alteración hepática ni hemodinámica de hipertensión arterial en el embarazo ya que si se realiza un diagnóstico temprano facilitará el trabajo multidisciplinar que precisa el manejo de esta patología a fin de disminuir la morbilidad y mortalidad tanto de la madre como del recién nacido.Hellp syndrome is a complication of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy and may be developed in approximately 10% of these cases, which is why it is of great importance both globally and in Ecuador to know in depth about this motto since it has high prevalence and great severity in its complications. It must be taken into account that the pathophysiology of this syndrome is not well understood, however, it is known that this syndrome will be characterized by haemolysis, elevated hepatic and / or thrombocytopenia, and the complications that may occur are coagulation in Vascular disseminadii anger that is the most common to present, premature placental abruption, pulmonary edema, acute renal failure, severe ascites, pleural effusion, cerebral edema and hepatic subcapsular hematoma taking into account that the latter is uncommon to present and can be found associated with pregnant women with Hellp syndrome. It is usually difficult to diagnose what conditions a high mortality rate, so it is recommended to educate the mothers when there are warning signs that may occur, to maintain the surveillance status in the presence of suspicious clinical pictures even without analytical evidence of hepatic impairment or hemodynamics. arterial hypertension in pregnancy because if an early diagnosis is made it will facilitate the multidisciplinary work that requires the management of this pathology in order to reduce the morbidity and mortality of both the mother and the newborn

    Ordenamiento de la Movilidad vehicular mediante la gestión de estacionamientos en el Campus de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo.

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo es presentar alterativas que permitan mejorar la movilidad al interior del campus de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH) mediante la gestión de uno de los principales componentes como lo es los estacionamientos. Para lograr este objetivo se realizó un estudio de campo para conocer la realidad actual de los estacionamientos en todo el campus de la (ESPOCH), lo cual nos permitió conocer la oferta con que cuenta y la demanda de acuerdo a conteos realizados. Además de este estudio de campo se realizó un dimensionamiento de acuerdo a la capacidad de las instalaciones para lo cual se investigó métodos de cálculo en base a tablas y normativas. Estos datos nos permitieron obtener la información necesaria para realizar el cálculo aproximado de la capacidad efectiva requerido para una adecuada gestión de estacionamientos. También se investigó como determinar las ubicaciones más adecuadas para la creación de nuevas zonas de parqueo que permitan un fácil acceso entre los estacionamientos y el destino final (interior del campus) y viceversa. Con toda esta información se ha realizado una propuesta de gestión de estacionamientos adecuada de acuerdo a los datos obtenidos la misma que busca cumplir el objetivo principal que es mejorar la movilidad del campus por medio de una adecuada planificación y utilización de las zonas de parqueo.The objective of this work was to propose an adequate ordering of vehicular mobility by managing the parking lots at Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo campus. The research seeks to present alternatives to improve mobility within the campus at Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH) by managing one of the main mobility components such as parking lots. To achieve this goal, a field study was conducted to know the current reality of the parking lots throughout the campus (ESPOCH), which allowed us to know the offer that counts and the demand according to the counts made. In addition to this field study, a sizing was carried out according to the capacity of the facilities, for which methods of calculation were investigated based on tables and regulations. This data allowed us to obtain the necessary information to perform the optimal calculation of the effective capacity required for proper parking lots management. As relevant data are shown the high percentages of vehicles parked in areas outside parking lots, which exceed the current offer capacity up to 69%. It was also possible to determine the most suitable locations to the creation of new parking lots areas that allow easy access between the parking lots and the final destination (inside the campus) and vice-versa. With all this information, a proposal has been made to manage adequate parking lots according to the data obtained, which seeks to fulfill the main objective of improving the mobility of the campus by means of an adequate planning and use of the parking lots areas