824 research outputs found

    Regulatory Role for Complement Receptors (CD21/CD35) in the Recombination Activating Gene Expression in Mouse Peripheral B Cells

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    A population of peripheral B cells have been shown to express recombination activating gene products, RAG-1 and RAG-2, which are considered to be involved in revising the B cell antigen receptor (BCR) in the periphery. BCR engagement has been reported to turn off RAG expression in peripheral B cells, whereas the same treatment has an opposite effect in immature B cells in the bone marrow. In contrast to receptor editing that is involved in the removal of autoreactivity in immature B cells, it has been shown that secondary V(D)J rearrangement in peripheral B cells, termed receptor revision, contributes to affinity maturation of antibodies. Here, we show that RAG-2 expression in murine splenic B cells was abrogated by the coligation of BCR with complement receptors (CD21/CD35) much more efficiently than by the engagement of BCR alone. On the other hand, the same coligation augmented proliferation of anti-CD40-stimulated B cells. Consistent with these observations, RAG-2 expression was lower in the draining lymph nodes of the quasi-monoclonal mice when they were immunized with a high-affinity antigen than with a low-affinity one. These findings suggest a crucial role for CD21/CD35 in directing the conservation or the revision of BCRs in peripheral B cells

    Distributed Agreement on Activity Driven Networks

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    In this paper, we investigate asymptotic properties of a consensus protocol taking place in a class of temporal (i.e., time-varying) networks called the activity driven network. We first show that a standard methodology provides us with an estimate of the convergence rate toward the consensus, in terms of the eigenvalues of a matrix whose computational cost grows exponentially fast in the number of nodes in the network. To overcome this difficulty, we then derive alternative bounds involving the eigenvalues of a matrix that is easy to compute. Our analysis covers the regimes of 1) sparse networks and 2) fast-switching networks. We numerically confirm our theoretical results by numerical simulations

    Shepherding Heterogeneous Flocks: Overview and Prospect

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    The problem of guiding a flock of several autonomous agents using repulsion force exerted by a smaller number of agents is called the shepherding problem and has been attracting attention due to its potential engineering applications. Although several works propose methodologies for achieving the shepherding task in this context, most assume that sheep agents have the same dynamics, which only sometimes holds in reality. The objective of this discussion paper is to overview a recent research trend addressing the gap mentioned above between the commonly placed uniformity assumption and the reality. Specifically, we first introduce recent guidance methods for heterogeneous flocks and then describe the prospects of the shepherding problem for heterogeneous flocks

    Shepherding Control for Separating a Single Agent from a Swarm

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    In this paper, we consider the swarm-control problem of spatially separating a specified target agent within the swarm from all the other agents, while maintaining the connectivity among the other agents. We specifically aim to achieve the separation by designing the movement algorithm of an external agent, called a shepherd, which exerts repulsive forces on the agents in the swarm. This problem has potential applications in the context of the manipulation of the swarm of micro- and nano-particles. We first formulate the separation problem, where the swarm agents (called sheep) are modeled by the Boid model. We then analytically study the special case of two-sheep swarms. By leveraging the analysis, we then propose a potential function-based movement algorithm of the shepherd to achieve separation while maintaining the connectivity within the remaining swarm. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm with numerical simulations.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure
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