89 research outputs found

    Measurement of the Team Processes Based on Phases of Activities: Investigation on College Team Sports

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     本研究では,チームワークの行動的側面であるチームプロセスに着目し,Marks et al. (2001)の理論的枠組みに基づいて,時間経過に応じて遷移するチームの活動フェイズを考慮した測定尺度の試案を作成した。尺度は3つの活動フェイズごとに,移行プロセス,実行プロセス,対人関係調整プロセスの項目を構成した。チームスポーツ競技者である大学生を対象にWeb調査を行い,224 名から有効回答が得られた。探索的因子分析によって各プロセスの行動要素として解釈可能な因子を抽出し,内的整合性の観点から高い信頼性を確認できた。また確認的因子分析により,包括的なチームプロセスを高次因子とするモデルを検証した。さらに,チームリフレクションおよびチームへのコミットメントとの関連から,尺度の妥当性を検討した。得られた結果を基に,尺度の精緻化と今後の実証的検討課題を考察した

    Comparative study on the effect of human BST-2/Tetherin on HIV-1 release in cells of various species

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    In this study, we first demonstrate that endogenous hBST-2 is predominantly expressed on the plasma membrane of a human T cell line, MT-4 cells, and that Vpu-deficient HIV-1 was less efficiently released than wild-type HIV-1 from MT-4 cells. In addition, surface hBST-2 was rapidly down-regulated in wild-type but not Vpu-deficient HIV-1-infected cells. This is a direct insight showing that provirus-encoded Vpu has the potential to down-regulate endogenous hBST-2 from the surface of HIV-1-infected T cells. Corresponding to previous reports, the aforementioned findings suggested that hBST-2 has the potential to suppress the release of Vpu-deficient HIV-1. However, the molecular mechanism(s) for tethering HIV-1 particles by hBST-2 remains unclear, and we speculated about the requirement for cellular co-factor(s) to trigger or assist its tethering ability. To explore this possibility, we utilize several cell lines derived from various species including human, AGM, dog, cat, rabbit, pig, mink, potoroo, and quail. We found that ectopic hBST-2 was efficiently expressed on the surface of all analyzed cells, and its expression suppressed the release of viral particles in a dose-dependent manner. These findings suggest that hBST-2 can tether HIV-1 particles without the need of additional co-factor(s) that may be expressed exclusively in primates, and thus, hBST-2 can also exert its function in many cells derived from a broad range of species. Interestingly, the suppressive effect of hBST-2 on HIV-1 release in Vero cells was much less pronounced than in the other examined cells despite the augmented surface expression of ectopic hBST-2 on Vero cells. Taken together, our findings suggest the existence of certain cell types in which hBST-2 cannot efficiently exert its inhibitory effect on virus release. The cell type-specific effect of hBST-2 may be critical to elucidate the mechanism of BST-2-dependent suppression of virus release

    Antithetic effect of interferon-α on cell-free and cell-to-cell HIV-1 infection

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    In HIV-1-infected individuals, transmitted/founder (TF) virus contributes to establish new infection and expands during the acute phase of infection, while chronic control (CC) virus emerges during the chronic phase of infection. TF viruses are more resistant to interferon-alpha (IFN-α)-mediated antiviral effects than CC virus, however, its virological relevance in infected individuals remains unclear. Here we perform an experimental-mathematical investigation and reveal that IFN-α strongly inhibits cell-to-cell infection by CC virus but only weakly affects that by TF virus. Surprisingly, IFN-α enhances cell-free infection of HIV-1, particularly that of CC virus, in a virus-cell density-dependent manner. We further demonstrate that LY6E, an IFN-stimulated gene, can contribute to the density-dependent enhancement of cell-free HIV-1 infection. Altogether, our findings suggest that the major difference between TF and CC viruses can be explained by their resistance to IFN-α-mediated inhibition of cell-to-cell infection and their sensitivity to IFN-α-mediated enhancement of cell-free infection


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    Determination of Chlorogenic Acid (5-CQA) isomers under alkaline condition was realized using C30 HPLC column instead of C18. The results of time course for the formation of CQA isomers suggested that green pigments were seemed to be mainly produced by reacting 3-CQA formed from 5-CQA with glycine. The results of LC-MS indicated that green pigments solution was composed of several green compounds, and that molecular weights of the four were identical to be 757


