10 research outputs found

    A health-systems journey towards more people-centred care: lessons from neglected tropical disease programme integration in Liberia

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    Background: Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) are associated with high levels of morbidity and disability as a result of stigma and social exclusion. To date, the management of NTDs has been largely biomedical. Consequently, ongoing policy and programme reform within the NTD community is demanding the development of more holistic disease management, disability and inclusion (DMDI) approaches. Simultaneously, integrated, people-centred health systems are increasingly viewed as essential to ensure the efficient, effective and sustainable attainment of Universal Health Coverage. Currently, there has been minimal consideration of the extent to which the development of holistic DMDI strategies are aligned to and can support the development of people-centred health systems. The Liberian NTD programme is at the forefront of trying to establish a more integrated, person-centred approach to the management of NTDs and provides a unique learning site for health systems decision makers to consider how shifts in vertical programme delivery can support overarching systems strengthening efforts that are designed to promote the attainment of health equity. Methods: We use a qualitative case study approach to explore how policy and programme reform of the NTD programme in Liberia supports systems change to enable the development of integrated people-centred services. Results: A cumulation of factors, catalysed by the shock to the health system presented by the Ebola epidemic, created a window of opportunity for policy change. However, programmatic change aimed at achieving person-centred practice was more challenging. Deep reliance on donor funding for health service delivery in Liberia limits the availability of flexible funding, and the ongoing funding prioritization towards specific disease conditions limits flexibility in health systems design that can shape more person-centred care. Conclusion: Sheikh et al.’s four key aspects of people centred health systems, that is, (1) putting peoples voices and needs first; (2) people centredness in service delivery; (3) relationships matter: health systems as social institutions; and (4) values drive people centred health systems, enable the illumination of varying push and pull factors that can facilitate or hinder the alignment of DMDI interventions with the development of people-centred health systems to support disease programme integration and the attainment of health equity

    A syndemic born of war: Combining intersectionality and structural violence to explore the biosocial interactions of neglected tropical diseases, disability and mental distress in Liberia

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    The intersections between NTDs, disability, and mental ill-health are increasingly recognised globally. Chronic morbidity resultant from many NTDs, particularly those affecting the skin—including lymphatic filariasis (LF), leprosy, Buruli ulcer (BU) and onchocerciasis—is well known and largely documented from a medicalised perspective. However less is known about the complex biosocial interaction shaping interconnected morbidities. We apply syndemic theory to explain the biosocial relationship between NTDs and mental distress in the context of structural violence in Liberia. By advancing syndemic theory to include intersectional thought, it is apparent that structural violence becomes embodied in different ways through interacting multi-level (macro, meso and micro) processes. Through the use of in-depth qualitative methods, we explore the syndemic interaction of NTDs and mental distress from the vantage point of the most vulnerable and suggest that: 1) the post-conflict environment in Liberia predisposes people to the chronic effects of NTDs as well as other ‘generalised stressors’ as a consequence of ongoing structural violence; 2) people affected by NTDs are additionally exposed to stigma and discrimination that cause additional stressors and synergistically produce negative health outcomes in relation to NTDs and mental distress; and 3) the impact and experience of consequential syndemic suffering is shaped by intersecting axes of inequity such as gender and generation which are themselves created by unequal power distribution across multiple systems levels. Bringing together health systems discourse, which is focused on service integration and centred around disease control, with syndemic discourse that considers the biosocial context of disease interaction offers new approaches. We suggest that taking a syndemic-informed approach to care in the development of people-centred health systems is key to alleviating the burden of syndemic suffering associated with NTDs and mental distress currently experienced by vulnerable populations in resource-limited settings

    How should community health workers in fragile contexts be supported: qualitative evidence from Sierra Leone, Liberia and Democratic Republic of Congo

