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    The cultural greatness preserved by cilappatikaram

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    This paper studies the cultural greatness preserved by Cilappatikaram. Tamil literary texts have ennumerated morals for good conduct of life. They reveal richness of life to human society and express some worthy ideas though past events are imagined. Cilappatikaram is a unique Tamil literary composition. Cankam texts have described upsets created in society due to association with harlots. The ethical texts like Tirukkural have condemned prostitution. Ilango Adikal composed Cilappatikaram considering past events and conditions of contemporary society. The epic shows how the association with harlots will affect family, society and country. Its excellence is preservation of cultural greatness. The poet achieves his object by portraying lives of Kovalan, Kannaki and Matavi. Cilappatikaram is the source for this research. Its object is to identify cultural complexities created by prostitution and social harmony that Ilanko wanted to preserve. Analytical, descriptive and comparative methodologies are preferred. Disorder created by harlots at the levels of family, society and country will be analysed. By descriptive method the poems are explained. The qualities of the characters are compared. Through this research the disorderliness created by relationship with harlots and the importance of preservation of culture could be identified