22 research outputs found

    Estenose tricúspide secundária ao uso de marcapasso endocárdico e endocardite bacteriana

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    Os autores relatam o caso de uma criança de 11 anos portadora de bloqueio atrioventricular total, desenvolvido durante correçao cirúrgica de comunicaçoes interatrial e interventricular. Após sete anos de evoluçao assintomática com marcapasso ventricular endocárdico, a criança desenvolveu endocardite bacteriana em valva tricúspide. Quatro meses depois de curada por antibioticoterapia, apresentou estenose tricúspide severa que necessitou de substituiçao valvar. Foram identificadas quatro fatores possivelmente implicados na gênese da estenose tricúspide: traumatismo direto do aparelho valvar pelo cabo-eletrodo, trombose, obliteraçao do orifício valvar po

    Fontan Operation and the Cavopulmonary Technique: Immediate and Late Results According to the Presence of Atrial Fenestration

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare immediate and late results in patients with or without fenestration who underwent cavopulmonary anastomosis so that we could assess the efficiency of the technique. METHODS: Sixty-two patients underwent surgery between 1988 and 1999, 41 with fenestration (group I -G I) and 21 without fenestration (group II -G II). Tricuspid atresia was prevalent in group I (23-56%) and single ventricle was prevalent in group II (14-66%). Mean ages at the time of operation were 7.3 years in group I and 7.6 in group II. At late follow-up, mean ages were 10.6 years in group I and 12.8 years in group II. RESULTS: Immediate and late mortality were 7.3% in G-I and 4.7% in G-II. Significant pleural effusion occurred in 41.4% of G-I patients and in 23.8% of G-II patients. Significant pericardial effusion occurred in 29.2% and 14.2%, respectively, in groups I and II. Central venous pressure was greater in G-II, 17.7 cm in H2O, as opposed to 15 cm in G-I. Hospital stay was similar between the groups, 26.3 and 21.8 days, respectively. Cyanosis and arterial insaturation occurred in 5 patients, and 4 patients were in functional class II, all from G-I. At late follow-up, 58 (93.5%) were in functional class I. Sinus rhythm was present in 94%, and pulmonary perfusion was similar in both groups. Eleven patients who underwent spirometry had good tolerance to physical effort. CONCLUSION: Atrial fenestration did not improve the immediate or late follow-up of patients who underwent cavopulmonary anastomosis, and is, therefore, dispensable

    Ebstein's anomaly with coarctation of the aorta. An unusual association

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    Ebstein's anomaly with coarctation of the aorta is an extremely unusual condition. In this report, the clinical and surgical features of 3 male patients, aged 7 months, 4 years and 14 years, are discussed. All patients were in situs solitus. The first 2 patients had atrioventricular and ventriculoarterial discordance and progressed to heart failure in the neonatal period. The third had atrioventricular and ventriculoarterial concordance, as well as Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome, with frequent episodes of paroxysmal tachycardia. The 3 patients underwent surgery for correction of the coarctation of the aorta. The patient with atrioventricular and ventriculoarterial concordance underwent tricuspid valvuloplasty using a DeVega-like technique. In addition, ablation of 2 anomalous pathways (Kent bundle), which were detected by the electrophysiologic study, was also subsequently performed. The 3 patients showed a good postoperative outcome for 2 years, although, in those with discordance, the surgical procedure did not influence the dysplasia of the tricuspid valve, because this valve showed light to moderate dysfunction

    Uhl's anomaly. Differential diagnosis and indication for cardiac transplantation in an infant

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    We report the case of an 8-month-old female infant with Uhl's anomaly, who underwent successful cardiac transplantation. The clinical findings, complementary laboratory tests, anatomic findings, and differential diagnosis of the anomaly are discussed

    Defeito total do septo atrioventricular. Correlação anatomofuncional entre pacientes com e sem síndrome de Down

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    OBJETIVO: Comparar o grau de repercussão, fatores responsáveis e época de aparecimento dos sintomas do defeito do septo atrioventricular (DSAV), em pacientes com e sem síndrome de Down. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 80 pacientes com idade <2 anos, sendo 55 (69%) com síndrome de Down - grupo I (GI) e 25 (31%) sem síndrome de Down - grupo II (GII). Avaliaram-se a idade de manifestação dos sintomas, sua intensidade, classe funcional (CF), repercussão clínica, tipo anatômico e grau de malformação da valva atrioventricular (VAV). RESULTADOS: A idade média de manifestação dos sintomas foi de 50 (±75) dias nos dois grupos. A CF II (NYHA) predominou no GI (31 casos - 56,5%) e a CF III-IV no GII (19 - 76%) p<0,005. O quadro de insuficiência cardíaca esteve presente em 34 (62%) pacientes do GI e em 21 (84%) do GII e, o de hipertensão pulmonar em 21 (38%) do GI e em 4 (16%) do GII, p<0,04. Pressão média da artéria pulmonar >50mmHg ocorreu em 56% dos casos do GI em relação a 28% do GII p<0,019. A evolução até a cirurgia foi instável (agravamentos da insuficiência cardíaca) em 33 (60%) do GI e em 21 (84%) do GII p<0,03. O tipo A de Rastelli foi o mais encontrado nos dois grupos, 35 (67%) pacientes no GI e nos 25 (100%) do GII. A alteração anatômica da VAV foi importante em 8% no GI e em 38% no GII. CONCLUSÃO: Há sugestão de predominância de hiper-reatividade vascular pulmonar nas crianças com síndrome de Down e de manifestações de insuficiência cardíaca nas geneticamente normais

    Uhl's anomaly. Differential diagnosis and indication for cardiac transplantation in an infant

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    We report the case of an 8-month-old female infant with Uhl's anomaly, who underwent successful cardiac transplantation. The clinical findings, complementary laboratory tests, anatomic findings, and differential diagnosis of the anomaly are discussed