426 research outputs found

    Purification, Characterization, and Gene Expression of Rice Endo-beta-N-Acetylglucosaminidase, Endo-Os

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    In the endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation system of plant and animal cells, high-mannose type free N-glycans (HMT-FNGs) are produced from misfolded glycoproteins prior to proteasomal degradation, and two enzymes, cytosolic peptide:N-glycanase (cPNGase) and endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase (endo-beta-GlcNAc-ase), are involved in the deglycosylation. Although the physiological functions of these FNGs in plant growth and development remain to be elucidated, detailed characterization of cPNGase and endo-beta-GlcNAc-ase is required. In our previous work, we described the purification, characterization, and subcellular distribution of some plant endo-beta-GlcNAc-ases and preliminarily reported the gene information of rice endo-beta-GlcNAc-ase (Endo-Os). Furthermore, we analyzed the changes in gene expression of endo-beta-GlcNAc-ase during tomato fruit maturation and constructed a mutant line of Arabidopsis thaliana, in which the two endo-beta-GlcNAc-ase genes were knocked-out based on the Endo-Os gene. In this report, we describe the purification, characterization, amino acid sequence, and gene cloning of Endo-Os in detail. Purified Endo-Os, with an optimal pH of 6.5, showed high activity for high-mannose type N-glycans bearing the Man alpha 1-2Man alpha 1-3Man beta 1 unit; this substrate specificity was almost the same as that of other plant endo-beta-GlcNAc-ases, suggesting that Endo-Os plays a critical role in the production of HTM-FNGs in the cytosol. Electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry analysis of the tryptic peptides revealed 17 internal amino acid sequences, including the C terminus; the N-terminal sequence could not be identified due to chemical modification. These internal amino acid sequences were consistent with the amino acid sequence (UniProt ID: Q5W6R1) deduced from the Oryza sativa cDNA clone AK112067 (gene ID: Os05g0346500). Recombinant Endo-Os expressed in Escherichia coli using cDNA showed the same enzymatic properties as those of native Endo-Os

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    The purpose of this paper is to study the use of personal computers in Human Lifestyle classes and develop teaching materials. A questionnaire on graduates was carried out in order to collect statistical data regarding female life courses. The data was statistically analyzed in the classes related to Family Relations studies

    ゲンダイ ニホンゴ ニオケル セツゾク ジョシ シ ノ イミ ヨウホウ ヘイレツ ト リユウ ノ カンケイ オ チュウシンニ

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    接続助詞「し」には「並列」と「理由」の2 用法があると言われている。しかし、両者の関連、あるいは、「並列」することがなぜ「理由」を表すことになるのかについては、これまで明確に説明されてこなかった。本稿は、「並列」の「し」が用いられている文脈を分析することにより、「並列」の「し」は、単なる事態の並列ではなく、すでに並列の段階で、話者の主張・判断の理由や根拠を並べているものであることを示す。「し」にはこのように「因」を並べる場合があり、これが「理由」の「し」に連続していくと考えられる。また「し」は「因」を並列させるだけでなく、「果」を並列させる場合もある。「し」は「因」または「果」を並べて、話者の主張・判断を補強する機能を果たしている。こうした「し」の意味・用法を探るためには、テキストレベルでの分析が必要であり、これは他の複文・従属節の分析においても今後、期待されることである。It is said that the conjunctive particle shi has two usage: “coexistence” and “reason.” However, it has not been explained clearly how “coexistence” expresses “reason.” This paper proves not only that the coexistence shi links two or more situations but also that the linked situations are the reasons or results for an opinion or judgment of a speaker. Therefore, it is concluded that shi reinforces an opinion or judgment of a speaker by carrying out two or more reasons or results. In order to explore the meaning and usage of shi, analysis of complex sentences and subordinate clauses at a textual level is required

    ジカンセツ オヨビ ジカンク トキ コト ノ ヨウホウ

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    The purpose of this paper is to study the use of personal computers in Human Lifestyle classes and develop teaching materials. After the purpose and contents of a Family Relations study is clarified, how to make use of the computer to advance educational effect and practice problem-solving skills is discussed. As an example of classes that have introduced these methods, the statistical analysis of family data in the Seminar on Lifestyle Information (seikatu-joho ensyu) is discussed. The syllabus and contents of an instructional web site constructed as teaching materials is presented. Using the computer and the instructional web site in several classes of Family Relations on a trial basis produced good results. Finally, tasks for developing the usage of computers in Human Lifestyle classes are proposed