67 research outputs found

    Glycoform Modification of Secreted Recombinant Glycoproteins through Kifunensine Addition during Transient Vacuum Agroinfiltration.

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    Kifunensine, a potent and selective inhibitor of class I α-mannosidases, prevents α-mannosidases I from trimming mannose residues on glycoproteins, thus resulting in oligomannose-type glycans. We report for the first time that through one-time vacuum infiltration of kifunensine in plant tissue, N-linked glycosylation of a recombinant protein transiently produced in whole-plants shifted completely from complex-type to oligomannose-type. Fc-fused capillary morphogenesis protein 2 (CMG2-Fc) containing one N-glycosylation site on the Fc domain, produced in Nicotiana benthamiana whole plants, served as a model protein. The CMG2-Fc fusion protein was produced transiently through vacuum agroinfiltration, with and without kifunensine at a concentration of 5.4 µM in the agroinfiltration suspension. The CMG2-Fc N-glycan profile was determined using LC-MS/MS with a targeted dynamic multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) method. The CMG2-Fc expression level in the infiltrated plant tissue and the percentage of oligomannose-type N-glycans for kifunensine treated plants was 874 mg/kg leaf fresh weight (FW) and 98.2%, respectively, compared to 717 mg/kg leaf FW and 2.3% for untreated plants. Oligomannose glycans are amenable to in vitro enzymatic modification to produce more human-like N-glycan structures that are preferred for the production of HIV-1 viral vaccine and certain monoclonal antibodies. This method allows glycan modifications using a bioprocessing approach without compromising protein yield or modification of the primary sequence, and could be expanded to other small molecule inhibitors of glycan-processing enzymes. For recombinant protein targeted for secretion, kifunensine treatment allows collection of glycoform-modified target protein from apoplast wash fluid (AWF) with minimal plant-specific complex N-glycan at higher starting purity and concentration than in whole-leaf extract, thus simplifying the downstream processing

    Resource interaction in smallholder farms is linked to farm sustainability: evidence from Indian Sundarbans

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    Efficient resource utilization in small-scale farms is crucial to achieving farm sustainability through endogenous mechanisms. However, the precise mechanisms to integrate farm resources to achieve farm sustainability are not very clear yet. By capturing the interaction among farm resources as a network phenomenon, we aimed to identify the discrete resource interactions (RIs) associated with higher farm sustainability in different farm types of Indian Sundarbans. First, we assessed the sustainability of 140 integrated farms using a synthesized assessment framework. Then, we considered four network motifs, namely linkage (a one-way link between two resources), reciprocal linkage (a two-way link between two resources), triad (three resources having closed interconnectedness), and the presence of a farm resource at the core of a network. Using RI network data of 140 farms and employing a graph theoretic approach we identified discrete network motifs (i.e., resource interaction) associated with highly sustainable farms in different farm types. We found a predominance of rice, vegetables and pond-based integration and identified 32 linkages, 11 reciprocal linkages, 21 triads, and three resources at the network core that occurred and co-occurred on highly sustainable farms, and thus critical to achieving farm sustainability. Further, multivariate analyses established that the properties of RI networks could explain farm sustainability significantly. We anticipate that sustainability in small-scale farms can be achieved by strategically designing new RIs on the farm. However, there may be limitations to such achievement depending on the nature of RI and the type of farm

    Plant cell culture platforms for production of bioscavengers for biodefense

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    There is a critical need for flexible, rapid, cost effective biomanufacturing platforms for medical countermeasures. Our team has developed plant cell culture-based manufacturing platforms for production of recombinant protein bioscavengers against organophosphate (OP) nerve agents and anthrax toxins using both stable transgenic cell cultures for known chemical and biological threats, as well as transient production for rapid response to new and/or unanticipated threats. Plant cells offer several advantages over other hosts for production of medical countermeasures, particularly their ability to produce complex biologics and perform post-translational modification, inherent biosafety since they don\u27t harbor or propagate mammalian viruses thereby simplifying and/or eliminating viral clearance steps required for mammalian production systems. Plant cells are robust, have minimal nutrient requirements (grow in simple, chemically defined media containing sucrose, salts and plant hormones), and are relatively insensitive to changes in environmental conditions. These characteristics, robustness of upstream cultivation/use and reduced downstream purification requirements, make plant cells an ideal choice for field-deployable production of medical countermeasures. Here we present results for the production of functional recombinant butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), an OP nerve agent bioscavenger, in transgenic rice cell suspension cultures in different bioreactor configurations, and transient production of a bioscavenger against an anthrax toxin in N. benthamiana cell cultures. Techno-economic models for scaled-up versions of these plant cell culture production systems will also be presented

