24 research outputs found

    Antioxidant properties and cellular protective effects of selected African green leafy vegetables

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    Phenolic compounds in African green leafy vegetables (GLVs) may have a significant impact on human health. However, there is little information on the phenolic composition, antioxidant properties, as well as biological and cellular protective effects of these vegetables. The effects of boiling and extraction solvent on these compounds and on their antioxidant properties are also unknown. Phenolic content, antioxidant activity and cellular protective effects of four African GLVs in comparison with spinach, an exotic GLV, was determined. African GLVs had appreciable levels of total phenolics and antioxidant activity and in higher quantities compared to spinach. Boiling decreased the antioxidant content and activity of these vegetables and 75% acetone was more effective in extracting antioxidants from the GLVs compared to water. GLVs with high levels of phenolics also contained higher levels of antioxidant activity, suggesting that phenolics are likely to have contributed to radical scavenging activity of these vegetable extracts, even though the degree of scavenging varied in each extract of the vegetable species. The flavonoid compositions of raw and boiled African GLVs and spinach were determined using high-performance liquid chromatography. Epicatechin and rutin were the most dominant flavonoids found in both water and 75% acetone extracts. Among water extracts, pumpkin contained higher concentrations of detected flavonoids, while among the acetone extracts, cowpea exhibited higher concentrations. The effect of boiling was dependent on the type of vegetable and the specific flavonoids. There were no major differences observed between the type of flavonoids detected in extracts of African GLVs and those in spinach. However, similar to the results of total phenolics and antioxidant activity, the 75% acetone extracts of African GLVs also exhibited higher amounts of flavonoids than spinach. The protective effects of GLVs against oxidative haemolysis were dependent on the type of vegetable species. Boiling had variable effects depending on the species. The highest level of protection of erythrocytes against oxidative damage was offered by amaranth extracts, while extracts of raw jute mallow contributed to the damage of erythrocytes. The highest antioxidant protection activity against oxidative damage in plasmid DNA was offered by extracts of jute mallow and lowest by spinach.<p. For the cell viability assays, GLVs were evaluated to determine their cytotoxicity levels and functional role in oxidative damage. The results of the long-term cell viability (i.e. MTT, NR and CV) assays indicated no cytotoxicity, while the short-term cell viability (i.e. DCF) assay indicated that all extracts of raw GLVs were significantly (p < 0.05) cytotoxic to SC-1 fibroblast and human adenocarcinoma colon cancer (Caco-2) cells than extracts of cooked samples, and the levels of toxicity in the extracts of spinach was higher than in African GLVs. These results indicate that there was an initial cytotoxic effect as extracts of raw GLVs were added to the cells. However, after about 72 h, the cells recovered from the initial shock and started proliferating as usual. In the presence of peroxyl radicals, extracts of African GLVs exhibited higher protective effects against oxidative damage in both types of cell cultures than extracts of spinach. These results indicate that these protective effects could be attributed to the presence of phenolics and antioxidant properties of these extracts. Although boiling reduced the antioxidant content and activity of African GLVs, the levels remained higher than in spinach. Boiling also decreased the cytotoxicity and cell damage caused by extracts of raw GLVs samples. African GLVs are consumed after boiling, and therefore the observed cytotoxicities might not be experienced in practical terms. African GLVs have therefore a potential to reduce the risk and development of diseases associated with oxidative stress in communities that consume these vegetables.Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2012.Centre for NutritionPhDUnrestricte

    a comparison with Hong Kong

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    Thesis(Master) --KDI School:Master of Public Policy,2011masterpublishedby Fenniyakweni Nangula Shangula

    Teachersā€™ practice in developing visually impaired learnersā€™ reading skills in the junior primary phase in northern Namibia

