16 research outputs found

    GnRH Receptor Expression and Reproductive Function Depend on JUN in GnRH Receptor‒Expressing Cells.

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    Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) from the hypothalamus regulates synthesis and secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) from the anterior pituitary gonadotropes. LH and FSH are heterodimers composed of a common α-subunit and unique β-subunits, which provide biological specificity and are limiting components of mature hormone synthesis. Gonadotrope cells respond to GnRH via specific expression of the GnRH receptor (Gnrhr). GnRH induces the expression of gonadotropin genes and of the Gnrhr by activation of specific transcription factors. The JUN (c-Jun) transcription factor binds to AP-1 sites in the promoters of target genes and mediates induction of the FSHβ gene and of the Gnrhr in gonadotrope-derived cell lines. To analyze the role of JUN in reproductive function in vivo, we generated a mouse model that lacks JUN specifically in GnRH receptor‒expressing cells (conditional JUN knockout; JUN-cKO). JUN-cKO mice displayed profound reproductive anomalies such as reduced LH levels resulting in lower gonadal steroid levels, longer estrous cycles in females, and diminished sperm numbers in males. Unexpectedly, FSH levels were unchanged in these animals, whereas Gnrhr expression in the pituitary was reduced. Steroidogenic enzyme expression was reduced in the gonads of JUN-cKO mice, likely as a consequence of reduced LH levels. GnRH receptor‒driven Cre activity was detected in the hypothalamus but not in the GnRH neuron. Female, but not male, JUN-cKO mice exhibited reduced GnRH expression. Taken together, our results demonstrate that GnRH receptor‒expression levels depend on JUN and are critical for reproductive function

    Diet-Induced Obesity Elicits Macrophage Infiltration and Reduction in Spine Density in the Hypothalami of Male but Not Female Mice

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    Increasing prevalence in obesity has become a significant public concern. C57BL/6J mice are prone to diet-induced obesity (DIO) when fed high-fat diet (HFD), and develop chronic inflammation and metabolic syndrome, making them a good model to analyze mechanisms whereby obesity elicits pathologies. DIO mice demonstrated profound sex differences in response to HFD with respect to inflammation and hypothalamic function. First, we determined that males are prone to DIO, while females are resistant. Ovariectomized females, on the other hand, are susceptible to DIO, implying protection by ovarian hormones. Males, but not females, exhibit changes in hypothalamic neuropeptide expression. Surprisingly, ovariectomized females remain resistant to neuroendocrine changes, showing that ovarian hormones are not necessary for protection. Second, obese mice exhibit sex differences in DIO-induced inflammation. Microglial activation and peripheral macrophage infiltration is seen in the hypothalami of males, while females are protected from the increase in inflammatory cytokines and do not exhibit microglia morphology changes nor monocyte-derived macrophage infiltration, regardless of the presence of ovarian hormones. Strikingly, the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 is increased in the hypothalami of females but not males. Third, this study posits a potential mechanism of obesity-induced impairment of hypothalamic function whereby obese males exhibit reduced levels of synaptic proteins in the hypothalamus and fewer spines in GnRH neurons, located in the areas exhibiting macrophage infiltration. Our studies suggest that inflammation-induced synaptic remodeling is potentially responsible for hypothalamic impairment that may contribute to diminished levels of gonadotropin hormones, testosterone, and sperm numbers, which we observe and corresponds to the observations in obese humans. Taken together, our data implicate neuro-immune mechanisms underlying sex-specific differences in obesity-induced impairment of the hypothalamic function with potential consequences for reproduction and fertility

