17 research outputs found

    ER-Alpha-cDNA As Part of a Bicistronic Transcript Gives Rise to High Frequency, Long Term, Receptor Expressing Cell Clones

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    Within the large group of Estrogen Receptor alpha (ERĪ±)-negative breast cancer patients, there is a subgroup carrying the phenotype ERĪ±āˆ’, PRāˆ’, and Her2āˆ’, named accordingly ā€œTriple-Negativeā€ (TN). Using cell lines derived from this TN group, we wished to establish cell clones, in which ERĪ± is ectopically expressed, forming part of a synthetic lethality screening system. Initially, we generated cell transfectants expressing a mono-cistronic ERĪ± transcription unit, adjacent to a separate dominant selectable marker transcription unit. However, the yield of ERĪ± expressing colonies was rather low (5ā€“12.5%), and only about half of these displayed stable ectopic ERĪ± expression over time. Generation and maintenance of such cell clones under minimal exposure to the ERĪ± ligand, did not improve yield or expression stability. Indeed, other groups have also reported grave difficulties in obtaining ectopic expression of ERĪ± in ERĪ±-deficient breast carcinoma cells. We therefore switched to transfecting these cell lines with pERĪ±-IRES, a plasmid vector encoding a bicistronic translation mRNA template: ERĪ± Open Reading Frame (ORF) being upstream followed by a dominant-positive selectable marker (hygroR) ORF, directed for translation from an Internal Ribosome Entry Site (IRES). Through usage of this bicistronic vector linkage system, it was possible to generate a very high yield of ERĪ± expressing cell clones (50ā€“100%). The stability over time of these clones was also somewhat improved, though variations between individual cell clones were evident. Our successful experience with ERĪ± in this system may serve as a paradigm for other genes where ectopic expression meets similar hardships

    Establishment of a Chemical Synthetic Lethality Screen in Cultured Human Cells

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    The synthetic lethality screen is a powerful genetic method for unraveling functional interactions between proteins in yeast. Here we demonstrate the feasibility of a chemical synthetic lethality screen in cultured human cells, based in part on the concept of the yeast method. The technology employs both an immortalized human cell line, deficient in a gene of interest, which is complemented by an episomal survival plasmid expressing the gene of interest, and the use of a novel double-label fluorescence system. Selective pressure imposed by any one of several synthetic lethal metabolic inhibitors prevented the spontaneous loss of the episomal survival plasmid. Retention or loss over time of this plasmid could be sensitively detected in a blind test, while cells were grown in microtiter plates. Application of this method should thus permit high throughput screening of drugs, which are synthetically lethal with any mutant human gene of interest, whose normal counterpart can be expressed. This usage is particularly attractive for the search of drugs, which kill malignant cells in a gene-specific manner, based on their predetermined cellular genotype. Moreover, by replacing the chemicals used in this example with a library of either DNA oligonucleotides or expressible dominant negative genetic elements, one should be able to identify synthetic lethal human genes

    pCDNA3-ERĪ± transfectants of MDA-MB-231: Assaying stability of ERĪ± trans-activity via the dual luciferase assay.

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    <p>For each time point, measured in days from the received time of individual clones covering a 60 mm plate, cells were plated in 24-well tissue culture plates at 50ā€“70% density, and grown in DMEM supplemented with 5% FCS. Twenty four hours later, cells were transiently co-transfected with a p2xERE-pS2-luc plasmid together with a pRNL-TK plasmid. Forty eight hours after transfection cells were lysed whereby <i>firefly</i> and <i>Renilla</i> luciferase activities were measured and normalized to the positive control, MCF-7.</p

    pERĪ±-IRES MDA-MB-231 transfectants: Dual-Luciferase reporter assay for ERĪ± activity.

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    <p>Technical details as in the legend to <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0031977#pone-0031977-g006" target="_blank">Fig. 6</a>.</p

    pCDNA3-ERĪ± transfectants of MDA-MB-231: Responsiveness to ligand.

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    <p>MDA-MB-231 derived clones were seeded in 60 mm dishes and grown for 24 hrs under three conditions: DMEM supplemented with 5% FCS, phenol red-free DMEM supplemented with 5% CSS, and phenol red-free DMEM supplemented with 5% CSS and 2Ɨ10<sup>āˆ’8</sup> M E<sub>2</sub>. The top panel shows the 66 KDa ERĪ± protein detected with the anti-hERĪ± antibody. The bottom panel shows the 57 KDa Ī±-tubulin protein within the same blot after stripping the anti-hERĪ± antibody and re-probing with the anti-Ī±-tubulin antibody.</p

    pCDNA3-ERĪ± transfectants of MDA-MB-231: Testing Response to ERĪ± ligand via the Dual-Luciferase reporter assay.

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    <p>Clones were plated in 24-well tissue culture plates at 50ā€“70% density under the three growth conditions mentioned in the legend to <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0031977#pone-0031977-g004" target="_blank">Fig. 4</a>. Twenty four hours later cells were transiently co-transfected with a p2xERE-pS2-luc plasmid together with a pRNL-TK plasmid. Forty eight hours after transfection cells were lysed whereby <i>firefly</i> and <i>Renilla</i> luciferase activities were measured and compared to the positive control, MCF-7. MDA-MB-231 parental cell-line was used as a negative control. The presented values were normalized to that of MCF-7 cells seeded in DMEM supplemented with 5% FCS.</p

    Characterization of ectopically expressed RNAs by long range RT-PCR.

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    <p>MDA-MB-231 parental cell line (231-parental), its pcDNA3-ERĪ± stable transfectant (ERĪ±-2), and its ERĪ±-IRES stable transfectants (ERĪ±-IRES-5 and ERĪ±-IRES-3) were analyzed for expression of ERĪ±ā€“harboring transcript (1.8 kb), Hygromycin B resistance gene-containing transcript (1.0 kb), and ERĪ±-IRES-Hygro<sup>R</sup> fused transcript (3.2 kb), by RT followed by long range PCR amplification. pERĪ±-IRES DNA served as a PCR positive control for the ERĪ± cDNA primers (1.8 kb), the Hygromycin B resistance gene ORF primers (1.0 kb), and the 5ā€² sense ERĪ± primer plus 3ā€² antisense Hygro<sup>R</sup> fused ORFs primers (3.5 kb). <b>A</b> First four lanes from left contain the ERĪ± cDNA primers; lanes 5ā€“8 the 5ā€² sense ERĪ± primer together with the 3ā€² antisense Hygro<sup>R</sup> gene primer. <b>B.</b> The 5ā€² sense ERĪ± primer together with the 3ā€² antisense Hygro<sup>R</sup> gene primer. <b>C.</b> Lanes 1 and 2 from left, the ERĪ± primers. Lanes 3 and 4 the Hygro<sup>R</sup> gene primers. Primer sequences are detailed in the ā€œ<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0031977#s2" target="_blank">Methods</a>ā€ section.</p

    pERĪ±-IRES MDA-MB-435 (A) & GILM2 transfectants (B): ERĪ± activity over time.

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    <p>Technical details as in the legend to <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0031977#pone-0031977-g006" target="_blank">Fig. 6</a>. ERĪ± values were normalized to the values obtained at each time point with MCF-7 cells, taken as the 100%.</p