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    Green pigments are formed by mixing chlorogenic acid(Chl) and glycine under the alkaline condition. The analysis of the green solution by RP (Reversed Phase)-HPLC under the alkaline condition with a multi-channel detector revealed that the reaction products were composed of several components.On the other hand, the RP-HPLC pattern of the sample under the acidic condition indicated 2 peaks other than that of Chl. Surprisingly, molecular weight of each substance was determined by LC-MS analysis to be 355, which corresponds to the molecular weight for protonated ion of Chl. These findings suggest that the change of pH condition may result in the formation of Chl isomers

    Current States and Future Challenges for Empirical Investigation on the High-Reliability Organizations

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    publisher奈良不測の事態へ適切に対処できる組織の特徴を説明する高信頼性組織(High-Reliability Organizations: HROs)の理論的モデルは、主に高リスク産業(原子力空母、航空管制システムなど)での事例検討に基づいて構築されてきた。しかし、HROsが備える要件とされる5つの組織的機能(失敗からの学習、予測の非単純化、現場状況への敏感さ、復旧能力の向上、専門性の尊重)、および組織成員のマインドフルネス(Weick & Sutcliffe, 2001, 2007)に関する実証的知見は不足している。そこで本研究では、HROsに関する12編の実証研究論文をレビューし、⑴研究対象、⑵組織的機能の測定、⑶マインドフルネスの測定、そして⑷HROsの要件との関連が確認された変数の観点から現状を整理し、今後の検討課題について議論した

    Increased IP-10 production by blood–nerve barrier in multifocal acquired demyelinating sensory and motor neuropathy and multifocal motor neuropathy

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    Objective Dysfunction of the blood–nerve barrier (BNB) plays important roles in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP) and multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN). The aim of the present study was to identify the candidate cytokines/chemokines that cause the breakdown of the BNB using sera from patients with CIDP and MMN. Methods We determined the levels of 27 cytokines and chemokines in human peripheral nerve microvascular endothelial cells (PnMECs) after exposure to sera obtained from patients with CIDP variants (typical CIDP and multifocal acquired demyelinating sensory and motor neuropathy [MADSAM]), MMN and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and healthy controls (HC), using a multiplexed fluorescent bead-based immunoassay system. Results The induced protein (IP)10 level in the cells in both the MADSAM and MMN groups was markedly increased in comparison with the typical CIDP, ALS and HC groups. The other cytokines, including granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and interleukin-7, were also significantly upregulated in the MADSAM group. The increase of IP-10 produced by PnMECs was correlated with the presence of conduction block in both the MADSAM and MMN groups. Conclusion The autocrine secretion of IP-10 induced by patient sera in PnMECs was markedly upregulated in both the MADSAM and MMN groups. The overproduction of IP-10 by PnMECs leads to the focal breakdown of the BNB and may help to mediate the transfer of pathogenic T cells across the BNB, thereby resulting in the appearance of conduction block in electrophysiological studies of patients with MADSAM and MMN


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    Green coffee contains a large amount of polyphenols, especially caffeoyl quinic acid (CQA) related compounds. Using TOYOPEARL HW-40F column chromatography, five fractions (I~V) were separated from green coffee bean extract. HPLC technique demonstrated that Frs. II and III were mainly composed of CQA, whereas Frs. IV and V were mainly cmposed of diCQA. We measured the DPPH radical scavenging activity of these fractions. Frs. III and V had higher DPPH radical scavenging activities than green coffee bean extract. We also investigated the effect of these fractions on the cytotoxicity and the nitric oxide (NO) production by LPS-activated mouse macrophage-like Raw 264.7 cells. Noncytotoxic concentration of Fr. III (CQA fraction) inhibited NO production by activated Raw 264.7 cells. Fr. IV (diCQA fraction) showed higher cytotoxicity and increased NO production at lower concentration. The present study demonstrated that green coffee bean extract contains numerous substance which regulate the function of activated macrophages


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    The alkali treatment of chlorogenic acid (5-trans-caffeoyl quinic acid, 5-CQA) gave three peaks on HPLC, and they were isomers of 5-CQA. The amount of these three components (I, II and Ill) were estimated to be approximately 1 : 1 : 1 after 24 hr at 37℃ and pH 9.4. These isomers were separated and purified using preparative HPLC, HP-20 column chromatography and active carbon treatment. The structures of the three were identified by ^C-NMR spectra; l is 3-CQA, Il is 5-CQA and IIl is 4-CQA. These are positinal isomers. The similar phenomenon was also seemed to occur on 5-trans-caffeoyl shikimic acid