1,064 research outputs found

    Electric Pulses to Prepare Feeder Cells for Sustaining and Culturing of Undifferentiated Embryonic Stem Cells

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    Current challenges in embryonic-stem-cell (ESC) research include inability of sustaining and culturing of undifferentiated ESCs over time. Growth-arrested feeder cells are essential to the culture and sustaining of undifferentiated ESCs, and they are currently prepared using gammaradiation and chemical inactivation. Both techniques have severe limitations. In this study, we developed a new, simple and effective technique (pulsed-electric-fields, PEFs) to produce viable growth-arrested cells (RTS34st) and used them as high-quality feeder cells to culture and sustain undifferentiated zebrafish ESCs over time. The cells were exposed to 25 sequential 10- nanosecond-electric-pulses (10nsEPs) of 25, 40 and 150 kV/cm with 1s pulse interval, or 2 sequential 50-microsecond-electric-pulses (50μsEPs) of 2.83, 1.78 and 0.7 kV/cm with 5s pulse interval, respectively. We found that cellular effects of PEFs depended directly upon the duration, number and electric-field-strength (E) of the pulses, showing the feasibility of tuning them to produce various types of growth-arrested cells for culturing undifferentiated ESCs. Either 10nsEPs of 40 kV/cm or 50μsEPs of 1.78 kV/cm provided by inexpensive and widely available conventional electroporators, generated high-quality growth-arrested feeder cells for proliferation of undifferentiated ESCs over time. One can now use PEFs to replace radiation methods for preparation of growth-arrested feeder cells for advancing ESC research

    Real-Time in vivo Imaging of Size-Dependent Transport and Toxicity of Gold Nanoparticles in Zebrafish Embryos Using Single Nanoparticle Plasmonic Spectroscopy

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    Noble metal nanoparticles (NPs) show distinctive plasmonic optical properties and superior photostability, enabling them to serve as photostable multicoloured optical molecular probes and sensors for real-time in vivo imaging. To effectively study biological functions in vivo, it is essential that the NP probes are biocompatible and can be delivered into living organisms non-invasively. In this study, we have synthesized, purified and characterized stable (non-aggregated) gold (Au) NPs (86.2 +/- 10.8 nm). We have developed dark-field single NP plasmonic microscopy and spectroscopy to study their transport into early developing zebrafish embryos (cleavage stage) and their effects on embryonic development in real-time at single NP resolution. We found that single Au NPs (75-97 nm) passively diffused into the embryos via their chorionic pore canals, and stayed inside the embryos throughout their entire development (120 h). The majority of embryos (96 +/- 3%) that were chronically incubated with the Au NPs (0-20 pM) for 120 h developed to normal zebrafish, while an insignificant percentage of embryos developed to deformed zebrafish (1 +/- 1)% or dead (3 +/- 3)%. Interestingly, we did not observe dose-dependent effects of the Au NPs (0-20 pM) on embryonic development. By comparing with our previous studies of smaller Au NPs (11.6 +/- 0.9 nm) and similar-sized Ag NPs (95.4 +/- 16.0 nm), we found that the larger Au NPs are more biocompatible than the smaller Au NPs, while the similar-sized Ag NPs are much more toxic than Au NPs. This study offers in vivo assays and single NP microscopy and spectroscopy to characterize the biocompatibility and toxicity of single NPs, and new insights into the rational design of more biocompatible plasmonic NP imaging probes

    Ultrasensitive Analysis of Binding Affinity of HIV Receptor and Neutralizing Antibodies Using Solution-Phase Electrochemiluminescence Assay