    Mechanisms of Obesity Induced Impairment of Reproduction

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    The increase of obesity among US men and women of age 20-39 has resulted in social and economic consequences. Obese individuals are at increased risk of developing reproductive issues. Obese women present with menstrual irregularities, pregnancy complications, and infertility due to anovulation, while obese men present with low testosterone and sperm count. Mammalian reproduction is regulated by the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons, scattered in the preoptic area of the hypothalamus, synthesize and secrete GnRH to act on the anterior pituitary to stimulate the synthesis and secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) from gonadotrope cells. LH and FSH then act on the gonads to promote steroidogenesis and gametogenesis. Nutritional status exerts their effects on reproduction by modulating GnRH levels. Previous studies have reported that metabolic pathways do not directly act on GnRH neurons. Pro-inflammatory cytokines, tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α), interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-1β, which are elevated in circulation and in the central nervous system (CNS), including the hypothalamus, of obese individuals, have been implicated in altering GnRH levels in rodents challenged with lipopolysaccharide, but how these cytokines mediate their effects is unknown and controversial. Thus, we investigated mechanisms by which inflammatory signals influence GnRH neurons and GnRH gene expression to provide insight into the etiology of obesity-induced infertility.Our studies conducted in C57BL/6J mice demonstrated sex differences in the response to diet induced obesity with respect to inflammation and hypothalamic function. We proposed neuro-immune mechanisms of obesity induced impairment of reproduction whereby neuroinflammation and subsequent decrease in GnRH neuron spine density was specific for male mice, while protection in females was independent of ovarian estrogens. We also investigated direct effects of neuroinflammation-induced cytokines on GnRH gene expression by examining signaling pathways and mechanisms in male mice and in GnRH expressing cell line, GT1-7 cells. We identified an additional mechanism of obesity induced impairment of reproduction where LIF directly repressed GnRH mRNA via cFOS, that is induced in GnRH and other neurons that are proximal to fenestrated capillaries of diet-induced obese male mice

    Sex Differences in Macrophage Responses to Obesity-Mediated Changes Determine Migratory and Inflammatory Traits

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    The mechanisms whereby obesity differentially affects males and females are unclear. Because macrophages are functionally the most important cells in obesity-induced inflammation, we sought to determine reasons for male-specific propensity in macrophage migration. We previously determined that male mice fed a high-fat diet exhibit macrophage infiltration into the hypothalamus, whereas females were protected irrespective of ovarian estrogen, in this study, we show that males accumulate more macrophages in adipose tissues that are also more inflammatory. Using bone marrow cells or macrophages differentiated in vitro from male and female mice fed control or high-fat diet, we demonstrated that macrophages derived from male mice are intrinsically more migratory. We determined that males have higher levels of leptin in serum and adipose tissue. Serum CCL2 levels, however, are the same in males and females, although they are increased in obese mice compared with lean mice of both sexes. Leptin receptor and free fatty acid (FFA) receptor, GPR120, are upregulated only in macrophages derived from male mice when cultured in the presence of FFA to mimic hyperlipidemia of obesity. Unless previously stimulated with LPS, CCL2 did not cause migration of macrophages. Leptin, however, elicited migration of macrophages from both sexes. Macrophages from male mice maintained migratory capacity when cultured with FFA, whereas female macrophages failed to migrate. Therefore, both hyperlipidemia and hyperleptinemia contribute to male macrophage-specific migration because increased FFA induce leptin receptors, whereas higher leptin causes migration. Our results may explain sex differences in obesity-mediated disorders caused by macrophage infiltration

    Visceral adipose tissue imparts peripheral macrophage influx into the hypothalamus.

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    BackgroundObesity is characterized by a systemic inflammation and hypothalamic neuroinflammation. Systemic inflammation is caused by macrophages that infiltrate obese adipose tissues. We previously demonstrated that high-fat diet (HFD)-fed male mice exhibited peripheral macrophage infiltration into the hypothalamus, in addition to activation of resident microglia. Since this infiltration contributes to neuroinflammation and neuronal impairment, herein we characterize the phenotype and origin of these hypothalamic macrophages in HFD mice.MethodsC57BL/6J mice were fed HFD (60% kcal from fat) or control diet with matching sucrose levels, for 12-16 weeks. Males and females were analyzed separately to determine sex-specific responses to HFD. Differences in hypothalamic gene expression in HFD-fed male and female mice, compared to their lean controls, in two different areas of the hypothalamus, were determined using the NanoString neuroinflammation panel. Phenotypic changes in macrophages that infiltrated the hypothalamus in HFD-fed mice were determined by analyzing cell surface markers using flow cytometry and compared to changes in macrophages from the adipose tissue and peritoneal cavity. Adipose tissue transplantation was performed to determine the source of hypothalamic macrophages.ResultsWe determined that hypothalamic gene expression profiles demonstrate sex-specific and region-specific diet-induced changes. Sex-specific changes included larger changes in males, while region-specific changes included larger changes in the area surrounding the median eminence. Several genes were identified that may provide partial protection to female mice. We also identified diet-induced changes in macrophage migration into the hypothalamus, adipose tissue, and peritoneal cavity, specifically in males. Further, we determined that hypothalamus-infiltrating macrophages express pro-inflammatory markers and markers of metabolically activated macrophages that were identical to markers of adipose tissue macrophages in HFD-fed mice. Employing adipose tissue transplant, we demonstrate that hypothalamic macrophages can originate from the visceral adipose tissue.ConclusionHFD-fed males experience higher neuroinflammation than females, likely because they accumulate more visceral fat, which provides a source of pro-inflammatory macrophages that migrate to other tissues, including the hypothalamus. Our findings may explain the male bias for neuroinflammation and the metabolic syndrome. Together, our results demonstrate a new connection between the adipose tissue and the hypothalamus in obesity that contributes to neuroinflammation and hypothalamic pathologies

