61 research outputs found

    Generation of single skyrmions by picosecond magnetic field pulses

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    We numerically demonstrate an ultrafast method to create single\textit{single} skyrmions in a collinear\textit{collinear} ferromagnetic sample by applying a picosecond (effective) magnetic field pulse in the presence of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. For small samples the applied magnetic field pulse could be either spatially uniform or nonuniform while for large samples a nonuniform and localized field is more effective. We examine the phase diagram of pulse width and amplitude for the nucleation. Our finding could ultimately be used to design future skyrmion-based devices.Comment: 4.5 pages+Supplemental Materia

    Second-order topological superconductor via noncollinear magnetic texture

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    We put forth a theoretical framework for engineering a two-dimensional (2D) second-order topological superconductor (SOTSC) by utilizing a heterostructure: incorporating noncollinear magnetic textures between an s-wave superconductor and a 2D quantum spin Hall insulator. It stabilizes the higher order topological superconducting phase, resulting in Majorana corner modes (MCMs) at four corners of a 2D domain. The calculated non-zero quadrupole moment characterizes the bulk topology. Subsequently, through a unitary transformation, an effective low-energy Hamiltonian reveals the effects of magnetic textures, resulting in an effective in-plane Zeeman field and spin-orbit coupling. This approach provides a qualitative depiction of the topological phase, substantiated by numerical validation within exact real-space model. Analytically calculated effective pairings in the bulk illuminate the microscopic behavior of the SOTSC. The comprehension of MCM emergence is aided by a low-energy edge theory, which is attributed to the interplay between effective pairings of (px + py )-type and (px + ipy )-type. Our extensive study paves the way for practically attaining the SOTSC phase by integrating noncollinear magnetic textures

    Observation of anisotropic Dirac cones in the topological material Ti2Te2P

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    Anisotropic bulk Dirac (or Weyl) cones in three dimensional systems have recently gained intense research interest as they are examples of materials with tilted Dirac (or Weyl) cones indicatig the violation of Lorentz invariance. In contrast, the studies on anisotropic surface Dirac cones in topological materials which contribute to anisotropic carrier mobility have been limited. By employing angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and first-principles calculations, we reveal the anisotropic surface Dirac dispersion in a tetradymite material Ti2Te2P on the (001) plane of the Brillioun zone. We observe the quasi-elliptical Fermi pockets at the M -point of the Brillouin zone forming the anisotropic surface Dirac cones. Our calculations of the Z2 indices confirm that the system is topologically non-trivial with multiple topological phases in the same material. In addition, the observed nodal-line like feature formed by bulk bands makes this system topologically rich.Comment: 21 pages, 17 figures, Supplementary Information include

    "The fruits of independence": Satyajit Ray, Indian nationhood and the spectre of empire

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    Challenging the longstanding consensus that Satyajit Ray's work is largely free of ideological concerns and notable only for its humanistic richness, this article shows with reference to representations of British colonialism and Indian nationhood that Ray's films and stories are marked deeply and consistently by a distinctively Bengali variety of liberalism. Drawn from an ongoing biographical project, it commences with an overview of the nationalist milieu in which Ray grew up and emphasizes the preoccupation with colonialism and nationalism that marked his earliest unfilmed scripts. It then shows with case studies of Kanchanjangha (1962), Charulata (1964), First Class Kamra (First-Class Compartment, 1981), Pratidwandi (The Adversary, 1970), Shatranj ke Khilari (The Chess Players, 1977), Agantuk (The Stranger, 1991) and Robertsoner Ruby (Robertson's Ruby, 1992) how Ray's mature work continued to combine a strongly anti-colonial viewpoint with a shifting perspective on Indian nationhood and an unequivocal commitment to cultural cosmopolitanism. Analysing how Ray articulated his ideological positions through the quintessentially liberal device of complexly staged debates that were apparently free, but in fact closed by the scenarist/director on ideologically specific notes, this article concludes that Ray's reputation as an all-forgiving, ‘everybody-has-his-reasons’ humanist is based on simplistic or even tendentious readings of his work


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    Tailoring phase transition from topological superconductor to trivial superconductor induced by magnetic textures of a spin-chain on a pp-wave superconductor

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    We theoretically investigate the phase transition from a non-trivial topological pp-wave superconductor to a trivial ss-wave like superconducting phase through a gapless phase, driven by different magnetic textures as an one-dimensional spin-chain impurity, e.g.e.g. Bloch-type, in-plane and out-of-plane N\'eel-type spin-chains etc. In our proposal, the chain of magnetic impurities is placed on a spin-triplet pp-wave superconductor where we obtain numerically as well as analytically an effective ss-wave like pairing due to spin rotation, resulting in gradual destruction of the Majorana zero modes present in the topological superconducting phase. In particular, when the impurity spins are antiferromagnetically aligned i.e.i.e. spiral wave vector Gs=πG_{s}=\pi, the system becomes an effective ss-wave superconductor without Majorana zero modes in the local density of states. The Shiba bands, on the other hand, formed due to the overlapping of Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states play a crucial role in this topological to trivial superconductor phase transition, confirmed by the sign change in the minigap within the Shiba bands. Moreover, interference of the Shiba bands exhibiting oscillatory behavior within the superconducting gap, −Δp-\Delta_{p} to Δp\Delta_{p}, as a function of GsG_{s}, also reflects an important evidence for the formation of an effective ss-wave pairing. Such oscillation is absent in the pp-wave regime. Our study paves the way to foresee the stability and tunability of topological superconducting phase via controlled manipulation of the spin spiral configurations of the magnetic impurity chain.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure
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