13 research outputs found

    Analytic Solutions of a Second-Order Functional Differential Equation with a State Derivative Dependent Delay

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    We investigate an analytic solution of the second-order differential equation with a state derivative dependent delay of the form x″(z)=x(p(z)+bx′(z)). Considering a convergent power series g(z) of an auxiliary equation γ2g″(γz)g′(z)=[g(γ2z)-p(g(γz))]γg′(γz)(g′(z))2+p′′(g(z))(g′(z))3+γg′(γz)g″(z) with the relation p(z)+bx′(z)=g(γg-1(z)), we obtain an analytic solution x(z). Furthermore, we characterize a polynomial solution when p(z) is a polynomial

    Some Bounds for the Polar Derivative of a Polynomial

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    Inequalities for the Derivative of Rational Functions with Prescribed Poles

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    In this paper, we consider a class of rational functions rsz of degree mn where sz is a polynomial of degree m and establish some inequalities for rational functions with prescribed poles which generalize and refine the result of I. Qasim and A. Liman

    Some Bounds for the Polar Derivative of a Polynomial

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    The polar derivative of a polynomial p(z) of degree n with respect to a complex number α is a polynomial np(z)+α-zp′(z), denoted by Dαp(z). Let 1≤R≤k. For a polynomial p(z) of degree n having all its zeros in z≤k, we investigate a lower bound of modulus of Dαp(z) on z=R. Furthermore, we present an upper bound of modulus of Dαp(z) on z=R for a polynomial p(z) of degree n having no zero in z<k. In particular, our results in case R=1 generalize some well-known inequalities