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    Namibia has adopted, ratified and followed several international policies on disability and inclusive education including the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD). Since 2014, the Namibian education system has been working towards the implementation of the Sector Policy on Inclusive Education to promote an education system that is accessible, inclusive, equitable and of good quality (Namibia. Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture: Sector Policy on Inclusive Education, 2013). The policy aims to address barriers faced by learners with disabilities and how teachers develop ways of teaching that respond to the individual differences. Reading in a second language tends to develop more slowly by visually impaired learners, although the Junior Primary Phase syllabus promotes equal opportunity for all learners to participate in reading equally irrespective of learnersā€™ disabilities. Teachers should understand how to teach and accommodate learners who are visually impaired and all reading materials should be fit for purpose and support these learners appropriately. Thus, this study explores how Junior Primary teachers develop visually impaired learnersā€™ reading skills to provide accessible education to them. Learning to read is challenging for most learners, but even more for learners who are visually impaired. Learning to read braille is a complex process, far more than reading print texts. This study seeks to examine how learners are taught to read using braille in a school for visually impaired learners in Namibia, Oshana region. The motivation for this research study was twofold - firstly, my interest in the development of reading skills with visually impaired learners was aroused by my teaching experience. Secondly, due to my realisation that the area was under-researched in Namibia; I wanted to fill the existing gap in the development of reading skills in braille and print. The study critically engaged teachers to help me obtain an understanding of how they develop reading instructions with visually impaired learners and the factors that enabled the development of braille literacy and the challenges that hampered the development of reading skills. The study took the qualitative case study approach underpinned by an interpretivist orientation. Data was collected using semi-structured observation during reading lessons and focus group interviews. The Theory of Practice Architectures (ToPA) was used as a lens to analyse the promoting and constraining factors in teaching visually impaired learners reading skills. The study found that teachers used different reading methods to promote the development of reading skills such as reading aloud, tactile methods and phonics. The study further noted that teachers mostly created their own reading materials due to the lack of reading materials and reading books printed in braille. Although learners were supported during reading, the challenge of developing reading skills with visually impaired learners remains a challenge. I hope that the findings from this research study strengthen the development of reading skills in all special schools and contribute to the creation of knowledge on the development of reading skills with visually impaired learners in Namibia. As a means to further support learners who experience visual impairments, this study recommends that more formative research studies on the notion of teachersā€™ practice in developing reading skills with visually impaired learners should be conducted to bring about change.Thesis (MEd) -- Faculty of Education, Education, 202

    Stakeholdersā€™ lived experiences of the implementation of the external quality assurance system for higher education in Namibia.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are known as the custodians of the quality of Higher Education (HE), and to be primarily responsible for their Internal Quality Assurance (IQA). External Quality Assurance (EQA) is promoted through Quality Assurance Agencies (QAAs); as well as Professional Bodies (PBs). This study focuses on the implementation of EQA system for HE in Namibia. This is a phenomenological study that hones in the concept of lifeworld, as it explores the stakeholdersā€™ lived experiences in the implementation of external quality assurance for higher education in Namibia. The study explores the following: how the QAAs and PBs implement the EQA, considering the respective legislation that establish them; stakeholdersā€™ understanding of quality assurance in Namibia; how the stakeholders experience the EQA system; the reasons why they experience the system the way that they do; as well as possible suggestions for improvement of the EQA system in Namibia. The study made use of unstructured interviews, focus group discussions, as well as documentation analysis to tap into the experiences of the stakeholders, selected through purposive sampling and following phenomenological principles. Namibiaā€™s EQA system is characterised by multiple QA agencies; with overlapping mandates, functions, activities and non-aligned policies, statutes and ordinances. The overlaps are featured in the establishing Acts, creating a fragmented system. There is therefore, need for the amendment of the same Acts, if the system is to improve. The study also revealed that the EQA system in Namibia is dominated by negative power relations, inadequate communication amongst stakeholders, as well as a lack of staff capacity to implement the EQA system effectively. As a practical implication, the study proposed an integrated model for EQA system in Namibia, aimed at mitigating the challenges of fragmentation and nonalignment of QA functions and activities

