9 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Mei hingga Juli 2021 melalui survei pada nelayan perikanan pelagis kecil di kota Ambon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan pendapat nelayan teknologi penangkapan ikan skala kecil di wilayah Kota Ambon tergolong sangat ramah lingkungan dan cukup berkelanjutan. Dari tujuh (7) kriteria teknologi penangkapan ikan ramah lingkungan, kriteria selektivitas skornya sangat rendah yaitu 59,57%, sedangkan dari lima (5) kriteria teknologi penangkapan berkelanjutan, kriteria investasinya rendah dengan skor 65,50%. . Hasil analisis AHP menunjukkan terdapat tiga alternatif pilihan prioritas utama teknologi penangkapan ikan ramah lingkungan, yaitu selektivitas tinggi dengan skor 0,343, kualitas tangkapan tinggi 0,238, dan penerimaan sosial 0,135. Hasil analisis ini memiliki rasio inkonsistensi sebesar 0,05 (<0,1). Dua prioritas dalam pilihan teknologi berkelanjutan adalah teknologi tangkap yang menerapkan prinsip ramah lingkungan (0,333), dan aspek hukum (0,333). Rasio inkonsistensi dari analisis ini adalah 0,000 (<0,1). Secara keseluruhan, prioritas teknologi penangkapan ikan pelagis kecil yang ramah lingkungan berkelanjutan di Kota Ambon adalah pancing ulur 0,445, jaring insang hanyut 0,247, purse seine 0,171, bagan 0,089, dan jaring pantai 0,049

    Introduction Analysis Of Several Levels Of The Mercury (Hg) In Shells

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    Water pollution by metallic mercury (Hg) in Buru island as a result of mining activity people are very dangerous for marine life, firstly for Mollusca that was consumed by local communities. Therefore, it is needed to measure the levels of pollution Hg of shells. The research has been done on several types of shells, taken at several different points, those are: at the Namlea market, Arumbae market, and Latuhalat beach. The research’s method used Cold Vapour Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry   (CV-AAS). The results obtained by the concentration of metals Hg in Polla shells (Telebraria sulcata) 0.19240 mg/kg; Manis shells (Ruditapes variegatus) 0.27171 mg/kg; Ciput shells (Nerita polita) 0.31387 mg/kg; Keong shells (Thais aculeata) 0.05556 mg/kg; Tudung shells (Cellana radiata) 0.05922 mg/kg and Bapaco shells (Telescopium telescopium) 0.00183 mg/kg. Based on the results of this research, the mercury (Hg) concentrations of several types of shells which contain levels of Hg that low enough and has not exceeded the threshold set by WHO as big as 0.5 mg/kg. Even that there was small concentrations of metals, it can be acumulated in human’s body and can be fatal to the health of humans who consume shells

    Introduction Analysis Of Several Levels Of The Mercury (Hg) In Shells

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    Water pollution by metallic mercury (Hg) in Buru island as a result of mining activity people are very dangerous for marine life, firstly for Mollusca that was consumed by local communities. Therefore, it is needed to measure the levels of pollution Hg of shells. The research has been done on several types of shells, taken at several different points, those are: at the Namlea market, Arumbae market, and Latuhalat beach. The research’s method used Cold Vapour Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry   (CV-AAS). The results obtained by the concentration of metals Hg in Polla shells (Telebraria sulcata) 0.19240 mg/kg; Manis shells (Ruditapes variegatus) 0.27171 mg/kg; Ciput shells (Nerita polita) 0.31387 mg/kg; Keong shells (Thais aculeata) 0.05556 mg/kg; Tudung shells (Cellana radiata) 0.05922 mg/kg and Bapaco shells (Telescopium telescopium) 0.00183 mg/kg. Based on the results of this research, the mercury (Hg) concentrations of several types of shells which contain levels of Hg that low enough and has not exceeded the threshold set by WHO as big as 0.5 mg/kg. Even that there was small concentrations of metals, it can be acumulated in human’s body and can be fatal to the health of humans who consume shells

    Introduction Analysis Of Several Levels Of The Mercury (Hg) In Shells

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    Water pollution by metallic mercury (Hg) in Buru island as a result of mining activity people are very dangerous for marine life, firstly for Mollusca that was consumed by local communities. Therefore, it is needed to measure the levels of pollution Hg of shells. The research has been done on several types of shells, taken at several different points, those are: at the Namlea market, Arumbae market, and Latuhalat beach. The research’s method used Cold Vapour Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry   (CV-AAS). The results obtained by the concentration of metals Hg in Polla shells (Telebraria sulcata) 0.19240 mg/kg; Manis shells (Ruditapes variegatus) 0.27171 mg/kg; Ciput shells (Nerita polita) 0.31387 mg/kg; Keong shells (Thais aculeata) 0.05556 mg/kg; Tudung shells (Cellana radiata) 0.05922 mg/kg and Bapaco shells (Telescopium telescopium) 0.00183 mg/kg. Based on the results of this research, the mercury (Hg) concentrations of several types of shells which contain levels of Hg that low enough and has not exceeded the threshold set by WHO as big as 0.5 mg/kg. Even that there was small concentrations of metals, it can be acumulated in human’s body and can be fatal to the health of humans who consume shells

