81 research outputs found

    Accumulation efficiency of degradable matter during the early grain-filling period in rice

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    The dry weight of cellular contents in the whole rice plant (dWc/dt) is partitioned from the crop growth rate (dW/dt), and the resulting rate represents the accumulation efficiency of degradable matter (dWc/dW). The grain yielding ability and stability are significantly affected by the dry matter partitioning to cell wall during grain filling stage. Comparative studies for dWc/dW during the early grain-filling period were conducted using diverse genotypes of rice varieties in eight experimental fields in Japan, China, and Thailand for 2 yr to develop a simplified process model with submodels for partitioning. Nine rice varieties-2 japonica, 3 indica, indica×japonica, indica×javanica, javanica, and NERICA-were used. dWc/dW was measured by enzymatic analysis. The relationship between dW/dt and the accumulation rate of cellular contents per unit ground area (dWc/dt) was described using a linear regression equation, and the proportionality factor k (slope), which represents accumulation efficiency, was estimated using data from each variety. The k values varied from 0.570 for the traditional indica cv. Ch86 (CH) to 0.765 for the WAB450 line (WA), which is a NERICA variety. High values of dWc/dW were observed in the modern varieties developed by remote crossing [Takanari (TA) and WA]. The average k value from the results of multi-site experiments was 0.681.TA and WA showed high accumulation efficiency by high sink activity under various dW/dts that fluctuated according to environmental conditions at the cultivation sites. Conversely, CH, classified as a "grassy rice" phenotype, formed a cell wall during the early grain-filling period.Article信州大学農学部AFC報告 13: 1-11 (2015)departmental bulletin pape

    How Does Automation Affect Economic Growth and Income Distribution in a Two-Class Economy?

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    This study uses a growth model with automation technology to consider two classes---workers and capitalists---and investigates how advances in automation technology affect economic growth and income distribution. In addition to the two production factors labor and traditional capital, we consider automation capital as the third production factor. We also introduce Pasinetti-type saving functions into the model to investigate how the difference between the capitalists' and workers' saving rates affect economic growth and income distribution. When the capitalists' saving rate is higher than a threshold level, per capita output exhibits endogenous growth irrespective of the workers' savings rate. In this case, the income gap between workers and capitalists widens over time. When the capitalists' saving rate is less than the threshold level, two different long-run states occur depending on the workers' saving rate: the capitalists' own automation capital share approaches a constant, and it approaches zero. In both cases, the per capita output growth is zero and the income gap between the two classes becomes constant over time

    Drug Repositioning for Cardiac Arrest

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    The survival rate of cardiac arrest patients is less than 10%; therefore, development of a therapeutic strategy that improves their prognosis is necessary. Herein, we searched data collected from medical facilities throughout Japan for drugs that improve the survival rate of cardiac arrest patients. Candidate drugs, which could improve the prognosis of cardiac arrest patients, were extracted using “TargetMine,” a drug discovery tool. We investigated whether the candidate drugs were among the drugs administered within 1 month after cardiac arrest in data of cardiac arrest cases obtained from the Japan Medical Data Center. Logistic regression analysis was performed, with the explanatory variables being the presence or absence of the administration of those candidate drugs that were administered to ≥10 patients and the objective variable being the “survival discharge.” Adjusted odds ratios for survival discharge were calculated using propensity scores for drugs that significantly improved the proportion of survival discharge; the influence of covariates, such as patient background, medical history, and treatment factors, was excluded by the inverse probability-of-treatment weighted method. Using the search strategy, we extracted 165 drugs with vasodilator activity as candidate drugs. Drugs not approved in Japan, oral medicines, and external medicines were excluded. Then, we investigated whether the candidate drugs were administered to the 2,227 cardiac arrest patients included in this study. The results of the logistic regression analysis showed that three (isosorbide dinitrate, nitroglycerin, and nicardipine) of seven drugs that were administered to ≥10 patients showed significant association with improvement in the proportion of survival discharge. Further analyses using propensity scores revealed that the adjusted odds ratios for survival discharge for patients administered isosorbide dinitrate, nitroglycerin, and nicardipine were 3.35, 5.44, and 4.58, respectively. Thus, it can be suggested that isosorbide dinitrate, nitroglycerin, and nicardipine could be novel therapeutic agents for improving the prognosis of cardiac arrest patients

    Changing trends in prognostic factors for patients with multiple myeloma after autologous stem cell transplantation during the immunomodulator drug/proteasome inhibitor era

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    We evaluated the clinical significance of prognostic factors including the International Staging System (ISS) and modified European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation response criteria in 1650 Japanese patients with multiple myeloma (MM) who underwent upfront single autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT). We categorized patients into two treatment cohorts: pre-novel agent era (1995-2006) and novel agent era (2008-2011). The combined percentage of pre-ASCT complete response and very good partial response cases (463 of 988, 47%) significantly increased during the novel agent era compared with the pre-novel agent era (164 of 527, 31%; P < 0.0001). The 2-year overall survival (OS) rate of 87% during the novel agent era was a significant improvement relative to that of 82% during the pre-novel agent era (P = 0.019). Although significant differences in OS were found among ISS stages during the pre-novel agent era, no significant difference was observed between ISS I and II (P = 0.107) during the novel agent era. The factors independently associated with a superior OS were female gender (P = 0.002), a good performance status (P = 0.024), lower ISS (P < 0.001), pre-ASCT response at least partial response (P < 0.001) and ASCT during the novel agent era (P = 0.017). These results indicate that the response rate and OS were significantly improved, and the ISS could not clearly stratify the prognoses of Japanese patients with MM who underwent upfront single ASCT during the novel agent era. © 2014 The Authors. Cancer Science published by Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd on behalf of Japanese Cancer Association

    On-line microdevice for stress proteomics

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    The handing of the cells or tissues is essential for proteomics research or drug screening, where labor is not avoidable. The steps of cell wash, protein extraction, protein denaturing are complicated procedures in conventional method using centrifugation and pipetting in the laboratory. This is the bottle-neck for proteome research. To solve these problems, we propose to utilize the nanotechnology, which will improve the proteomics methodology. Utilizing the nanotechnology, we developed a novel microseparation system, where centrifugation and pipetting are needless. This system has a nanostructured microdevice, by which the cell handling, protein extraction, and antibody assay can be performed. Since cell transfer is needless, all cells are corrected without any loss during the cell-pretreatment procedures, which allowed high reproducibility and enabled the detection of low amount of protein expression. Utilizing the microdevice, we analyzed the stress induced proteins. We further succeeded the screening of food that was useful for immunity and found that an extraction from seaweed promoted the apoptosis of T-lymphoblastic cells. Here, we present an on-line microdevice for stress proteomics