    The development of an inclusive approach in early childhood education in Namibia

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    Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2005.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Early childhood education is an investment that can offer outstanding returns. It can ensure that all children receive the education that is their right. One cannot talk of access to quality education for all if children with special needs in early childhood and pre-primary education are not given the same opportunities. Equally, the right to access to early childhood education becomes elusive if government spends very little of its resources on early childhood education. At present many children in Namibia are denied access to early childhood education due to poverty, disability, diseases or hindrances. Within formal education, children with special needs do poorly, fail classes or drop out of school at a very early age. As a result, they become further marginalised in society. Their lack of education could also make them a burden on society. The study was guided by the questions: a) what are the implications of the implementation of inclusive early childhood education both internationally as well as in Namibia?; b) what is the current situation in Namibia regarding the functioning of early childhood education centres with specific reference to the perceptions and preferences of early childhood educators in the overall process of educating children with special needs, and c) what guidelines can be offered to the ministries responsible for education and for the welfare of children for the development of an inclusive early childhood education in Namibia? First a review of literature on early childhood education and inclusive education approaches was undertaken. Next a quantitative survey research method was used to obtain answers to the research questions. Of the 650 respondents to whom it was sent, 493 early childhood educators from all the 13 regions in Namibia completed the questionnaire. The study was based on an ecosystemic approach to inclusive education in which the entire community and all the stakeholders are involved in contributing to quality early childhood education at a school where diversity is valued and every effort is made to maximise the quality of life of all children. The research findings indicate that early childhood educators in Namibia have not received the necessary training for their role as ECD educators nor do they possess the necessary qualifications or skills for inclusive education approaches. The findings also indicate that the majority of early childhood educators are not aware of the national ECD policy nor do they have much knowledge of what an inclusive curriculum entails. It is clear that Inclusive education requires a paradigm shift and the transformation of the education sector in order to ensure that all children have equal access to quality education. This study recommends that there be closer collaboration between the ministry responsible for education as well as that dealing with child welfare in the development of an inclusive education policy covering all levels of the education sector from early childhood to tertiary and higher education. It is further recommended that curriculum reform be effected to ensure that the curriculum becomes inclusive, reflecting the needs of all children and acknowledging individual differences as opportunities to learn rather than barriers to learning and participation.