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    Background: Community Health Workers (CHWs) are critical players in fragile settings, where staff shortages are particularly acute, health indicators are poor and progress towards Universal Health Coverage is slow. Like other health workers, CHWs need support to contribute effectively to health programmes and promote health equity. Yet the evidence base of what kind of support works best is weak. We present evidence from three fragile settings - Sierra Leone, Liberia and Democratic Republic of Congo on managing CHWs, and synthesise recommendations for best approaches to support this critical cadre. Methods: We used a qualitative study design to explore how CHWs are managed, the challenges they face and potential solutions. We conducted interviews with decision makers and managers (n=37), life history interviews with CHWs (n=15) and reviewed policy documents. Results: Fragility disrupts education of community members so that they may not have the literacy levels required for the CHW role. This has implications for the selection, role, training and performance of CHWs. Policy preferences about selection need discussion at the community level, so that they reflect community realities. CHWs scope of work is varied and may change over time, requiring ongoing training. The modular, local, and mix of practical and classroom training approach worked well, helping to address gender and literacy challenges and developing a supportive cohort of CHWs. A package of supervision, community support, regular provision of supplies, performance rewards and regular remuneration is vital to retention and performance of CHWs. But there are challenges with supervision, scarcity of supplies, inadequate community recognition and unfulfilled promises about allowances. Clear communication about incentives with facility staff and communities is required as is their timely delivery. Conclusions: This is the first study that has explored the management of CHWs in fragile settings. CHWs interface role between communities and health systems is critical because of their embedded positionality and the trusting relationships they (often) have. Their challenges are aligned to those generally faced by CHWs but chronic fragility exacerbates them and requires innovative problem solving to ensure that countries and communities are not left behind in reforming the way that CHWs are supported. Keywords: Community Health Workers, management support, fragile settings

    Incorporating the diagnosis and management of female genital schistosomiasis in primary healthcare in Liberia: a mixed methods pilot study

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    Background: Liberia's national neglected tropical disease (NTD) master plan 2016–2020 adopted the need for integrated approaches to tackle the threat of specific NTDs including schistosomiasis. Female genital schistosomiasis (FGS) affects up to 75% of women and girls living in schistosomiasis-endemic areas. Liberia's Bong and Nimba counties are endemic for schistosomiasis. The communities affected are poor and dependent on primary healthcare services. Incorporating the diagnosis and treatment of FGS within primary healthcare is a critical step in the control and elimination of schistosomiasis in Liberia. The Calling Time for Neglected Tropical Diseases (COUNTDOWN) research programme partnership included the Liberia Ministry of Health NTD programme. Together, partners designed this study to co-develop, pilot and evaluate a primary healthcare package for clinical diagnosis and management of FGS in Liberia. Methods: Mixed methods were applied to assess the intervention outcomes and process. Quantitative descriptive analysis of routine health facility (secondary) data was used to characterise women and girls diagnosed and treated for FGS. Qualitative rapid analysis of meeting reports and training observations, thematic framework analysis of in-depth interviews with women and girls and key-informant interviews with health system actors were used to establish the success and sustainability of intervention components. Results: In 6 months, 258 women and girls were diagnosed and treated for FGS within routine service delivery across six primary health facilities. Diagnosis and treatment were completed by health facility staff who had been trained in the FGS intervention developed within this study. Some women diagnosed and treated had symptom relief or were optimistic about the intervention due to improved diagnostic and treatment communication by health workers. Health workers and stakeholders were satisfied with the care package and attributed intervention success to the all-inclusive approach to intervention design and development; cascaded training of all cadres of the health system; and the locally driven intervention rollout, which promoted local ownership and uptake of intervention components. Conclusion: This study demonstrates the possibility of using a clinical care package to diagnose women and girls suspected of FGS, including the provision of treatment using praziquantel when it is made available at primary healthcare facilities

    Supporting community health workers in fragile settings from a gender perspective: a qualitative study

