12 research outputs found

    Plasma cell free next-generation sequencing detects an unusual pneumonia pathogen in an immunocompetent adolescent with acute respiratory distress syndrome

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    This case details a rapid diagnosis of legionella pneumonia causing severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in an otherwise healthy adolescent through plasma microbial cell-free DNA next generation sequencing (mcfDNA-NGS). Diagnosis by mcfDNA-NGS of this unexpected pathogen led to narrowing of antimicrobials and the addition of glucocorticoids as adjunctive therapy for ARDS

    Pulmonary Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma in a Patient with Crohn’s Disease

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    Pulmonary epithelioid hemangioendothelioma (PEH) is a rare neoplasm, largely unresponsive to chemotherapeutic medications, and with varied prognosis. Imaging on computerized tomography may demonstrate perivascular nodules, but diagnosis is ultimately made on biopsy with immunohistochemical analysis. Here we describe a case of PEH in a 14-year-old male with Crohn’s disease, which, to our knowledge, has not previously been described in the literature

    Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Plasma from Children with Short Bowel Syndrome.

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    Sepsis, resulting from a dysregulated host immune response to invading pathogens, is the leading cause of mortality in critically ill patients worldwide. Immunomodulatory treatment for sepsis is currently lacking. Children with short bowel syndrome (SBS) may present with less severe symptoms during gram-negative bacteremia. We, therefore, tested the hypothesis that plasma from children with SBS could confer protection against Escherichia coli sepsis. We showed that SBS plasma at 5% and 10% concentrations significantly (p < 0.05) inhibited the production of both TNF-α and IL-6 induced by either E. coli- or LPS-stimulated host cells when compared to plasma from healthy controls. Furthermore, mice treated intravenously with select plasma samples from SBS or healthy subjects had reduced proinflammatory cytokine levels in plasma and a significant survival advantage after E. coli infection. However, SBS plasma was not more protective than the plasma of healthy subjects, suggesting that children with SBS have other immunomodulatory mechanisms, in addition to neutralizing antibodies, to alleviate their symptoms during gram-negative sepsis

    Characterization of SARS-CoV-2 and common cold coronavirus-specific T-cell responses in MIS-C and Kawasaki disease children.

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    The immunopathogenesis of multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) in children that may follow exposure to SARS-CoV-2 is incompletely understood. Here, we studied SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells in MIS-C, Kawasaki disease (KD), and SARS-CoV-2 convalescent controls using peptide pools derived from SARS-CoV-2 spike or nonspike proteins, and common cold coronaviruses (CCC). Coordinated CD4+ and CD8+ SARS-CoV-2-specific T cells were detected in five MIS-C subjects with cross-reactivity to CCC. CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell responses alone were documented in three and one subjects, respectively. T-cell specificities in MIS-C did not correlate with disease severity and were similar to SARS-CoV-2 convalescent controls. T-cell memory and cross-reactivity to CCC in MIS-C and SARS-CoV-2 convalescent controls were also similar. The chemokine receptor CCR6, but not CCR9, was highly expressed on SARS-CoV-2-specific CD4+ but not on CD8+ T cells. Only two of 10 KD subjects showed a T-cell response to CCC. Enumeration of myeloid APCs revealed low cell precursors in MIS-C subjects compared to KD. In summary, children with MIS-C mount a normal T-cell response to SARS-CoV-2 with no apparent relationship to antecedent CCC exposure. Low numbers of tolerogenic myeloid DCs may impair their anti-inflammatory response

    Clinical application of cell-free next-generation sequencing for infectious diseases at a tertiary children’s hospital