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Opvoeding in die kinderjare is 'n belegging wat uitstaande resultate kan oplewer. Dit kan verseker dat alle kinders die opvoeding ontvang waartoe hulle geregtig is. 'n Mens kan nie praat van toegang tot kwaliteit onderrig vir alle kinders as kinders met spesiale behoeftes in hul vroeĆ« kinderjare en pre-primĆŖre opvoeding nie toegang tot dieselfde geleenthede het nie. Terselfdertyd word die reg van opvoeding in die vroeĆ« kinderjare 'n onverwesenlikbare begrip as 'n regering min van sy finansiĆ«le hulpbronne beskikbaar stel vir diĆ© doel. Tans word baie kinders in NamibiĆ« van hierdie reg ontneem weens armoede, gestremdheid, siektes en ander struikelblokke. Binne formele opvoeding presteer kinders met spesiale behoeftes nie na wense nie, druip klasse of verlaat die skool op 'n vroeĆ« ouderdom. As gevolg hiervan word hulle meer en meer gemarginaliseer binne die samelewing. Hulle gebrek aan opvoeding kan selfs daartoe lei dat hulle 'n las vir die samelewing word. Die studie is gelei deur die vrae: a) wat is die implikasies van die implementering van omvattende opvoeding in die vroeĆ« kinderjare in die internasionale- en binne die konteks van NamibiĆ«?; b) wat is die huidige stand van sake in NamibiĆ« wat betref die funksionering van sentrums vir opvoeding in die vroeĆ« kinderjare met spesifieke verwysing na die persepsies en voorkeure van opvoeders in die globale proses van die verskaffing van vroeĆ« opvoeding aan kinders met spesiale behoeftes?, en c) watter riglyne kan aan die Ministerie, verantwoordelik vir die welsyn van kinders voorgestel word wat omvattende opvoeding in die vroeĆ« kinderjare in NamibiĆ« ten doel kan hĆŖ? Eerstens is 'n oorsig van literatuur oor vroeĆ« kinder- en omvattende opvoeding onderneem. Daarna is gebruik gemaak van 'n kwantitatiewe vraelysnavorsingsmetode om antwoorde op die navorsingsvrae te kry. Van die 650 respondente vir wie vraelyste gestuur is, het 493 vroeĆ« kinderopvoeders vanuit al dertien die streke in NamibiĆ« die vraelyste voltooi. Die studie is gebaseer op 'n ekosistemiese benadering tot omvattende opvoeding waarbinne die hele gemeenskap en al die rolspelers betrokke was by die voorsiening van kwaliteit vroeĆ« opvoeding in 'n skool waar diversiteit 'n gewaardeerde waarde is en waarbinne alle maatreĆ«ls getref word om te verseker dat die kinders die maksimum lewenskwaliteit geniet. Die navorsingsbevindinge dui aan dat vroeĆ« kinderopvoeders in NamibiĆ« nie die nodige opleiding ontvang het om hulle toe te rus vir hul rol as VKO opvoeders nie, en dat hulle ook nie oor die nodige kwalifikasies of vaardighede beskik wat nodig is vir die inklusiewe benadering tot vroeĆ« kinderopvoeding nie. Die bevindinge dui verder ook aan dat die grootste persentasie van vroeĆ« kinderopvoeders nie bewus is van die nasionale VKO beleid nie, en ook nie die kennis het oor wat diĆ© kurrikulum behels nie. Dit is duidelik dat omvattende opvoeding 'n paradigmaskuif en die transformasie van die opvoedingsektor gaan nodig hĆŖ om te verseker dat alle kinders gelyke toegang tot kwaliteit opvoeding kan geniet. Die studie maak die aanbeveling dat daar 'n nouer samewerking tussen die Ministeries verantwoordelik vir opvoeding en vir die algemene welsyn van kinders moet wees om 'n omvattende opvoedingsbeleid daar te stel wat alle vlakke van die opvoedingssektor, vanaf vroeĆ« kinderjare tot tersiĆŖre en hoĆ«r onderwys insluit. Dit word verder voorgestel dat die kurrikulum aangepas word om die omvattende aard van opvoeding te reflekteer en dat die behoeftes van alle kinders met inagneming van individuele verskille gesien moet word as geleenthede om te leer, eerder as wat dit beskou sal word as struikelblokke in die weg van leer en deelname