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    Binding of a few ligand molecules with its receptors on cell surface can initiate cellular signaling transduction pathways, and trigger viral infection of host cells. HIV-1 infects host T-cells by binding its viral envelope protein (gp120) with its receptor (a glycoprotein, CD4) on T cells. Primary strategies to prevent and treat HIV infection is to develop therapies (e.g., neutralizing antibodies) that can block specific binding of CD4 with gp120. The infection often leads to the lower counts of CD4 cells, which makes it an effective biomarker to monitor the AIDS progression and treatment. Despite research over decades, quantitative assays for effective measurements of binding affinities of protein-protein (ligand-receptor, antigen-antibody) interactions remains highly sought. Solid-phase electrochemiluminescence (ECL) immunoassay has been commonly used to capture analytes from the solution for analysis, which involves immobilization of antibody on solid surfaces (micron-sized beads), but it cannot quantitatively measure binding affinities of molecular interactions. In this study, we have developed solution phase ECL assay with a wide dynamic range (0–2 nM) and high sensitivity and specificity for quantitative analysis of CD4 at femtomolar level and their binding affinity with gp120 and monoclonal antibodies (MABs). We found that binding affinities of CD4 with gp120 and MAB (Q4120) are 9.5×108 and 1.2×109 M−1, respectively. The results also show that MAB (Q4120) of CD4 can completely block the binding of gp120 with CD4, while MAB (17b) of gp120 can only partially block their interaction. This study demonstrates that the solution-phase ECL assay can be used for ultrasensitive and quantitative analysis of binding affinities of protein-protein interactions in solution for better understating of protein functions and identification of effective therapies to block their interactions

    Size-Dependent Inhibitory Effects of Antibiotic Nanocarriers on Filamentation of \u3ci\u3eE. coli\u3c/i\u3e

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    Multidrug membrane transporters exist in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and cause multidrug resistance (MDR), which results in an urgent need for new and more effective therapeutic agents. In this study, we used three different sized antibiotic nanocarriers to study their mode of action and their size-dependent inhibitory effects against Escherichia coli (E. coli). Antibiotic nanocarriers (AgMUNH–Oflx NPs) with 8.6 × 102, 9.4 × 103 and 6.5 × 105 Oflx molecules per nanoparticle (NP) were prepared by functionalizing Ag NPs (2.4 ± 0.7, 13.0 ± 3.1 and 92.6 ± 4.4 nm) with a monolayer of 11-amino-1-undecanethiol (MUNH2) and covalently linking ofloxacin (Oflx) with the amine group of AgMUNH2 NPs, respectively. We designed a modified cell culture medium for nanocarriers to be stable (non-aggregated) over 18 h of cell culture, which enabled us to quantitatively study their size and dose dependent inhibitory effects against E. coli. We found that the inhibitory effects of Oflx against E. coli highly depended upon the dose of Oflx and the size of the nanocarriers, showing that an equal amount of Oflx that was delivered by the largest nanocarriers (92.6 ± 4.4 nm) were most potent with the lowest minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC50) and created the longest and highest percentage of filamentous cells, while the smallest nanocarriers (2.4 ± 0.7) were least potent with the highest MIC50 and produced the shortest and lowest percentage of filamentous cells. Interestingly, the same amount of Oflx on 2.4 ± 0.7 nm nanocarriers showed a 2× higher MIC and created 2× shorter filamentous cells than free Oflx, while the Oflx on 13.0 ± 3.1 and 92.6 ± 4.4 nm nanocarriers exhibited 2× and 6× lower MICs, and produced 2× and 3× longer filamentous cells than free Oflx, respectively. Notably, the three different sized AgMUNH2 NPs (absence of Oflx) showed negligible inhibitory effects and did not create filamentous cells. The results show that the filamentation of E. coli highly depends upon the sizes of nanocarriers, which leads to the size-dependent inhibitory effects of nanocarriers against E. coli

    Toxic Effects of Silver Ions on Early Developing Zebrafish Embryos Distinguished From Silver Nanoparticles