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    Objective To explore how gender influences the way community health workers (CHWs) are managed and supported and the effects on their work experiences. Setting Two districts in three fragile countries. Sierra Leone—Kenema and Bonthe districts; Liberia—two districts in Grand Bassa county one with international support for CHW activities and one without: Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)—Aru and Bunia districts in Ituri Province. Participants and methods Qualitative interviews with decision-makers and managers working in community health programmes and managing CHWs (n=36); life history interviews and photovoice with CHWs (n=15, in Sierra Leone only). Results While policies were put in place in Sierra Leone and Liberia to attract women to the newly paid position of CHW after the Ebola outbreak, these good intentions evaporated in practice. Gender norms at the community level, literacy levels and patriarchal expectations surrounding paid work meant that fewer women than imagined took up the role. Only in DRC, there were more women than men working as CHWs. Gender roles, norms and expectations in all contexts also affected retention and progression as well as safety, security and travel (over long distance and at night). Women CHWs also juggle between household and childcare responsibilities. Despite this, they were more likely to retain their position while men were more likely to leave and seek better paid employment. CHWs demonstrated agency in negotiating and challenging gender norms within their work and interactions supporting families. Conclusions Gender roles and relations shape CHW experiences across multiple levels of the health system. Health systems need to develop gender transformative human resource management strategies to address gender inequities and restrictive gender norms for this critical interface cadre

    Unpacking the impact of integrating the neglected tropical disease supply chain into the national supply chain system: illustrative evidence from Liberia

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    Effective supply chain management is a critical pillar of well-functioning health systems ensuring that medical commodities reach those in need. In Liberia, the national neglected tropical disease (NTD) programme supports health systems strengthening for case management of NTDs. Integration of NTD commodities into the national health system supply chain is central to the integrated approach; however, there is minimal evidence on enablers and barriers. Drawing on qualitative evaluation data, we illustrate that perceived benefits and strengths to integrating NTD commodities into the supply chain include leveraged storage and management capacities capitalized at lower system levels; the political will to integrate based on cost-saving and capacity strengthening potential and positive progress integrating paper-based reporting tools. Challenges remain, specifically the risk of reliance on donor funding; difficulty in accessing commodities due to bureaucratic bottlenecks; lack of inclusion of NTD commodities within electronic data tools and poor coordination leading to an inability to meet demand. Collectively, the negative consequences of ineffective integration of NTD commodities into the supply chain has a detrimental impact on health workers (including community health workers) unable to deliver the quality of care to patients. Trust between affected populations and the health system is compromised when treatments are unavailable

    Multimethod evaluation of health services integration for neglected tropical diseases requiring case management in Liberia.

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    Introduction The WHO neglected tropical disease (NTD) roadmap stresses the importance of integrating NTDs requiring case management (CM) within the health system. The NTDs programme of Liberia is among the first to implement an integrated approach and evaluate its impact. Methods A retrospective study of three of five CM-NTD-endemic counties that implemented the integrated approach was compared with cluster-matched counties with non-integrated CM-NTD. We compared trends in CM-NTD integrated versus non-integrated county clusters. We conducted a pre-post comparison of WHO high-level outcomes using data collected during intervention years compared with baseline in control counties. Changes in health outcomes, effect sizes for different diseases and rate ratios with statistically significant differences were determined. Complementary qualitative research explored CM-NTD stakeholders' perceptions, analysed through the framework approach, which is a transparent, multistage approach for qualitative thematic interdisciplinary data analysis. Results The detection rates for all diseases combined improved significantly in the intervention compared with the control clusters. Besides leprosy, detection rates improved with large effects, over fourfold increase with statistically significant effects for individual diseases. Conclusions Integrating CM-NTDs improves case detection, accessibility and availability of CM-NTD services, promoting universal health coverage. Early case detection and the quality of care need further strengthening

    Neglected Tropical Disease as a ‘Biographical Disruption’: Listening to the Narratives of Affected Persons to Develop Integrated People Centred Care in Liberia

