12,940 research outputs found

    Memory and superposition in a spin glass

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    Non-equilibrium dynamics in a Ag(Mn) spin glass are investigated by measurements of the temperature dependence of the remanent magnetisation. Using specific cooling protocols before recording the thermo- or isothermal remanent magnetisations on re-heating, it is found that the measured curves effectively disclose non-equilibrium spin glass characteristics such as ageing and memory phenomena as well as an extended validity of the superposition principle for the relaxation. The usefulness of this "simple" dc-method is discussed, as well as its applicability to other disordered magnetic systems.Comment: REVTeX style; 8 pages, 4 figure

    Stereocontrolled enantioselective total synthesis of the [2+2] quadrigemine alkaloids.

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    A unified strategy for enantioselective total synthesis of all stereoisomers of the 2+2 family of quadrigemine alkaloids is reported. In this approach, two enantioselective intramolecular Heck reactions are carried out at the same time on precursors fashioned in four steps from either meso- or (+)-chimonanthine to form the two critical quaternary carbons of the peripheral cyclotryptamine rings of these products. Useful levels of catalyst control are realized in either desymmetrizing a meso precursor or controlling diastereoselectivity in elaborating C2-symmetic intermediates. None of the synthetic quadrigemines are identical with alkaloids isolated previously and referred to as quadrigemines A and E. In addition, we report improvements in our previous total syntheses of (+)- or (-)-quadrigemine C that shortened the synthetic sequence to 10 steps and provided these products in 2.2% overall yield from tryptamine

    Effects of selective dilution on the magnetic properties of La_{0.7}Sr_{0.3}Mn_{1-x}M'_xO_3 (M' = Al, Ti)

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    The magnetic lattice of mixed-valence Mn ions in La0.7_{0.7}Sr0.3_{0.3}MnO3_{3} is selectively diluted by partial substitution of Al or Ti for Mn. The ferromagnetic transition temperature TcT_\mathrm{c} and the saturation magnetization MsM_\mathrm{s} both decrease with substitution. By presenting the data in terms of selective dilution, TcT_\mathrm{c} in the low-doping region is found to follow the relation Tc=Tc0(1np)T_\mathrm{c}=T_\mathrm{c0}(1-n_\mathrm{p}), where Tc0T_\mathrm{c0} refers to the undiluted system and npn_\mathrm{p} is the dilution concentration defined as np=x/0.7n_\mathrm{p}=x/0.7 or np=x/0.3n_\mathrm{p}=x/0.3 for M=M^\prime= Al or Ti, respectively. The scaling behavior of Tc(np)T_\mathrm{c}(n_\mathrm{p}) can be analyzed in the framework of the molecular-field theory and still valid when Mn is substituted by both Al and Ti. The results are discussed with respect to the contributions from ferromagnetic double exchange and other possible antiferromagnetic superexchange interactions coexisting in the material.Comment: Revtex4, 4 pages, 4 figures, 2006 Halong Conference Repor

    Inverse velocity statistics in two dimensional turbulence

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    We present a numerical study of two-dimensional turbulent flows in the enstrophy cascade regime, with different large-scale forcings and energy sinks. In particular, we study the statistics of more-than-differentiable velocity fluctuations by means of two recently introduced sets of statistical estimators, namely {\it inverse statistics} and {\it second order differences}. We show that the 2D turbulent velocity field, u\bm u, cannot be simply characterized by its spectrum behavior, E(k)kαE(k) \propto k^{-\alpha}. There exists a whole set of exponents associated to the non-trivial smooth fluctuations of the velocity field at all scales. We also present a numerical investigation of the temporal properties of u\bm u measured in different spatial locations.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figure

    Temperature memory and resistive glassy behaviors of a perovskite manganite

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    This paper reports the observations of long-time relaxation, aging, and temperature memory behaviors of resistance and magnetization in the ferromagnetic state of a polycrystalline La0.7Ca0.3Mn0.925Ti0.075O3 compound. The observed glassy dynamics of the electrical transport appears to be magnetically originated and has a very close association with the magnetic glassiness of the sample. Phase separation and strong correlation between magnetic interactions and electronic conduction play the essential roles in producing such a resistive glassiness. We explain the observed effects in terms of a coexistence of two competing thermomagnetic processes, domain growth and magnetic freezing, and propose that hole-doped perovskite manganites can be considered as "resistive glasses".Comment: Submitted to PR

    Selective dilution and magnetic properties of La_{0.7}Sr_{0.3}Mn_{1-x}M'_xO_3 (M' = Al, Ti)

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    The magnetic lattice of mixed-valence Mn ions in La0.7_{0.7}Sr0.3_{0.3}MnO3_3 is selectively diluted by partial substitution of Mn by Al or Ti. The ferromagnetic transition temperature and the saturation moment decreases with substitution in both series. The volume fraction of the non-ferromagnetic phases evolves non-linearly with the substitution concentration and faster than theoretically expected. By presenting the data in terms of selective dilutions, the reduction of TcT_\mathrm{c} is found to be scaled by the relative ionic concentrations and is consistent with a prediction derived from molecular-field theory.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, REVTex4.0. Submitted to PR

    Short range ferromagnetism and spin glass state in Y0.7Ca0.3MnO3\mathrm{Y_{0.7}Ca_{0.3}MnO_{3}}

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    Dynamic magnetic properties of Y0.7Ca0.3MnO3\mathrm{Y_{0.7}Ca_{0.3}MnO_{3}} are reported. The system appears to attain local ferromagnetic order at TSRF70T_{\mathrm{SRF}} \approx 70 K. Below this temperature the low field magnetization becomes history dependent, i.e. the zero field cooled (ZFC) and field cooled (FC) magnetization deviate from each other and closely logarithmic relaxation appears at our experimental time scales (0.3-10410^{4} sec). The zero field cooled magnetization has a maximum at Tf30T_{\mathrm{f}}\approx 30 K, whereas the field cooled magnetization continues to increase, although less sharply, also below this temperature. Surprisingly, the dynamics of the system shows non-equilibrium spin glass (SG) features not only below the maximum in the ZFC magnetization, but also in the temperature region between this maximum and TSRFT_{\mathrm{SRF}}. The aging and temperature cycling experiments show only quantitative differences in the dynamic behavior above and below the maximum in the ZFC-magnetization; similarly, memory effects are observed in both temperature regions. We attribute the high temperature behavior to the existence of clusters of short range ferromagnetic order below TSRFT_{\mathrm{SRF}}; the configuration evolves into a conventional spin glass state at temperatures below TfT_{\mathrm{f}}.Comment: REVTeX style; 8 pages, 8 figure