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    Currently, effects of nanomaterials and their ions, such as silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) and silver ions (Ag+), on living organisms are not yet fully understood. One of the vital questions is whether nanomaterials have distinctive effects on living organisms from any other conventional chemicals (e.g., their ions), owing to their unique physicochemical properties. Due to various experimental protocols, studies of this crucial question have been inconclusive, which hinders rational design of effective regulatory guidelines for safely handling NPs. In this study, we chronically exposed early developing zebrafish embryos (cleavage-stage, 2 hours post-fertilization, hpf) to a dilution series of Ag+ (0–1.2 μM) in egg water (1 mM NaCl, solubility of Ag+ = 0.18 μM) until 120 hpf. We systematically investigated effects of Ag+ on developing embryos and compared them with our previous studies of effects of purified Ag NPs on developing embryos. We found the concentration- and time-dependent effects of Ag+ on embryonic development, and only half of the embryos developed normally after being exposed to 0.25 μM (27 μg/L) Ag+ until 120 hpf. As the Ag+ concentration increases, the number of embryos that developed normally decreases, while the number of embryos that became dead increases. The number of abnormally developing embryos increases as the Ag+ concentration increases from 0 to 0.3 μM and then decreases as the concentration increases from 0.3 to 1.2 μM because the number of embryos that became dead increases. The concentration-dependent phenotypes were observed, showing fin fold abnormality, tail and spinal cord flexure, and yolk sac edema at low Ag+ concentrations (≤0.2 μM) and head and eye abnormalities along with fin fold abnormality, tail and spinal cord flexure, and yolk sac edema at high concentrations (≥0.3 μM). Severities of phenotypes and the number of abnormally developing embryos were far less than those observed in Ag NPs. The results also show concentration-dependent effects on heart rates and hatching rates of developing embryos, attributing to the dose-dependent abnormally developing embryos. In summary, the results show that Ag+ and Ag NPs have distinctive toxic effects on early developing embryos, and toxic effects of Ag+ are far less severe than those of Ag NPs, which further demonstrates that the toxicity of Ag NPs toward embryonic development is attributed to the NPs themselves and their unique physicochemical properties but not the release of Ag+ from the Ag NPs

    Size-Dependent Inhibitory Effects of Antibiotic Drug Nanocarriers Against Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

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    Multidrug membrane transporters (efflux pumps) are responsible for multidrug resistance (MDR) and the low efficacy of therapeutic drugs. Noble metal nanoparticles (NPs) possess a high surface-area-to-volume ratio and size-dependent plasmonic optical properties, enabling them to serve both as imaging probes to study sized-dependent MDR and as potential drug carriers to circumvent MDR and enhance therapeutic efficacy. To this end, in this study, we synthesized three different sizes of silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs), 2.4 ± 0.7, 13.0 ± 3.1, and 92.6 ± 4.4 nm, functionalized their surface with a monolayer of 11-amino-1-undecanethiol (AUT), and covalently conjugated them with antibiotics (ofloxacin, Oflx) to prepare antibiotic drug nanocarriers with conjugation ratios of 8.6 × 102, 9.4 × 103, and 6.5 × 105 Oflx molecules per NP, respectively. We purified and characterized the nanocarriers and developed cell culture medium in which the cells grew normally and the nanocarriers were stable (non-aggregated), to quantitatively study the size, dose, and efflux pump (MexAB-OprM) dependent inhibitory effect of the nanocarriers against two strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, WT (normal expression of MexAB-OprM) and ΔABM (deletion of MexAB-OprM). We found that the inhibitory effect of these nanocarriers highly depended on the sizes of NPs, the doses of antibiotic, and the expression of MexAB-OprM. The same amount of Oflx on the largest nanocarriers (92.6 ± 4.4 nm) showed the highest inhibitory effect (the lowest minimal inhibitory concentration) against P. aeruginosa. Surprisingly, the smallest nanocarriers (2.4 ± 0.7 nm) exhibited a lower inhibitory effect than free Oflx. The results suggest that size-dependent multivalent effects, the distribution and localization of Oflx (pharmacodynamics), and the efflux of Oflx all play a role in the inhibitory effects. Control experiments using three sizes of AgMUNH2 NPs (absence of Oflx) showed that these NPs do not exhibit any significant inhibitory activity toward both strains. These new findings demonstrate the need for and possibility of designing optimal sized antibiotic nanocarriers to achieve the highest efficacy against P. aeruginosa

