689 research outputs found

    Classification Model for Bullying Posts Detection

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    Nowadays, many research tasks are concentrating on Social Media for Analyzing Sentiments and Opinions, Political Issues, Marketing Strategies and many more. Several text mining structures have been designed for different applications. Harassing is a category of claiming social turmoil in different structures and conduct toward a singular or group, to damage others. Investigation outcomes demonstrated that 7 young people out of 10 become the casualty of cyber bullying. Throughout the world, many prominent cases are existing due to the bad communications over the Web. So there could be suitable solutions for this problem and there is a need to eradicate the lacking in existing strategies in dealing problems with cyber bullying incidents. A prominent aim is to design a scheme to alert the people those who are using social networks and also to prevent them from bullying environments. Tweet corpus carries the messages in the text as well as it has ID, time, and so forth. The messages are imparted in informal form and furthermore, there is variety in the dialect. So, there is a requirement to operate a progression of filtration to handle the raw tweets before feature extraction and frequency extraction. The idea is to regard each tweet as a limited blend over a basic arrangement of topics, each of which is described by dissemination over words, and after that analyze tweets through such topic dispersions. Naturally, bullying topics might be related to higher probabilities for bullying words. An arrangement of training tweets with both bullying and non-bullying texts are required to take in a model that can derive topic distributions from tweets. Topic modeling is used to get lexical collocation designs in the irreverent content and create significant topics for a model

    Management of chronic pain in the elderly: focus on transdermal buprenorphine

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    Chronic pain in the elderly is a significant problem. Pharmacokinetic and metabolic changes associated with increased age makes the elderly vulnerable to side effects and overdosing associated with analgesic agents. Therefore the management of chronic cancer pain and chronic nonmalignant pain in this growing population is an ongoing challenge. New routes of administration have opened up new treatment options to meet this challenge. The transdermal buprenorphine matrix allows for slow release of buprenorphine and damage does not produce dose dumping. In addition the long-acting analgesic property and relative safety profile makes it a suitable choice for the treatment of chronic pain in the elderly. Its safe use in the presence of renal failure makes it an attractive choice for older individuals. Recent scientific studies have shown no evidence of a ceiling dose of analgesia in man but only a ceiling effect for respiratory depression, increasing its safety profile. It appears that transdermal buprenorphine can be used in clinical practice safely and efficaciously for treating chronic pain in the elderly

    Workplace Communication during the Pandemic situation

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    Workplace communication plays an important role in the successful implementation of any project. During the pandemic, disruption had happened not only in operations but in the front of communication too. Modern organizations have very different kind of crisis (Fink, 1986; Perrow, 1984; Bozeman,2011) The covid19 pandemic had created a great havoc on the normal life and its impact on organizations had been huge including negatives changes in productivity. Mazzei, Kim and Dell‟Oro (2012) is of the opinion that it is important for an organization to build trust within the organization during the crisis as this would ensure good relationship, enhanced productivity and better finance. This research had adopted the case study methodology to bring forth the communication challenges during covid19 in a manufacturing organization. Silliconnect, a supply chain solutions company had been following rigorous quality improvement methods. Employee awareness on issues related to quality was provided periodically as it determines the success of the quality journey (Anithakumari & Gayathri, 2018). This is a fictitious case study, designed for class room teaching on the concept of workplace communication during crisis

    A Comparative study of the endometrium by aspiration and hysteroscopy directed biopsies in abnormal uterine bleeding in perimenopausal women

