29 research outputs found

    Production cross sections of deuteron-induced reactions on natural palladium for Ag isotopes

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    Activation cross sections for deuteron-induced reactions on natural palladium were measured up to 24 MeV using the stacked-foil method and the high resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy. The production cross sections of 103Ag, the parent of a medical radioactive isotope 103Pd, were obtained. We found that our result is in good agreement with the previous data up to 20.3 MeV, and obtained new data at higher energies. In addition, the production cross sections of 104g+mAg, 105Ag, 106mAg, 110mAg and 111Ag were presented

    Activation cross sections of alpha-induced reactions on In-nat for Sn-117m production

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    The production of Sn-117m by charged-particle induced reactions is an interesting topic for medical application. Production cross sections of alpha-induced reactions on In-nat for Sn-117m up to 50 MeV were measured using the stacked foil technique and activation method. The integral yield of Sn-117m was estimated using the measured cross sections. The results were compared with experimental data investigated earlier and theoretical calculation. Measured cross sections for Sn-113 and Sb-116m,Sb-117,Sb-118m isotopes were also presented

    Production cross sections of ytterbium and thulium radioisotopes in alpha-induced nuclear reactions on natural erbium

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    Activation cross sections of alpha-induced reactions on natural erbium were measured using a 50.9-MeV alpha-beam at the RIKEN AVF cyclotron. Well-established methods for the measurements, the stacked-foil activation technique and gamma-ray spectrometry, were used. Production cross sections of 166,169Yb and 165,166,167,168,170,173Tm were determined. This is the first measurement of the cross sections of 166,170Tm. The integral yield of the medical radionuclide 169Yb was derived from the measured excitation function

    Activation cross section measurement of the deuteron-induced reaction on yttrium-89 for zirconium-89 production

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    Activation cross sections of the deuteron-induced reactions on 89Y were measured up to 24 MeV deuteron energy. The experiment was performed at the RIKEN AVF cyclotron. Excitation functions of the reactions 89Y(d,x)88,89Zr, 88,90mY, 87mSr were obtained by using the stacked-foil activation method and gamma-ray spectrometry. The results were compared with previous experimental data and the prediction of the TALYS nuclear reaction model code adopted from TENDL-2017 library. Physical thick target yield of 89Zr was derived from the measured cross sections

    Activation cross sections of alpha-induced reactions on natural ytterbium up to 50 MeV

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    Activation cross sections of α-particle induced reactions on natYb were measured. The stacked foil technique, the activation method and the γ-ray spectrometry were used. The stacked target consisted of natYb and natTi foils was irradiated with a 51.0-MeV α beam at the RIKEN AVF cyclotron. The γ rays emitted from the irradiated foils were measured using a high-resolution HPGe detector. Production cross sections of 170,171,172,173,175Hf, 171,172,173,177gLu and 169Yb were determined. The results were compared with previous experimental studies and theoretical calculations. For most of the reactions a consistent agreement was found

    Activation cross section measurement of alpha-particle induced reactions on natural neodymium

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    Excitation functions of alpha-particle induced reactions on natNd up to 50 MeV were measured at the RIKEN AVF cyclotron. To derive cross sections activation method, stacked target technique and gamma-ray spectrometry were adopted. Formations of 153,145Sm, 151,150,149,148m,148g,144,143Pm, and 149,147Nd were investigated. The results were compared with the previous experimental data and the TENDL-2019 data. Discrepancies among most of them were found

    Optimization of helical acquisition parameters to preserve uniformity of mouse whole body using multipinhole collimator in single-photon emission computed tomography

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    Focusing on whole-body uniformity in small-animal single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), we examined the optimal helical acquisition parameters using five-pinhole collimators for mouse imaging. SPECT images of an 80-mm-long cylindrical phantom with 99mTc solution were acquired using an Inveon multimodality imaging platform. The bed travels used in this study were 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 mm, and the numbers of revolutions traversed during the SPECT scan were 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 and 7.0, respectively. Artifacts that degrade uniformity in reconstructed images were conspicuous when the bed travel was smaller than the object length. Regarding the distal-to-center ratio (DCR) of SPECT values in the object’s axial direction, the DCR nearest to the ideal ratio of 1.00 was 1.02 in the optimal uniformity with 4.0 revolutions and a bed travel of 120 mm. Moreover, the helical acquisition using these parameters suppressed the formation of artifacts. We proposed the optimal parameters in whole-body helical SPECT; the bed travel was sufficiently larger than the object length; the 4.0 or more revolutions were required for a pitch of approximately 30 mm/revolution. The optimal acquisition parameters in SPECT to preserve uniformity would contribute to the accurate quantification of whole-body biodistribution. Keywords: Helical acquisition, Multipinhole collimator, Computed tomography, SPEC