    Investigation of the determinants of alcohol use among women in Oshikoto region, Namibia

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    Background. Alcohol abuse is one of the worldā€™s main public health issues. Alcohol use is growing among African women, and it has become an underlying factor in womenā€™s health risk profiles. Objective. The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that influence womenā€™s alcohol consumption in the Oshikoto Region. Materials and Methods. The study used a quantitative research method with a cross-sectional, analytical design. Data were gathered using interview-led questionnaires from 121 women aged 18-49 years at two state hospitals in the Oshikoto regionā€™s two selected constituencies. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, version 26, was used to evaluate the data. Results. The subjectsā€™ median age was 33 years old. The bulk of the participants, 84 (69.4%), resided in rural areas. 49 (40.5%) of the participants were unmarried, and the majority (62%) had children. According to the results, 64 (52.89%) of respondents use alcohol to cope with their problems on occasion. When they are anxious, approximately 56 (46.28%) of the respondents use alcohol to relax and ignore their problems. In the univariable log-binomial regression analysis, a family history of alcohol use (p-value 0.019), peer pressure (p-value 0.004), and spending the majority of time at Cuca shops (p-value 0.000) were all linked with an increased risk of harmful alcohol use. Conclusion. Identifying the determinants of alcohol use may aid in the creation of recommendations for preventative measures and alcohol awareness programs

    The potential contribution of end-of-life fishing nets, lines and ropes to a circular economy: the Namibian perspective