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    This present, prospective, descriptive study analyzing the role of endometrial sampling as an outpatient procedure using Pipelle in women with perimenopausal bleeding was carried out at Government Kasturba Gandhi Hospital, Madras Medical College, Chennai during the period October 2004 to May 2006 A total of 200 patients were included in the study. All the patients underwent an initial assessment using, Pipelle’s curette followed by hysteroscopyguided biopsy. Those patients with abnormal findings and those not responding to medical management underwent hysterectomy. The final diagnosis obtained after hysterectomy was designated as the gold standard against which the findings of Pipelle’s aspiration was compared & analyzed for statistical significance. Observations in this study includes · Patients in the study group were 35 years and above with 74% of them belonging to the 40-50 age group. · The study encompasses women of any parity with majority of them belonging to the low socioeconomic status. · Majority of patients (74%) had presented within 1 yr of onset of symptoms · Both Pipelle’s curette and hysteroscopic biopsy produced statistically significant results while evaluating perimenopausal bleeding. (p = 0.000) · When histopathology of the endometrium was obtained using Pipelle’s curette, correct diagnosis could be obtained in 93% of the cases. · Similarly when hysteroscopy was performed the correct diagnosis was 98% · Pipelle showed a sensitivity of 100% specificity of 72% in the detection of abnormal findings with PPV of 92% and NPV of 100% · However accuracy of hysteroscopy is found to be less in the diagnosis of polyps and sub mucous fibroids with accuracy of 100% · The low specificity could be attributed to the inability of the device to diagnose focal processes like polyp in the endometrium. CONCLUSION · Endometrial sampling as outpatient procedure using Pipelle is a safe, simple, minimally invasive procedure with no complications. · Pipelle’s gives near equal percentage of correct diagnosis that is statistically significant when hysteroscopy and hysterectomy are correlated. · Thus Endometrial sampling as an outpatient (ESOP) procedure is a simple, safe and reliable way to undertake first line assessment of abnormal uterine bleeding in the perimenopausal age group where the incidence of abnormal findings itself is very low. This is particularly relevant in a setting where more advanced methods are not readily available. · ESOP can reliably classify a lesion as benign or hyperplasia accurately. · Though hysteroscopy is an acceptable procedure and can be reassuring, it did not influence clinical management, especially with respect to hysterectomy rate. Thus for abnormal uterine bleeding in perimenopausal women, , Endometrial Sampling as an Outpatient (ESOP) procedure has a central role in the new guidelines for the management of Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding, before considering any other diagnostic modalities. Therefore a need exists to broaden its use and include it in the routine diagnostic armamentarium


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    ABSTRACTThe objective of this study is to know about the significance of health literacy awareness among the public. Health literacy is a strategy to empowerthe control of people over their own health and capacity to inquire about the health information to take decisions regarding the health issues. Peoplemust increase their health literacy with quality and understanding information. The impact of less health literacy rates is errors in medication, inferiorhealth position, increased hospitalizations, and increased cost of health care. The competency to make health decisions in daily life, at work life, inhealth-care system, and in emergency situations will determine the health literacy. The health literacy means the attaining the level of knowledge,individual skills and confidence to arrive decisions to enhance individual and societal health by altering lifestyles and livelihood. Low literacy level hasan impact on the health status of the people by restricting the individual, social and cultural progress thereby impede the progress of health literacy.The health literacy can be regarded as a capacity needed to be familiar with sources of health information and use them by retrieving the information.The accessibility of quality information, its applicability in a required situation, analyzing, understanding, and utilizing of information is necessary fortaking efficient health decisions.Keywords: Health literacy, Empowerment strategy, Health decisions and health care system


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    ABSTRACTThe objective of the study is to know about the present scenario of pharma tourism in Indian perspective. Pharma or medical tourism, a term thatalso can be used to describe medical outsourcing, is characterized by travel away from one's home region to procure treatment in another. India isrenowned for ancient alternative therapies such as Ayurveda, Yoga and Meditation, and Therapeutic Massage. The Indian medical tourism industryis on its way to become the most preferred destination for medical treatment for people from all around the world. The industry is expected to touchUSD 6 billion by the year 2018, growing at a compounded annual rate of 20% between the years 2014 and 2018. Health care has become one ofIndia's largest sectors - both in terms of revenue and employment. The industry comprises hospitals, medical devices, clinical trials, outsourcing,telemedicine, medical tourism, health insurance, and medical equipment. The Indian healthcare industry is growing at a tremendous pace due toits strengthening coverage, services, and increasing expenditure by public as well private players. Health care is the fundamental need for humanity.Medical Tourism in India is one of the best options available to people across the globe to undergo treatment with peace of mind.Keywords: Pharma tourism, Medical treatment, Health care, Hospitals and medical tourists


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    To comprehend whether corporate social responsibility (CSR) in pharma is more of a corporate hypocrisy where firms and organizations tend tomarginalize their employees and the environment at large. The present study is case based, and an attempt has been made to analyze probable drivingreasons behind the corporate behavior exhibited by pharma industries. CSR is understood differently by different beneficiaries but usually refers toserving the citizens, population of communities, and the larger society in a way that goes beyond what is legally required of a firm. Though numerousprograms and schemes have been launched for their upliftment, it is all an eye wash which is intended for the internal benefit of the organization.Corporate these days, as per the Companies Act should report spend of 2% of their profits as pronounced in the CSR and pharmaceutical companiesare no exemption to it. As per Section 135 of the Companies Act 2013, it is recommended that companies having revenue above Rs. 1,000 crore andprofit more than Rs. 5 crore should report what they spend for CSR. Companies these days often utilize CSR as a brand building exercise, engagementof employees, helping the local community around their firm, or even as a fame generating spot for the themes of the chairman's spouse. Thus, it isobvious that the social responsibility of pharmaceutical business sector is mainly to increase their profit, increase their shareholder activism, andinvestment in the community.Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, Hypocrisy, Pharmaceutical industries, Society and organization