    A novel plant cell culture platform for semicontinous production of recombinant proteins: Butyrylcholinesterase as a case study

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    In this paper we describe a novel biomanufacturing production platform that utilizes transgenic rice cell suspension cultures for efficient semicontinuous cell culture (SCC) production of recombinant proteins. The production platform utilizes a metabolically regulated promoter, a secretion signal peptide that enables secretion out of the cell for ease of recovery/purification, coupled with an efficient semicontinuous operational strategy that allows independent optimization of growth and production phases. In addition, long term operation (up several months1) is possible by maintaining viable biomass within the bioreactor, thereby reducing the need for long seed trains, as well as minimizing turn-around time, CIP and SIP operations, chemicals and energy. This platform offers a number of advantages over traditional methods for production of recombinant therapeutic proteins that use E. coli, yeast or mammalian cell cultures, while still retaining the ability to meet cGMP regulatory requirements under well-controlled, reproducible production conditions. Traditional methods for production of biologics use genetically modified E. coli, yeast, insect or mammalian cell cultures in bioreactor systems. For applications where a human therapeutic protein (monoclonal antibodies, vaccines, bioscavengers, replacement biologics) produced under strict cGMP conditions are required, plant cell cultures offer a number of advantages over currently used bioreactor-based systems, including low risk of contamination by mammalian viruses, blood-borne pathogens, prions or bacterial endotoxins or mycoplasma, the ability to perform complex glycosylation, ease of culturing compared with other higher eukaryotic hosts, the ability to target the product to the extracellular medium, and the ability to grow in simple, low cost, chemically defined and animal component-free medium. In this paper we describe the specific characteristics of the rice cell suspension culture that make them particularly useful for continuous operation and superior to other hosts including their slow death rates, growth in small aggregates, limited secretome, and robustness under culture conditions. In addition, the regulatory pathway for plant-based recombinant biologics for human therapeutic use has now been established. ElelysoTM, produced in carrot cell suspension in batch culture by Protalix Biotherapeutics and Pfizer, Inc. for treatment of Gaucher disease was approved by the FDA in May 20122, 3. The transgenic rice cell culture system is operated in a cyclical, semicontinuous operation as shown in Figure 1. Note that gravity sedimentation within the bioreactor can be used to separate the plant cell aggregates from the liquid phase in Steps 3 and 6, and that the product collected in Step 6 can be purified either using a batch downstream strategy or collected to feed a continuous downstream process. Results will be presented for semicontinuous production of butyrylcholinesterase, a bioscavenger for organophosphorus nerve agents such as sarin, using the metabolically regulated transgenic rice cell culture in 5 L bioreactors

    Expression, Purification, and Biophysical Characterization of a Secreted Anthrax Decoy Fusion Protein in Nicotiana benthamiana.

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    Anthrax toxin receptor-mediated drug development for blocking anthrax toxin action has received much attention in recent decades. In this study, we produced a secreted anthrax decoy fusion protein comprised of a portion of the human capillary morphogenesis gene-2 (CMG2) protein fused via a linker to the fragment crystallizable (Fc) domain of human immunoglobulin G1 in Nicotiana benthamiana plants using a transient expression system. Using the Cauliflower Mosaic Virus (CaMV) 35S promoter and co-expression with the p19 gene silencing suppressor, we were able to achieve a high level of recombinant CMG2-Fc-Apo (rCMG2-Fc-Apo) protein accumulation. Production kinetics were observed up to eight days post-infiltration, and maximum production of 826 mg/kg fresh leaf weight was observed on day six. Protein A affinity chromatography purification of the rCMG2-Fc-Apo protein from whole leaf extract and apoplast wash fluid showed the homodimeric form under non-reducing gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry analysis confirmed the molecular integrity of the secreted protein. The N-glycosylation pattern of purified rCMG2-Fc-Apo protein was analysed; the major portion of N-glycans consists of complex type structures in both protein samples. The most abundant (>50%) N-glycan structure was GlcNAc₂(Xyl)Man₃(Fuc)GlcNAc₂ in rCMG2-Fc-Apo recovered from whole leaf extract and apoplast wash fluid. High mannose N-glycan structures were not detected in the apoplast wash fluid preparation, which confirmed the protein secretion. Altogether, these findings demonstrate that high-level production of rCMG2-Fc-Apo can be achieved by transient production in Nicotiana benthamiana plants with apoplast targeting

    Semicontinuous Bioreactor Production of Recombinant Butyrylcholinesterase in Transgenic Rice Cell Suspension Cultures.