    Antibiotic Drug Nanocarriers for Probing of Multidrug ABC Membrane Transporter of \u3ci\u3eBacillus subtilis\u3c/i\u3e

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    Multidrug membrane transporters can extrude a wide range of substrates, which cause multidrug resistance and ineffective treatment of diseases. In this study, we used three different sized antibiotic drug nanocarriers to study their size-dependent inhibitory effects against Bacillus subtilis. We functionalized 2.4 ± 0.7, 13.0 ± 3.1, and 92.6 ± 4.4 nm silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) with a monolayer of 11-amino-1-undecanethiol and covalently linked them with antibiotics (ofloxacin, Oflx). The labeling ratios of antibiotics with NPs are 8.6 × 102, 9.4 × 103, and 6.5 × 105 Oflx molecules per NP, respectively. We designed cell culture medium in which both BmrA and ΔBmrA cells grew and functioned normally while ensuring the stabilities of nanocarriers (nonaggregation). These approaches allow us to quantitatively study the dependence of their inhibitory effect against two isogenic strains of B. subtilis, WT (normal expression of BmrA) and ΔBmrA (deletion of bmrA), upon the NP size, antibiotic dose, and BmrA expression. Our results show that the inhibitory effects of nanocarriers highly depend on NP size and antibiotic dose. The same amount of Oflx on 2.4 ± 0.7, 13.0 ± 3.1, and 92.6 ± 4.4 nm nanocarriers shows the 3× lower, nearly the same, and 10× higher inhibitory effects than that of free Oflx, against both WT and ΔBmrA, respectively. Control experiments of the respective sized AgMUNH2 NPs (absence of Oflx) show insignificant inhibitory effects toward both strains. Taken together, the results show multiple factors, such as labeling ratios, multivalent effects, and pharmacodynamics (Oflx localization and distribution), which might play the roles in the size-dependent inhibitory effects on the growth of both WT and ΔBmrA strains. Interestingly, the inhibitory effects of nanocarriers are independent of the expression of BmrA, which could be attributed to the higher efflux of nanocarriers by other membrane transporters in both strains

    In Vivo Imaging of Transport and Biocompatibility of Single Silver Nanoparticles in Early Development of Zebrafish Embryos

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    Real-time study of the transport and biocompatibility of nanomaterials in early embryonic development at single-nanoparticle resolution can offer new knowledge about the delivery and effects of nanomaterials in vivo, and provide new insights into molecular transport mechanisms in developing embryos. In this study, we directly characterized the transport of single silver nanoparticles into an in vivo model system (zebrafish embryos) and investigated their effects on early embryonic development at single-nanoparticle resolution in real time. We designed highly purified and stable (not aggregated and no photodecomposition) nanoparticles and developed single-nanoparticle optics and in vivo assays to enable the study. We found that single Ag nanoparticles (5- 46 nm) transport in and out of embryos through chorion pore canals (CPCs), and exhibit Brownian diffusion (not active transport), with ∼26 times lower diffusion coefficient (3×10-9 cm2/s) inside the chorionic space than that in egg water (7.7×10-8 cm2/s). In contrast, nanoparticles were trapped inside CPCs and the inner mass of the embryos, showing restricted diffusion. Individual Ag nanoparticles were observed inside embryos at each developmental stage and in normally developed, deformed, and dead zebrafish, showing that the biocompatibility and toxicity of Ag nanoparticles and types of abnormalities observed in zebrafish are highly dependent on the dose of Ag nanoparticles, with a critical concentration of 0.19 nM. Rates of passive diffusion and accumulation of nanoparticles in embryos are likely responsible for the dose-dependent abnormalities. Unlike other chemicals, single nanoparticles can be directly imaged inside developing embryos at nanometer (nm) spatial resolution, offering new opportunities to unravel the related pathways that lead to the abnormalities

    Silver Nanoparticles Induce Developmental Stage-Specific Embryonic Phenotypes in Zebrafish