    Macrophage-Regulatory T Cell Interactions Promote Type 2 Immune Homeostasis Through Resistin-Like Molecule α.

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    RELMα is a small, secreted protein expressed by type 2 cytokine-activated "M2" macrophages in helminth infection and allergy. At steady state and in response to type 2 cytokines, RELMα is highly expressed by peritoneal macrophages, however, its function in the serosal cavity is unclear. In this study, we generated RELMα TdTomato (Td) reporter/knockout (RαTd) mice and investigated RELMα function in IL-4 complex (IL-4c)-induced peritoneal inflammation. We first validated the RELMαTd/Td transgenic mice and showed that IL-4c injection led to the significant expansion of large peritoneal macrophages that expressed Td but not RELMα protein, while RELMα+/+ mice expressed RELMα and not Td. Functionally, RELMαTd/Td mice had increased IL-4 induced peritoneal macrophage responses and splenomegaly compared to RELMα+/+ mice. Gene expression analysis indicated that RELMαTd/Td peritoneal macrophages were more proliferative and activated than RELMα+/+ macrophages, with increased genes associated with T cell responses, growth factor and cytokine signaling, but decreased genes associated with differentiation and maintenance of myeloid cells. We tested the hypothesis that RαTd/Td macrophages drive aberrant T cell activation using peritoneal macrophage and T cell co-culture. There were no differences in CD4+ T cell effector responses when co-cultured with RELMα+/+ or RELMαTd/Td macrophages, however, RELMαTd/Td macrophages were impaired in their ability to sustain proliferation of FoxP3+ regulatory T cells (Treg). Supportive of the in vitro results, immunofluorescent staining of the spleens revealed significantly decreased FoxP3+ cells in the RELMαTd/Td spleens compared to RELMα+/+ spleens. Taken together, these studies identify a new RELMα regulatory pathway whereby RELMα-expressing macrophages directly sustain Treg proliferation to limit type 2 inflammatory responses

    c-JUN Dimerization Protein 2 (JDP2) Is a Transcriptional Repressor of Follicle-stimulating Hormone β (FSHβ) and Is Required for Preventing Premature Reproductive Senescence in Female Mice.

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    Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) regulates follicular growth and stimulates estrogen synthesis in the ovaries. FSH is a heterodimer consisting of an α subunit, also present in luteinizing hormone, and a unique β subunit, which is transcriptionally regulated by gonadotropin-releasing hormone 1 (GNRH). Because most FSH is constitutively secreted, tight transcriptional regulation is critical for maintaining FSH levels within a narrow physiological range. Previously, we reported that GNRH induces FSHβ (Fshb) transcription via induction of the AP-1 transcription factor, a heterodimer of c-FOS and c-JUN. Herein, we identify c-JUN-dimerization protein 2 (JDP2) as a novel repressor of GNRH-mediated Fshb induction. JDP2 exhibited high basal expression and bound the Fshb promoter at an AP-1-binding site in a complex with c-JUN. GNRH treatment induced c-FOS to replace JDP2 as a c-JUN binding partner, forming transcriptionally active AP-1. Subsequently, rapid c-FOS degradation enabled reformation of the JDP2 complex. In vivo studies revealed that JDP2 null male mice have normal reproductive function, as expected from a negative regulator of the FSH hormone. Female JDP2 null mice, however, exhibited early puberty, observed as early vaginal opening, larger litters, and early reproductive senescence. JDP2 null females had increased levels of circulating FSH and higher expression of the Fshb subunit in the pituitary, resulting in elevated serum estrogen and higher numbers of large ovarian follicles. Disruption of JDP2 function therefore appears to cause early cessation of reproductive function, a condition that has been associated with elevated FSH in women