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    Using data collected through survey questionnaires with fleet managers of 16 (61.5%) Namibian fishing companies, we explored the current practices, challenges, and opportunities in promoting Circular Economy (CE) in the context of End-Of-Life (EOL) fishing gear. Most fishing companies (56.2%) have been in operation for more than 25ā€‰years. A majority of fishing companies (62.5%) are involved in demersal trawling, mostly targeting hake (Merluccius species). Survey findings reveal that the companies import fishing gear mostly in a semi ā€“ complete format (50.0%). The current durability of fishing nets and lines/ropes is about 3 and 2 years respectively, highlighting a continuous generation of fishing gear waste. We estimated (that) approximately 104 tons of EOL fishing gear, lines/twine and ropes (are) generated annually by the Namibian fishing industry, however about 10% of some parts of the EOL fishing gear are recovered and reused. None of the fishing companies recycle EOL fishing gear, which is mostly attributed to a lack of recycling facilities. Current standard practices of EOL fishing nets, lines and ropes management include selling to employees, donating to other institutions, or disposal at dumping sites. Although some of the EOL fishing nets, lines and ropes are sold at open markets, they are not converted into value-added products, thus they are not fully utilized to significantly contribute to the CE. We recommend the implementation of circular practices such as converting EOL fishing nets, lines and ropes into value-added products such as clothing, shoes, and accessories, i.e., sunglasses, thereby reducing environmental pollution, minimising energy usage, and promoting sustainable production and consumption

    The role of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia (ELCIN) as a pioneer of social development through education in Ovamboland (1870-1970) : a church historical study

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    Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2013.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is a historical investigation of the role of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia (ELCIN) regarding social development with special attention to education as an agency of social change. ELCIN is the largest Lutheran church in Namibia, which was born out of the Finnish missionary activities after their arrival in the former Ovamboland in 1870. The Finnish missionaries became the first missionaries to do mission work in Ovamboland. This qualifies them to be regarded as pioneers of social development and of the transformation of society through education among the Ovambo people. ELCINā€™s humble beginnings started as a mission field and developed into mission congregations; thereafter as a mission church and finally as independent church in 1954. The study shows that since its inception ELCIN has been committed to serve her members holistically (spiritually and socially). The focus of this study is to contribute to the understanding of the role ELCIN played to bring about development through education. The study therefore attempts to answer questions regarding the role the Finnish missionaries played in education and should be understood within the broader context of the history of ELCIN, for example, what arrangements were made and what developments took place during the indigenization process. Further, the study points out the educational challenges ELCIN encountered during the time of social development through education. In answering these questions, the study demonstrates how ELCIN played a decisive role in social development in Ovamboland, especially by way of education and training. The study refers to both informal (Christian) and formal (general or inclusive secular) education and the role each of these forms of education played in social change. The study also reflects on the engagement between ELCIN and the context resulting from the South African mandate in Namibia (then South West Africa). Finally, it is recommended that, in light of the positive contribution made by ELCIN to the social development of its members and communities by way of education in the past, it should continue this role in an independent Namibia. This could be done by way of intensifying Christian education among its members in order to educate and inspire people to remain faithful to their Christian values. In this way, ELCIN will continue to play a meaningful role in the life of communities and their members.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsingstudie is ā€˜n historiese ondersoek na die rol van die Evangelical Lutheran Church in Namibia (ELCIN) ten opsigte van sosiale ontwikkeling met spesiale verwysing na opvoeding as ā€˜n agent vir sosiale verandering. ELCIN is een van die grootste Lutherse kerke in NamibiĆ«, wat ontstaan het uit die aktiwiteite van die Finse sendelinge na hulle aankoms in die eertydse Ovamboland in 1870. Die Finse sendelinge was die eerste sendelinge wat sendingwerk in Ovamboland onderneem het. As gevolg hiervan word hulle beskou as pioniers van sosiale ontwikkeling en transformasie in die gemeenskap deur die opvoeding van die mense van Ovamboland. ELCIN het sy nederige ontstaan gehad as ā€˜n sendingveld en het ontwikkel tot sendinggemeentes; daarna tot ā€˜n sendingkerk en uiteindelik in 1954 tot ā€˜n onafhanklike kerk. Die studie dui aan dat ELCIN sedert sy ontstaan toegewyd was aan die taak om sy lede op ā€˜n holistiese vlak (geestelik en sosiaal) te ontwikkel. Die fokus van hierdie studie is om ā€˜n bydrae te lewer tot ā€˜n dieper begrip van die rol wat ELCIN gespeel het ten opsigte van hierdie ontwikkeling. Die studie het dus gepoog om vrae te beantwoord oor die rol wat die Finse sendelinge in opvoeding gespeel het en behoort verstaan te word binne die breĆ«r konteks van die geskiendenis van ELCIN. Watter reĆ«lings is getref en watter ontwikkelings het plaasgevind gedurende die inheemswordingsproses? Die studie dui verder op die opvoedkundige uitdagings wat ELCIN gedurende die tyd van sosiale ontwikkeling deur opvoeding ondervind het. Ter beantwoording van hierdie vrae word deur die studie aangedui hoe ELCIN ā€˜n deurslaggewende rol in die sosiale ontwikkeling van Ovamboland gespeel het, veral deur middel van opvoeding en opleiding. Die studie verwys na beide informele (Christelike) en formele (algemene of inklusiewe) opvoeding en na die rol wat elk van hierdie vorms van opvoeding gespeel het ten opsigte van sosiale verandering. Die studie kyk ook eers na die verhouding tussen ELCIN en die Suidā€Afrikaanse regering gedurende NamibiĆ« (die destydse Suidwesā€Afrika) se jare as mandaatgebied en daarna word aanbevelings gemaak. In die lig van die positiewe bydrae wat ELCIN in die verlede gemaak het tot sosiale ontwikkeling, word aanbeveel dat hierdie bydrae in ā€˜n onafhanklike NamibiĆ« voortgesit word. Dit behoort te geskied deur ā€˜n intensifisering van Christelike onderwys onder lede ten einde die mense op te voed en te inspireer om getrou te bly aan hulle Christelike waardes. Op hierdie wyse sal ELCIN voortgaan om ā€˜n betekensivolle rol in die lewe van die gemeenskappe en hul lede te speel