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    Much is anticipated from the development and deployment of nanomaterials in biological organisms, but concerns remain regarding their biocompatibility and target specificity. Here we report our study of the transport, biocompatibility and toxicity of purified and stable silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs, 13.1 ± 2.5 nm in diameter) upon the specific developmental stages of zebrafish embryos using single NP plasmonic spectroscopy. We find that single Ag NPs passively diffuse into five different developmental stages of embryos (cleavage, early-gastrula, early-segmentation, late-segmentation, and hatching stages), showing stage-independent diffusion modes and diffusion coefficients. Notably, the Ag NPs induce distinctive stage and dose-dependent phenotypes and nanotoxicity, upon their acute exposure to the Ag NPs (0–0.7 nM) for only 2 h. The late-segmentation embryos are most sensitive to the NPs with the lowest critical concentration (CNP,c ≪ 0.02 nM) and highest percentages of cardiac abnormalities, followed by early-segmentation embryos (CNP,c \u3c 0.02 nM), suggesting that disruption of cell differentiation by the NPs causes the most toxic effects on embryonic development. The cleavage-stage embryos treated with the NPs develop to a wide variety of phenotypes (abnormal finfold, tail/spinal cord flexure, cardiac malformation, yolk sac edema, and acephaly). These organ structures are not yet developed in cleavage-stage embryos, suggesting that the earliest determinative events to create these structures are ongoing, and disrupted by NPs, which leads to the downstream effects. In contrast, the hatching embryos are most resistant to the Ag NPs, and majority of embryos (94%) develop normally, and none of them develops abnormality. Interestingly, early-gastrula embryos are less sensitive to the NPs than cleavage and segmentation stage embryos, and do not develop abnormally. These important findings suggest that the Ag NPs are not simple poisons, and they can target specific pathways in development, and potentially enable target specific study and therapy for early embryonic development

    Design and Study of the Efflux Function of the EGFP Fused MexAB-OprM Membrane Transporter in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Using Spectroscopy

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    Multidrug membrane transporters (efflux pumps) can selectively extrude a variety of structurally and functionally diverse substrates (e.g., chemotoxics, antibiotics), leading to multidrug resistance (MDR) and ineffective treatment of a wide variety of diseases. In this study, we have designed and constructed a fusion gene (egfp-mexB) of N-terminal mexB with C-terminal egfp, inserted it into a plasmid vector (pMMB67EH), and successfully expressed it in the Δ MexB (MexB deletion) strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosato create a new strain that expresses MexA-(EGFP-MexB)-OprM. We characterized the fusion gene using gel electrophoresis and DNA sequencing, and determined its expression in live cells by measuring the fluorescence of EGFP in single live cells using fluorescence microscopy. Efflux function of the new strain was studied by measuring its accumulation kinetics of ethidium bromide (EtBr, a pump substrate) using fluorescence spectroscopy, which was compared with cells (WT, ΔMexM, ΔABM, and nalB1) with various expression levels of MexAB-OprM. The new strain shows 6-fold lower accumulation rates of EtBr (15 μM) than ΔABM, 4-fold lower than ΔMexB, but only 1.1-fold higher than WT. As the EtBr concentration increases to 40 mM, the new strain has nearly the same accumulation rate of EtBr as ΔMexB, but 1.4-fold higher than WT. We observed the nearly same level of inhibitory effect of CCCP (carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone) on the efflux of EtBr by the new strain and WT. Antibiotic susceptibility study shows that the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of aztreonam (AZT) and chloramphenicol (CP) for the new strain are 6-fold or 3-fold lower than WT, respectively, and 2-fold higher than those of Δ MexB. Taken together, the results suggest that the fusion protein partially retains the efflux function of MexAB-OprM. The modeled structure of the fusion protein shows that the position and orientation of the N-terminal fused EGFP domain may either partially block the translocation pore or restrict the movement of the individual pump domains, which may lead to partially restricted efflux activity
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