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    Background Integrated disease management, disability and inclusion (DMDI) for NTDs is increasingly prioritised. There is limited evidence on the effectiveness of integrated DMDI from the perspective of affected individuals and how this varies by differing axes of inequality such as age, gender, and disability. We used narrative methods to consider how individuals’ unique positions of power and privilege shaped their illness experience, to elucidate what practical and feasible steps could support integrated DMDI in Liberia and beyond. Methods We purposively selected 27 participants affected by the clinical manifestations of lymphatic filariasis, leprosy, Buruli Ulcer, and onchocerciasis from three counties in Liberia to take part in illness narrative interviews. Participants were selected to ensure maximum variation in age, gender and clinical manifestation. Narrative analysis was grounded within feminist intersectional theory. Findings For all participants, chronic illness, morbidity and disability associated with NTDs represented a key moment of ‘biographical disruption’ triggering the commencement of a restitution narrative. Complex health seeking pathways, aetiologies and medical syncretism meant that adoption of the ‘sick role’ was initially acceptable, but when the reality of permanency of condition was identified, a transition to periods of chaos and significant psycho-social difficulty occurred. An intersectional lens emphasises how biographical disruption is mediated by intersecting social processes. Gender, generation, and disability were all dominant axes of social inequity shaping experience. Significance This is one of the first studies to use narrative approaches to interrogate experience of chronic disabling conditions within LMICs and is the only study to apply such an analysis to NTDs. The emotive power of narrative should be utilised to influence the value base of policy makers to ensure that DMDI strategies respond holistically to the needs of the most marginalised, thus contributing to more equitable people-centred care. Author Summary We used narrative methods to consider how individuals’ unique positions of power and privilege shaped their illness experience, to explore what practical and feasible steps could support neglected tropical disease (NTDs) programmes to respond to patient need in Liberia and beyond. We asked 27 people living with NTDs (including lymphatic filariasis, leprosy, Buruli Ulcer, and onchocerciasis) to tell us about their experiences. We used narrative analysis with feminist intersectional theory, that allows for consideration of how things such as age, gender and disability interact, to interrogate participant experience. For all participants, morbidity and disability associated with NTDs created upheaval in their lives. Complex health seeking pathways meant that it was socially acceptable for participants to have experienced initial sickness, however as their illness became more permanent, participants described significant negative impacts on their mental-wellbeing, including depression, anxiety and suicide. This is one of the first studies to use narrative approaches to explore experience of chronic disabling conditions within LMICs and is the only study to apply such an analysis to NTDs. The emotive power of narrative should be utilised to influence the value base of policy makers to ensure that NTD programmes respond to all the needs of the most marginalised

    Unpacking the impact of integrating the neglected tropical disease supply chain into the national supply chain system: illustrative evidence from Liberia

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    Effective supply chain management is a critical pillar of well-functioning health systems ensuring that medical commodities reach those in need. In Liberia, the national neglected tropical disease (NTD) programme supports health systems strengthening for case management of NTDs. Integration of NTD commodities into the national health system supply chain is central to the integrated approach; however, there is minimal evidence on enablers and barriers. Drawing on qualitative evaluation data, we illustrate that perceived benefits and strengths to integrating NTD commodities into the supply chain include leveraged storage and management capacities capitalized at lower system levels; the political will to integrate based on cost-saving and capacity strengthening potential and positive progress integrating paper-based reporting tools. Challenges remain, specifically the risk of reliance on donor funding; difficulty in accessing commodities due to bureaucratic bottlenecks; lack of inclusion of NTD commodities within electronic data tools and poor coordination leading to an inability to meet demand. Collectively, the negative consequences of ineffective integration of NTD commodities into the supply chain has a detrimental impact on health workers (including community health workers) unable to deliver the quality of care to patients. Trust between affected populations and the health system is compromised when treatments are unavailable