26 research outputs found

    Direct numerical simulation of a wall jet: flow physics

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    The authors greatly acknowledge the United Kingdom Turbulence Consortium (UKTC), under EPSRC grant EP/L000261/1, for providing compute time on ARCHER, the UK National Supercomputing Service (http://www.archer.ac.uk) for these simulations

    Large Eddy Simulation (LES) of jets and prediction of far-field noise

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    Analysis of second moment closure modeling for a rectangular surface jet using dns data

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    Results for a DNS of a horizontal, rectangular turbulent surface jet of aspect ratio 2:1 at a Reynolds number of 4,420 issuing into a quiescent medium are presented. The simulation is validated against experimental data. The DNS results are used to investigate sub-models used in the RANS “Basic Model” and TCL model. It is shown that the pressure-strain correlation and dissipation anisotropy models incompletely describe the near surface behaviour. These deficiencies negatively impact the prediction of the jet spreading rate and the existence of the surface layer associated with fast variations of the horizontal vorticity component

    Body force modelling of internal geometry for jet noise prediction

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    The noise produced by aeroengines is a critical topic in engine design. Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) and hybrid Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS)-LES provides amethod to increase understanding of influences on the noise produced and could lead to improved models for use in design. Use of Immersed Boundary (IB) and Body Force Methods (BFM) allows arbitrary geometry to be added rapidly and so this is explored to model internal geometry effects on jet noise. This reduces grid complexity and broadens the accessible design space by reducing setup time and computational cost. Using LES and BFM/IB, many effects that are difficult to test experimentally can be assessed numerically within useful timeframes. To enable challenging targets for jet noise to be met, the importance of the many influences on jet noise must be understood. These include the use of, single or dual stream jet nozzles, the presence (or lack of) of a pylon, wing, flap and deflection angles, nozzle serrations, eccentricity, temperature and velocity ratio, flight stream and upstream/internal geometry effects. The latter effects are the main focus of this study

    Cost-effective hybrid RANS-LES type method for jet turbulence and noise prediction

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    Jets at higher Reynolds numbers have a high concentration of energy in small scales in the nozzle vicinity. This is challenging for large-eddy simulation, potentially placing severe demands on grid density. To circumvent this, we propose a novel procedure based on well-known Reynolds number (Re) independent of jets. We reduce the jet Re while rescaling the boundary layer properties to maintain incoming boundary layer thickness consistent with high Re jet. The simulations are carried out using hybrid large-eddy simulation type of approach which is incorporated by using near-wall turbulence model with modified properties. No subgrid scale model is used in these simulations. Hence, they effectively become numerical large-eddy simulation with Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes covering the full boundary layer region. The noise post-processing is carried out using the Ffowcs-Williams-Hawking approach. The simulations are made for Mach numbers (M) of 0.75 and 0.875 (cold and hot). The results for the overall sound pressure level are observed to be within 2–3% of the measurements, and directivity of sound is also captured accurately for both the cases. Hence, the low Re simulations can be more beneficial in saving time and cost while providing reasonably accurate results