    The development of an inclusive approach in early childhood education in Namibia

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    Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2005.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Early childhood education is an investment that can offer outstanding returns. It can ensure that all children receive the education that is their right. One cannot talk of access to quality education for all if children with special needs in early childhood and pre-primary education are not given the same opportunities. Equally, the right to access to early childhood education becomes elusive if government spends very little of its resources on early childhood education. At present many children in Namibia are denied access to early childhood education due to poverty, disability, diseases or hindrances. Within formal education, children with special needs do poorly, fail classes or drop out of school at a very early age. As a result, they become further marginalised in society. Their lack of education could also make them a burden on society. The study was guided by the questions: a) what are the implications of the implementation of inclusive early childhood education both internationally as well as in Namibia?; b) what is the current situation in Namibia regarding the functioning of early childhood education centres with specific reference to the perceptions and preferences of early childhood educators in the overall process of educating children with special needs, and c) what guidelines can be offered to the ministries responsible for education and for the welfare of children for the development of an inclusive early childhood education in Namibia? First a review of literature on early childhood education and inclusive education approaches was undertaken. Next a quantitative survey research method was used to obtain answers to the research questions. Of the 650 respondents to whom it was sent, 493 early childhood educators from all the 13 regions in Namibia completed the questionnaire. The study was based on an ecosystemic approach to inclusive education in which the entire community and all the stakeholders are involved in contributing to quality early childhood education at a school where diversity is valued and every effort is made to maximise the quality of life of all children. The research findings indicate that early childhood educators in Namibia have not received the necessary training for their role as ECD educators nor do they possess the necessary qualifications or skills for inclusive education approaches. The findings also indicate that the majority of early childhood educators are not aware of the national ECD policy nor do they have much knowledge of what an inclusive curriculum entails. It is clear that Inclusive education requires a paradigm shift and the transformation of the education sector in order to ensure that all children have equal access to quality education. This study recommends that there be closer collaboration between the ministry responsible for education as well as that dealing with child welfare in the development of an inclusive education policy covering all levels of the education sector from early childhood to tertiary and higher education. It is further recommended that curriculum reform be effected to ensure that the curriculum becomes inclusive, reflecting the needs of all children and acknowledging individual differences as opportunities to learn rather than barriers to learning and participation.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Opvoeding in die kinderjare is 'n belegging wat uitstaande resultate kan oplewer. Dit kan verseker dat alle kinders die opvoeding ontvang waartoe hulle geregtig is. 'n Mens kan nie praat van toegang tot kwaliteit onderrig vir alle kinders as kinders met spesiale behoeftes in hul vroeĆ« kinderjare en pre-primĆŖre opvoeding nie toegang tot dieselfde geleenthede het nie. Terselfdertyd word die reg van opvoeding in die vroeĆ« kinderjare 'n onverwesenlikbare begrip as 'n regering min van sy finansiĆ«le hulpbronne beskikbaar stel vir diĆ© doel. Tans word baie kinders in NamibiĆ« van hierdie reg ontneem weens armoede, gestremdheid, siektes en ander struikelblokke. Binne formele opvoeding presteer kinders met spesiale behoeftes nie na wense nie, druip klasse of verlaat die skool op 'n vroeĆ« ouderdom. As gevolg hiervan word hulle meer en meer gemarginaliseer binne die samelewing. Hulle gebrek aan opvoeding kan selfs daartoe lei dat hulle 'n las vir die samelewing word. Die studie is gelei deur die vrae: a) wat is die implikasies van die implementering van omvattende opvoeding in die vroeĆ« kinderjare in die internasionale- en binne die konteks van NamibiĆ«?; b) wat is die huidige stand van sake in NamibiĆ« wat betref die funksionering van sentrums vir opvoeding in die vroeĆ« kinderjare met spesifieke verwysing na die persepsies en voorkeure van opvoeders in die globale proses van die verskaffing van vroeĆ« opvoeding aan kinders met spesiale behoeftes?, en c) watter riglyne kan aan die Ministerie, verantwoordelik vir die welsyn van kinders voorgestel word wat omvattende opvoeding in die vroeĆ« kinderjare in NamibiĆ« ten doel kan hĆŖ? Eerstens is 'n oorsig van literatuur oor vroeĆ« kinder- en omvattende opvoeding onderneem. Daarna is gebruik gemaak van 'n kwantitatiewe vraelysnavorsingsmetode om antwoorde op die navorsingsvrae te kry. Van die 650 respondente vir wie vraelyste gestuur is, het 493 vroeĆ« kinderopvoeders vanuit al dertien die streke in NamibiĆ« die vraelyste voltooi. Die studie is gebaseer op 'n ekosistemiese benadering tot omvattende opvoeding waarbinne die hele gemeenskap en al die rolspelers betrokke was by die voorsiening van kwaliteit vroeĆ« opvoeding in 'n skool waar diversiteit 'n gewaardeerde waarde is en waarbinne alle maatreĆ«ls getref word om te verseker dat die kinders die maksimum lewenskwaliteit geniet. Die navorsingsbevindinge dui aan dat vroeĆ« kinderopvoeders in NamibiĆ« nie die nodige opleiding ontvang het om hulle toe te rus vir hul rol as VKO opvoeders nie, en dat hulle ook nie oor die nodige kwalifikasies of vaardighede beskik wat nodig is vir die inklusiewe benadering tot vroeĆ« kinderopvoeding nie. Die bevindinge dui verder ook aan dat die grootste persentasie van vroeĆ« kinderopvoeders nie bewus is van die nasionale VKO beleid nie, en ook nie die kennis het oor wat diĆ© kurrikulum behels nie. Dit is duidelik dat omvattende opvoeding 'n paradigmaskuif en die transformasie van die opvoedingsektor gaan nodig hĆŖ om te verseker dat alle kinders gelyke toegang tot kwaliteit opvoeding kan geniet. Die studie maak die aanbeveling dat daar 'n nouer samewerking tussen die Ministeries verantwoordelik vir opvoeding en vir die algemene welsyn van kinders moet wees om 'n omvattende opvoedingsbeleid daar te stel wat alle vlakke van die opvoedingssektor, vanaf vroeĆ« kinderjare tot tersiĆŖre en hoĆ«r onderwys insluit. Dit word verder voorgestel dat die kurrikulum aangepas word om die omvattende aard van opvoeding te reflekteer en dat die behoeftes van alle kinders met inagneming van individuele verskille gesien moet word as geleenthede om te leer, eerder as wat dit beskou sal word as struikelblokke in die weg van leer en deelname