21 research outputs found

    Meson exchange formalism and the definition of delta functions

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    It is shown that in the simple context of the elementary one-meson exchanges, the use of the "improper" delta "functions" could lead to the physically correct results. The same results were obtained by involving limiting values of the integrals over "proper" functions, thus providing the examples of the sequences connected with delta "functions". That formulation of sequences of integrals emerged automatically from the physical considerations concerning hypernuclear processes

    Formalizam izmjene mezona i definicija delta funkcije

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    It is shown that in the simple context of the elementary one-meson exchanges, the use of the "improper" delta "functions" could lead to the physically correct results. The same results were obtained by involving limiting values of the integrals over "proper" functions, thus providing the examples of the sequences connected with delta "functions". That formulation of sequences of integrals emerged automatically from the physical considerations concerning hypernuclear processes.Pokazujemo da u okviru elementarnih jedno-mezonskih izmjena, upotreba ā€œnepravihā€ delta ā€œfunkcijaā€ može davati fizički ispravne rezultate. Postigli smo iste rezultate uz primjenu graničnih vrijednosti integrala preko ā€œpravihā€ funkcija, i tako pripremili primjere nizova povezanih s delta ā€œfunkcijamaā€. Ta formulacija nizova integrala sama proizlazi iz fizičkih razmatranja hipernuklearnih procesa

    Hypernuclear potentials and the pseudoscalar meson exchange contribution

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    The pieces of the hypernuclear strangeness violating potential due to the pseudoscalar meson exchanges are derived using methods which were successfully applied to hyperon nonleptonic decays. The estimates are tested by comparison with measured hyperon nonleptonic decay amplitudes. All isospin changes āˆ†I = 1/2 and āˆ†I = 3/2 are included in the derived potential. All computational methods used are reviewed and described in detail

    Hypernuclear potentials and the pseudoscalar meson exchange contribution

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    The pieces of the hypernuclear strangeness violating potential due to the pseudoscalar meson exchanges are derived using methods which were successfully applied to hyperon nonleptonic decays. The estimates are tested by comparison with measured hyperon nonleptonic decay amplitudes. All isospin changes Ī”I=1/2\Delta I=1/2 and Ī”I=3/2\Delta I=3/2 are included in the derived potential. All calculational methods used are reviewed and described in detail

    Slabi mezonski vrhovi i hipernukleonski potencijal

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    This paper is a continuation of an earlier paper on hypernuclear potentials. A novel derivation of the hypernuclear strangeness-violating potential due to the pseudoscalar meson exchanges is presented. Comparison with the earlier method shows that the theoretical uncertainty is less than 30%. Relative signs of pseudoscalar meson exchanges and vector (axial vector) exchanges are discussed in detail. Additional comments on the nonrelativistic approximation are included.Ovaj je članak nastavak ranijeg članka o hipernuklearnim potencijalima. Predstavljamo nov izvod hipernuklearnog potencijala koji krŔi stranost a posljedica je izmjene pseudoskalarnih mezona. Usporedba s ranijom metodom pokazuje da je teorijska netočnost manja od 30%. Raspravljaju se podrobno relativni predznaci izmjena pseudoskalarnih mezona i vektorskih (aksijalno vektorskih) izmjena. Daju se dodatne napomene o nerelativističkom približenju

    Hipernuklearni potencijali i doprinos izmjene pseudoskalarnih mezona

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    The pieces of the hypernuclear strangeness violating potential due to the pseudoscalar meson exchanges are derived using methods which were successfully applied to hyperon nonleptonic decays. The estimates are tested by comparison with measured hyperon nonleptonic decay amplitudes. All isospin changes āˆ†I = 1/2 and āˆ†I = 3/2 are included in the derived potential. All computational methods used are reviewed and described in detail.Izvodimo dijelove hipernuklearnog potencijala koji krÅ”i stranost zbog izmjene pseudoskalarnih mezona primjenom metoda koje su uspjeÅ”no primijenjene za hiperonske neleptonske raspade. Ocjene se provjeravaju usporedbom s mjerenim amplitudama neleptonskih raspada hiperona. Sve su promjene izospina, āˆ†I = 1/2 i āˆ†I = 3/2, uključene u izvedeni potencijal. Podrobno opisujemo sve računalne metode

    Weak meson vertices and the hypernuclear potential

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    This paper is a continuation of an earlier paper on hypernuclear potentials. A novel derivation of the hypernuclear strangeness-violating potential due to the pseudoscalar meson exchanges is presented. Comparison with the earlier method shows that the theoretical uncertainty is less than 30%. Relative signs of pseudoscalar meson exchanges and vector (axial vector) exchanges are discussed in detail. Additional comments on the nonrelativistic approximation are included