5,958 research outputs found

    Yield performance in heritage spring wheat and barley varieties in organic farming

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    Field trials show that under organic conditions, heritage spring cereals can in some cases give a yield and quality compared with modern varieties. The paper discuss the season for the lack of yield improvement under organic conditions due to plant breeding

    Phytic acid degradation by phytase – as viewed by 31P NMR and multivariate curve resolution

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    The 31P NMR method is a most direct and useful method to describe the degradation of phytic acid to lower inositol phosphates by the action of the enzyme phytase. The use of chemometric and CARS visualizes and helps in the interpretation of the results. By means of LatentiX it has been possible to visualize the time-dependent hydrolysis of phytic acid and by PCA the complexity of the phytic acid is shown in the score plots. By modeling the spectra in CARS it is possible to identify and quantify each of the inositol phosphates

    Laminitis: risk factors and outcome in a group of Danish horses

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    Reasons for performing study: Recent systematic reviews have highlighted the lack of quality information with respect to the epidemiology of equine laminitis. Objectives: To identify in Denmark the risk factors for new (i.e. not believed to have suffered from laminitis previously) cases of laminitis (NL) and to look at the outcome and incidence of repeated episodes of laminitis in these animals as well as those which had previously suffered an episode of laminitis (i.e. chronic cases) over the following 12 months. Methods: Information was obtained from 110 veterinary diagnosed cases of laminitis (69 new and 41 chronic) and 80 control animals (the next non-laminitic horse/pony seen by that participating practice). All animals were followed for up to one year. Univariable and multivariable conditional logistic regression was conducted for the NL case control pairs. Variables were retained within the final multivariable models if the likelihood ratio p-value was < 0.05. Results: There was no association between sex or gender and laminitis. A recent change of grass, being on what was considered high quality grass and being a cold-blooded type, <149cm ( i.e. Shetland, Fell, Welsh, or Dartmoor pony, Icelandic horse, Norwegian fjords, or a mix of these breeds) were all significant risk factors for laminitis. Although cresty neck score (CNS), and body condition Score (BCS), were significantly associated with NL at the univariable screening stage, they were found to be confounders of breed and each other during the multivariable model building process. Other factors such as weight, and estimated starch intake were not found to be significant .Thirty three percent of all the laminitis cases had been humanely destroyed within 12 months of diagnosis, mainly for laminitis associated reasons, compared with only 7.5% of the controls (none for laminitis associated reasons). Conclusions: and potential Relevance: This study confirms the importance of grass turn out and breed on laminitis risk. Horses in work at the time of diagnosis as well as those diagnosed in the winter and spring were more likely to be humanely destroyed within the next 12 months than those not in work or diagnosed in the autumn and summer

    Analysis of Multivariate Sensor Data for Monitoring of Cultivations

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    'Berliner' Ballen und 'Potsdamer' Bürgermeister : Substantive oder Adjektive?

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    Wortformen wie Berliner und Potsdamer treten in pränominaler attributiver Funktion auf: eine Position, in der sowohl Adjektive als auch Substantive stehen können. Substantive kommen in der Position vor als sächsische Genitive (Leos Auto), als vorangestellte Genitivattribute (des Vaters Pflicht) oder als Bestandteile einer engen Apposition (Bundeskanzler Schröder). Adjektive stehen an dieser Stelle als adjektivische Attribute (rotes Auto). Gegen jede dieser Interpretationen von Berliner sprechen jeweils formale Argumente, die im wesentlichen darauf hinauslaufen, daß Berliner in Berliner Ballen niemals flektiert wird - weder wie ein Substantiv noch wie ein Adjektiv. Welcher Wortart sind Wortformen wie Berliner in Berliner Ballen also zuzuordnen? Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage folgen zunächst einige (kommentierte) Literaturstellen, anschließend werde ich die Bezeichnung 'Stadtadjektive' einführen, ich nehme also zum Zwecke der Benennung eine Entscheidung vorweg. Darauf folgt die Untersuchung: das Verhalten der Stadtadjektive in Bezug auf Flexion, Derivation, Komposition und Syntax

    Cannabis is not harmless[Editorial].

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    Efst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkin

    Um siðblindu

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn Skoða/Opna(view/open)"Vægðarlaust ryður hann sér braut gegnum lífið og skilur eftir sig slóð af brostnum hjörtum, væntingum og tómum veskjum. Hann svífst einskis í eigin þágu, enda samviskulaus og ófær um að setja sig í spor annarra. Reglur mannlegra samskipta og samfélagsins eru fótum troðnar án minnstu sektarkenndar eða eftirsjár." - Svona hljómar lýsing sálfræðingsins Robert Hare á siðblindum einstaklingi, en hann hefur varið stórum hluta starfsævinnar í rannsóknir á siðblindu (1). Öll höfum við mismunandi skapgerðareinkenni sem ráða því hvernig við upplifum umheiminn og hegðum okkur. Kallast þetta persónuleikinn. Við getum verið einræn eða mannblendin, bráðlát eða jafnlynd, tilfinningarík, harðlynd, smámunasöm eða dreymin. Þegar persónuleikaeinkennin eru farin að víkja verulega frá almennum umgengnisreglum samfélagsins, farin að trufla annað fólk og trufla aðlögun viðkomandi að umhverfinu er talað um persónuleikaröskun (2). Siðblinda er ein tegund persónuleikaröskunar