180 research outputs found

    On highest-energy state in the su(1|1) sector of N=4 super Yang-Mills theory

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    We consider the highest-energy state in the su(1|1) sector of N=4 super Yang-Mills theory containing operators of the form tr(Z^{L-M} \psi^M) where Z is a complex scalar and \psi is a component of gaugino. We show that this state corresponds to the operator tr(\psi^L) and can be viewed as an analogue of the antiferromagnetic state in the su(2) sector. We find perturbative expansions of the energy of this state in both weak and strong 't Hooft coupling regimes using asymptotic gauge theory Bethe ansatz equations. We also discuss a possible analog of this state in the conjectured string Bethe ansatz equations.Comment: 23 pages, Late

    On the Scattering Phase for AdS_5 x S^5 Strings

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    We propose a phase factor of the worldsheet S-matrix for strings on AdS_5 x S^5 apparently solving Janik's crossing relation.Comment: 9 pages, v2: revised conclusions about agreement with perturbative string theory; minor changes, v3: resolution to above problems indicated, to appear in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Quantum corrections to the string Bethe ansatz

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    One-loop corrections to the energy of semiclassical rotating strings contain both analytic and non-analytic terms in the 't Hooft coupling. Analytic contributions agree with the prediction from the string Bethe ansatz based on the classical S-matrix, but in order to include non-analytic contributions quantum corrections are required. We find a general expression for the first quantum correction to the string Bethe ansatz.Comment: 12 pages. Latex. v2: Misprints corrected and references adde

    Two-loop AdS_5 x S^5 superstring: testing asymptotic Bethe ansatz and finite size corrections

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    We continue the investigation of two-loop string corrections to the energy of a folded string with a spin S in AdS_5 and an angular momentum J in S^5, in the scaling limit of large J and S with ell=pi J/(lambda^(1/2) ln S)=fixed. We compute the generalized scaling function at two-loop order f_2(ell) both for small and large values of ell matching the predictions based on the asymptotic Bethe ansatz. In particular, in the small ell expansion, we derive an exact integral form for the ell-dependent coefficient of the Catalan's constant term in f_2(ell). Also, by resumming a certain subclass of multi-loop Feynman diagrams we obtain an exact expression for the leading (ln ell) part of f(lambda^(1/2), ell) which is valid to any order in the alpha'~1/lambda^(1/2) expansion. At large ell the string energy has a BMN-like expansion and the first few leading coefficients are expected to be the same at weak and at strong coupling. We provide a new example of this non-renormalization for the term which is generated at two loops in string theory and at one-loop in gauge theory (sub-sub-leading in 1/J). We also derive a simple algebraic formula for the term of maximal transcendentality in f_2(ell) expanded at large ell. In the second part of the paper we initiate the study of 2-loop finite size corrections to the string energy by formally compactifying the spatial world-sheet direction in the string action expanded near long fast-spinning string. We observe that the leading finite-size corrections are of "Casimir" type coming from terms containing at least one massless propagator. We consider in detail the one-loop order (reproducing the leading Landau-Lifshitz model prediction) and then focus on the two-loop contributions to the (1/ln S) term (for J=0). We find that in a certain regularization scheme used to discard power divergences the two-loop coefficient of the (1/ln S) term appears to vanish.Comment: 50 pages, 4 figures v2: typos corrected, references adde

    Higher Loop Bethe Ansatz for Open Spin-Chains in AdS/CFT

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    We propose a perturbative asymptotic Bethe ansatz (PABA) for open spin-chain systems whose Hamiltonians are given by matrices of anomalous dimension for composite operators, and apply it to two types of composite operators related to two different brane configurations. One is an AdS_4 \times S^2-brane in the bulk AdS_5 \times S^5 which gives rise to a defect conformal field theory (dCFT) in the dual field theory, and the other is a giant graviton system with an open string excitation. In both cases, excitations on open strings attaching to D-branes (a D5-brane for the dCFT case, and a spherical D3-brane for the giant graviton case) can be represented by magnon states in the spin-chains with appropriate boundary conditions, in which informations of the D-branes are encoded. We concentrate on single-magnon problems, and explain how to calculate boundary S-matrices via the PABA technique. We also discuss the energy spectrum in the BMN limit.Comment: 1+24 pages, 1 figure, typos corrected, references added, discussions on the integrability for giant gravitons modified, version to appear in JHE