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    Abstract Background Children affected by infectious diseases may not always have a detectable infectious etiology. Diagnostic uncertainty can lead to prolonged hospitalizations, inappropriately broad or extended courses of antibiotics, invasive diagnostic procedures, and difficulty predicting the clinical course and outcome. Cell-free plasma next-generation sequencing (cfNGS) can identify viral, bacterial, and fungal infections by detecting pathogen DNA in peripheral blood. This testing modality offers the ability to test for many organisms at once in a shotgun metagenomic approach with a rapid turnaround time. We sought to compare the results of cfNGS to conventional diagnostic test results and describe the impact of cfNGS on clinical care in a diverse pediatric population at a large academic children’s hospital. Methods We performed a retrospective chart review of hospitalized subjects at a tertiary pediatric hospital to determine the diagnostic yield of cfNGS and its impact on clinical care. Results We describe the clinical application of results from 142 cfNGS tests in the management of 110 subjects over an 8-month study period. In comparison to conventional testing as a reference standard, cfNGS was found to have a positive percent agreement of 89.6% and negative percent agreement of 52.3%. Furthermore, 32.4% of cfNGS results were directly applied to make a clinical change in management. Conclusions We demonstrate the clinically utility of cfNGS in the management of acutely ill children. Future studies, both retrospective and prospective, are needed to clarify the optimal indications for testing

    Use of Metagenomic Next-Generation Sequencing to Identify Pathogens in Pediatric Osteoarticular Infections.

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    BackgroundOsteoarticular infections (OAIs) are frequently encountered in children. Treatment may be guided by isolation of a pathogen; however, operative cultures are often negative. Metagenomic next-generation sequencing (mNGS) allows for broad and sensitive pathogen detection that is culture-independent. We sought to evaluate the diagnostic utility of mNGS in comparison to culture and usual care testing to detect pathogens in acute osteomyelitis and/or septic arthritis in children.MethodsThis was a single-site study to evaluate the use of mNGS in comparison to culture to detect pathogens in acute pediatric osteomyelitis and/or septic arthritis. Subjects admitted to a tertiary children's hospital with suspected OAI were eligible for enrollment. We excluded subjects with bone or joint surgery within 30 days of admission or with chronic osteomyelitis. Operative samples were obtained at the surgeon's discretion per standard care (fluid or tissue) and based on imaging and operative findings. We compared mNGS to culture and usual care testing (culture and polymerase chain reaction [PCR]) from the same site.ResultsWe recruited 42 subjects over the enrollment period. mNGS of the operative samples identified a pathogen in 26 subjects compared to 19 subjects in whom culture identified a pathogen. In 4 subjects, mNGS identified a pathogen where combined usual care testing (culture and PCR) was negative. Positive predictive agreement and negative predictive agreement both were 93.0% for mNGS.ConclusionsIn this single-site prospective study of pediatric OAI, we demonstrated the diagnostic utility of mNGS testing in comparison to culture and usual care (culture and PCR) from operative specimens

    Cost Efficacy of Rapid Whole Genome Sequencing in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.

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    The diagnostic and clinical utility of rapid whole genome sequencing (rWGS) for critically ill children in the intensive care unit (ICU) has been substantiated by multiple studies, but comprehensive cost-effectiveness evaluation of rWGS in the ICU outside of the neonatal age group is lacking. In this study, we examined cost data retrospectively for a cohort of 38 children in a regional pediatric ICU (PICU) who received rWGS. We identified seven of 17 patients who received molecular diagnoses by rWGS and had resultant changes in clinical management with sufficient clarity to permit cost and quality adjusted life years (QALY) modeling. Cost of PICU care was estimated to be reduced by 184,846andatotalof12.1QALYsweregainedamongthesesevenpatients.ThetotalcostofrWGSforpatientsandfamiliesfortheentirecohort(38probands)was184,846 and a total of 12.1 QALYs were gained among these seven patients. The total cost of rWGS for patients and families for the entire cohort (38 probands) was 239,400. Thus, the net cost of rWGS was 54,554,representing54,554, representing 4,509 per QALY gained. This quantitative, retrospective examination of healthcare utilization associated with rWGS-informed medicine interventions in the PICU revealed approximately one-third of a QALY gained per patient tested at a cost per QALY that was approximately one-tenth of that typically sought for cost-effective new medical interventions. This evidence suggests that performance of rWGS as a first-tier test in selected PICU children with diseases of unknown etiology is associated with acceptable cost-per-QALY gained