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    An active and tetrameric form of recombinant butyrylcholinesterase (BChE), a large and complex human enzyme, was produced via semicontinuous operation in a transgenic rice cell suspension culture. After transformation of rice callus and screening of transformants, the cultures were scaled up from culture flask to a lab scale bioreactor. The bioreactor was operated through two phases each of growth and expression. The cells were able to produce BChE during both expression phases, with a maximum yield of 1.6 mg BChE/L of culture during the second expression phase. Cells successfully regrew during a 5-day growth phase. A combination of activity assays and Western blot analysis indicated production of an active and fully assembled tetramer of BChE

    Technoeconomic Modeling of Plant-Based Griffithsin Manufacturing

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    Griffithsin is a marine algal lectin that exhibits broad-spectrum antiviral activity by binding oligomannose glycans on viral envelope glycoproteins, including those found in HIV-1, HSV-2, SARS, HCV and other enveloped viruses. An efficient, scalable and cost-effective manufacturing process for Griffithsin is essential for the adoption of this drug in human antiviral prophylaxis and therapy, particularly in cost-sensitive indications such as topical microbicides for HIV-1 prevention. The production of certain classes of recombinant biologics in plants can offer scalability, cost and environmental impact advantages over traditional biomanufacturing platforms. Previously, we showed the technical viability of producing recombinant Griffithsin in plants. In this study, we conducted a technoeconomic analysis (TEA) of plant-produced Griffithsin manufactured at commercial launch volumes for use in HIV microbicides. Data derived from multiple non-sequential manufacturing batches conducted at pilot scale and existing facility designs were used to build a technoeconomic model using SuperPro Designer® modeling software. With an assumed commercial launch volume of 20 kg Griffithsin/year for 6.7 million doses of Griffithsin microbicide at 3 mg/dose, a transient vector expression yield of 0.52 g Griffithsin/kg leaf biomass, recovery efficiency of 70%, and purity of >99%, we calculated a manufacturing cost for the drug substance of 0.32/doseandestimatedabulkproductcostof0.32/dose and estimated a bulk product cost of 0.38/dose assuming a 20% net fee for a contract manufacturing organization (CMO). This is the first report modeling the manufacturing economics of Griffithsin. The process analyzed is readily scalable and subject to efficiency improvements and could provide the needed market volumes of the lectin within an acceptable range of costs, even for cost-constrained products such as microbicides. The manufacturing process was also assessed for environmental, health and safety impact and found to have a highly favorable environmental output index with negligible risks to health and safety. The results of this study help validate the plant-based manufacturing platform and should assist in selecting preferred indications for Griffithsin as a novel drug

    Transient Expression of Tetrameric Recombinant Human Butyrylcholinesterase in Nicotiana benthamiana.

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    To optimize the expression, extraction and purification of plant-derived tetrameric recombinant human butyrylcholinesterase (prBChE), we describe the development and use of plant viral amplicon-based gene expression system; Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) RNA-based overexpression vector (TRBO) to express enzymatically active FLAG-tagged plant made recombinant butyrylcholinesterase (rBChE) in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves using transient agroinfiltration. Two gene expression cassettes were designed to express the recombinant protein in either the ER or to the apoplastic compartment. Leaf homogenization was used to isolate ER-retained recombinant butyrylcholinesterase (prBChE-ER) while apoplast-targeted rBChE was isolated by either leaf homogenization (prBChE) or vacuum-extraction of apoplastic wash fluid (prBChE-AWF). rBChE from apoplast wash fluid had a higher specific activity but lower enzyme yield than leaf homogenate. To optimize the isolation and purification of total recombinant protein from leaf homogenates, an acidic extraction buffer was used. The acidic extraction buffer yielded >95% enzymatically active tetrameric rBChE as verified by Coomassie stained and native gel electrophoresis. Furthermore, when compared to human butyrylcholinesterase, the prBChE was found to be similar in terms of tetramerization and enzyme kinetics. The N-linked glycan profile of purified prBChE-ER was found to be mostly high mannose structures while the N-linked glycans on prBChE-AWF were primarily complex. The glycan profile of the prBChE leaf homogenates showed a mixture of high mannose, complex and paucimannose type N-glycans. These findings demonstrate the ability of plants to produce rBChE that is enzymatically active and whose oligomeric state is comparable to mammalian butyrylcholinesterase. The process of plant made rBChE tetramerization and strategies for improving its pharmacokinetics properties are also discussed
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