    Twisted K-Theory of Lie Groups

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    I determine the twisted K-theory of all compact simply connected simple Lie groups. The computation reduces via the Freed-Hopkins-Teleman theorem to the CFT prescription, and thus explains why it gives the correct result. Finally I analyze the exceptions noted by Bouwknegt et al.Comment: 16 page

    Decays of metastable vacua in SQCD

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    The decay rates of metastable SQCD vacua in ISS-type models, both towards supersymmetric vacua as well as towards other nonsupersymmetric configurations arising in theories with elementary spectators, are estimated numerically in the semiclassical approximation by computing the corresponding multifield bounce configurations. The scaling of the bounce action with respect to the most relevant dimensionless couplings and ratios of scales is analyzed. In the case of the decays towards the susy vacua generated by nonperturbative effects, the results confirm previous analytical estimations of this scaling, obtained by assuming a triangular potential barrier. The decay rates towards susy vacua generated by R-symmetry breaking interactions turn out to be more than sufficiently suppressed for the phenomenologically relevant parameter range, and their behavior in this regime differs from analytic estimations valid for parametrically small scale ratios. It is also shown that in models with spectator fields, even though the decays towards vacua involving nonzero spectator VEVs don't have a strong parametric dependence on the scale ratios, the ISS vacuum can still be made long-lived in the presence of R-symmetry breaking interactions.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Uniform Light-Cone Gauge for Strings in AdS_5 x S^5: Solving su(1|1) Sector

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    We introduce a uniform light-cone gauge for strings propagating in AdS space-time. We use the gauge to analyze strings from the su(1|1) sector, and show that the reduced model is described by a quadratic action for two complex fermions. Thus, the uniform light-cone gauge allows us to solve the model exactly. We analyze the near BMN spectrum of states from the su(1|1) sector and show that it correctly reproduces the 1/J corrections. We also compute the spectrum in the strong coupling limit, and derive the famous \lambda^{1/4} asymptotics. We then show that the same string spectrum can be also derived by solving Bethe ansatz type equations, and discuss their relation to the quantum string Bethe ansatz for the su(1|1) sector.Comment: 26 pages, Latex, v2: comparison to the strong coupling expansion of the quantum string Bethe ansatz is added, discussion of the winding sector is extended, references adde

    Infinite spin limit of semiclassical string states

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    Motivated by recent works of Hofman and Maldacena and Dorey we consider a special infinite spin limit of semiclassical spinning string states in AdS5 x S5. We discuss examples of known folded and circular 2-spin string solutions and demonstrate explicitly that the 1-loop superstring correction to the classical expression for the energy vanishes in the limit when one of the spins is much larger that the other. We also give a general discussion of this limit at the level of integral equations describing finite gap solutions of the string sigma model and argue that the corresponding asymptotic form of the string and gauge Bethe equations is the same.Comment: 38 pages, 3 figures; v2: comments on derivation of bound states of magnons from discrete Bethe equations added in section 4 and appendix C, references added, Imperial-TP-AT-6-4, HUTP-06/A002

    Integrability and Transcendentality

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    We derive the two-loop Bethe ansatz for the sl(2) twist operator sector of N=4 gauge theory directly from the field theory. We then analyze a recently proposed perturbative asymptotic all-loop Bethe ansatz in the limit of large spacetime spin at large but finite twist, and find a novel all-loop scaling function. This function obeys the Kotikov-Lipatov transcendentality principle and does not depend on the twist. Under the assumption that one may extrapolate back to leading twist, our result yields an all-loop prediction for the large-spin anomalous dimensions of twist-two operators. The latter also appears as an undetermined function in a recent conjecture of Bern, Dixon and Smirnov for the all-loop structure of the maximally helicity violating (MHV) n-point gluon amplitudes of N=4 gauge theory. This potentially establishes a direct link between the worldsheet and the spacetime S-matrix approach. A further assumption for the validity of our prediction is that perturbative BMN (Berenstein-Maldacena-Nastase) scaling does not break down at four loops, or beyond. We also discuss how the result gets modified if BMN scaling does break down. Finally, we show that our result qualitatively agrees at strong coupling with a prediction of string theory.Comment: 45 pages LaTeX, 3 postscript figures. v2: Chapter on BMN scaling and transcendentality added. v3: version accepted for publication in JSTA
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