    Karakteristik Ikan Pelagis Kecil Yang Dipasarkan Di Pasar Arumbai, Kota Ambon

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    Small pelagic fish play a crucial role in the marine food chain and have significant economic value, yet information about them remains scarce. This research aims to map the origin and characteristics of small pelagic fish marketed at Arumbai Market in Ambon City. The study was conducted over six months, from May to October 2023, at Arumbai Market. The research utilized survey methods and interviews, and the data were analyzed descriptively. Observations were made on the quantity and size structure of four dominant fish species from five different fish landing locations: Hila, Tulehu, Laha, Hitu, and Latuhalat. The results of this research revealed variations in the composition of dominant small pelagic fish species sold, from the highest to the lowest, namely Decapterus sp, Rastreligger sp, Selar sp, and Auxis sp. The contribution of the five fish landing locations is as follows: Hila (31%), Hitu (24%), Tulehu (18%), Laha (15%), and Latuhalat (12%). Differences in the composition of the quantity and size marketed are suspected to be due to variations in seasons, fishing tools, and capture areas


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    Determination of fishing ground by small-scale fisheries is still based on experience passed down from generation to generation. Fishermen do not yet have the knowledge and technology to make it easier for them to determine a good fishing ground, so it is inefficient in terms of time, cost and effort. In addition, business management that is not running properly has resulted in the business being run not developing. This training aims to increase fishermen's knowledge about determining potential fishing grounds, specifically for demersal fish species and management of small-scale fisheries. The training activities were carried out in Hukurila Village, South Leitimur District, Ambon City. The method of implementation is presentation of materials, discussions and than training in making bookkeeping simple. Participants were 31 fishers who were involved in this activity. Fishers felt that the material they received was very useful because it made it easier for them to determine demersal fishing areas that had important economic value. In addition, business bookkeeping through training has helped them manage the finances of the business they are running


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    Desain prototipe teknologi yang akan dikembangkan mempunyai keunggulan yang lebih baik biladibandingkan dengan kondisi kapal penangkap saat ini. Keunggulan-keunggulannya dapat berpengaruhterhadap pengoperasian kapal serta sumberdaya perikanan di perairan Maluku. Pengembangan desain joranpancing dengan menggunakan fiber glass mempunyai kelebihan lebih ringan, kuat, dan tahan lama walaupunharganya mahal tapi dapat diimbangi dengan hasil tangkapan yang diperoleh dengan alat tangkap ini.Disamping itu juga penggunaan styro foam sangat berpengaruh terhadap desain kapal huhate yang diusulkanuntuk dikembangkan serta mempunyai beberapa keunggulan bila dibandingkan dengan kapal yang dipakainelayan saat ini. Pada kapal dengan inboard engine, desain palka hanya menghasilkan produk untuk pasaranlokal dan belum dimodifikasi untuk menghasilkan produk skipjack loin yang merupakan suatu bentuk produkekspor, yang belakangan ini permintaan akan produk tersebut sangat tinggi


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    Information about material kinds of artificial reef which effective for marine organism habitat is rare. Based on this fenomena, It is important to conduct a study about bamboo and tire artificial reef. The objective of this study is to find out a catch comparison and species compotition of pot catch on bamboo and tire artificial reef. Alternatif a widely used materials are bamboo and tire with consideration easy to obtain and economis. The result of this study show that the total catch during the study was 170 fishes from 8 species dominated by Siganus javus, Seranidae sp and Carangidae sp. The total catch of the Tire artificial reef was 87 fishes including 48,19 % Siganus sp, 23,53% Seranidae sp and 10,06 % Lethrinidae sp where as Bamboo artificial reef was 83 fishes including 33,34 % Siganus sps,26,3% Seranidae sp and 14,26 % Carangidae sp . The result showed that catch of bamboo artificial reef was significantly difference from the catch of tire artificial reef where the catch of tire artificial reef was higher than that catch of bamboo artificial reef


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    Taman Sejarah Hamlet is located in Waesala Village, Huamual Rear District, West Seram. It’s location by the coastline makes it an ideal spot for fishing activities. Most of it’s residents work as fishermen due to their easy access to the sea. However, the fishermen are currently facing a fish resource crisis, with a significant and decline in fish populations every year. Overfishing is one of the main factors causing this crisis. The lack of information and understanding among the fishermen about marine conservation means that fishing and management of marine resources cannot be properly measured or managed. The community service being carried out in Taman Sejarah Hamlet aims to provide enlightenment and positive contributions to the local fishing community about how to manage marine resources well and wisely.   &nbsp