7 research outputs found

    Transcatheter aorti̇c valve replacement in single center Turkey , 5 years clinical outcomes

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    Transkateter Aortik Kapak İmplantasyonu (TAVI) Yapılan Hastalarda , 5 Yıllık Sağ Kalım ve Sonlanım Noktalarının Değerlendirilmesi GİRİŞ: Gelişmiş ülkelerde yaşlı nüfusun artmasıyla birlikte dejeneratif nedenli aort darlığının (AD) sıklığı artmaktadır. Çalışmamızın amacı ciddi aort darlığı olup cerrahi yapılamaması nedeniyle TAVİ yapılan hastalarda ; kardiyovasküler olaylar, major kanama, paravalvuler kaçak, pace-maker ihtiyacı ve ölüm oranlarını analiz etmek ,tek merkezde yapılan operasyon sonrası hastalarımızın kısa ve orta dönem sonuçlarımızı değerlendirmektir. METOD: Çalışmaya Ocak 2015- Ocak 2020 tarihleri arasında Medipol Mega Üniversite hastanesine gelen semptomatik ciddi aort darlığı konulan ve cerrahi konsey kararı ile ciddi yüksek riskli ve inoperable kabul edilen 230 hasta değerlendirildi. Hastalar retrospektif olarak tarandı. İletişim verilerine ulaşabildiğimiz 178 hasta sağkalım ve tekrarlayan hastane yatış anamnezleri açısından analiz edildi. Hastane kontrol kayıtları değerlendirildi. Ayrıca TAVI yapılan hastaların yapılan ekokardiyografik verileri, pil implantasyonu öyküsü , vaskuler komplikasyonları değerlendirilerek subgruplarına ayrılacak surveyleri istatistiksel anlamda kıyaslandı. BULGULAR: Çalışmada sadece merkezimizde opere olan 178 hasta analiz edildi. Tüm populasyonun ortalama yaşı 79.3± 7.2 ve hastaların 46.6 sı kadındı. Çalışmaya katılan hastaların EUROSCORE II değeri 26.1±4 olup ,%90,4 ü hipertansifti. Hastaların %20.2 si daha önce kardiyak operasyon öyküsü olan hastalardı. Toplam 3 ayrı çeşit kapak kullanılmış olup balon ile yerleştirilen kapak (Sapien XT, Sapien 3 ; Edwards Lifesciences, Irvine , California) en sık kullanılan kapaktı. (%74.2). Hastaların tamamına transfemoral yol kullanıldı. Hastaları %45 . 5 i kronik obstrüktif akciger hastası (KOAH) dır. TAVİ işlemi sonrası hastaların %9.6 sında kalıcı kalp pili ihtiyacı olmuştur. Ortalama hastanede kalış süresi 4.7±4.2 gün idi. Hastaların %16.9 unda paravalvüler leak gelişimi görülmüştür ancak ek işlem gerektiren PVL görülmemiştir. Hastaların %6.2 sinde major vasküler olay izlenirken , 30 gün içerinde kardiyovaskuler olaya bağlı ölüm sadece 3 hastada %1.7 sinde gözlenmiştir. 1 yılda tüm kardiyovaskuler nedenlere bağlı ölüm %10.1 iken ; tüm nedenlere bağlı ölüm %11. 8 olarak kaydedilmiştir. SONUÇ: TAVİ endikasyonları gün geçtikçe artmakta, düşük ve orta riskli hastalarda da SAVR'ye alternatif tedavi yöntemi olarak tercih edilmektedir. Hastaların takip süresi , işlem başarısı , kapağın operasyon sonrası dönemde dejenerasyonu dikkate alınarak TAVİ ileri dönemde c AVR ye alternatif bir tedavi haline gelebilir.TRANSCATHETER AORTİC VALVE REPLACEMENT IN SINGLE CENTER TURKEY , 5 YEARS CLINICAL OUTCOMES INTRODUCTON: With the increase in the elderly population in developed countries, the frequency of degenerative aortic stenosis (AD) increases. The aim of this study was to assess the clinical ooutcomes of high-risk patients with severe aortic stenosis (AS) allocated to transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) , including death, major cardiovascular events, major bleeding, paravalvuler valve regurgitation and pacemaker requirement , through early-mid term follow-up at single center in Turkey. METHODS: Consecutive patients with severe symptomatic AS who underwent TAVR procedure were enrolled in a retrospective single centre registry. Patients were included to the study who underwent TAVR procedur from January 2015 to January 2020. A total 178 high risk patients analized. Hospital control records were evaluated. In addition, echocardiographic data, history of pace-maker implantation, vascular complications of patients who underwent TAVI were compared statistically in terms of their surveys to be subgrouped. RESULTS: Only 178 patients who were operated in our center were analyzed. The average age of the entire population was 79.3 ± 7.2 and 46.6 of the patients were female. EUROSCORE II value of the patients participating in the study was 26.1 ± 4 and 90.4% of them were hypertensive. 20.2% of the patients were patients with a history of cardiac surgery. A total of 3 different types of valves have been used and the valve placed with the balloon (Sapien XT, Sapien 3; Edwards Lifesciences, Irvine, California) was the most frequently used valve. (74.2%). Transfemoral route was used in all patients. 45% of patients. 5 of them are chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD). Permanent pacemaker was needed in 9.6% of patients after TAVI procedure. The average length of hospital stay was 4.7 ± 4.2 days. Paravalvular leak development was observed in 16.9% of patients, but PVL requiring additional treatment was not seen. While major vascular events were observed in 6.2% of patients, death due to cardiovascular event within 30 days was observed in 1.7% of only 3 patients. While death due to all cardiovascular causes was 10.1% in 1 year; all-cause death 11.8%. was recorded. CONCLUSION: TAVR indications are increasing day by day, and it is preferred as an alternative treatment method to SAVR in low and medium risk patients. Taking into account the follow-up time, procedure success, and degeneration of the valve in the post-operative period, TAVR can become an alternative treatment to SAVR in the future

    Impact of surgical weight loss on novel P-wave-related variables which are nominated as predictors of atrial arrhythmias

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    Background Bariatric surgery has been associated with reduced cardiovascular mortality and morbidity in obese patients. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the alterations of novel P-wave related atrial arrhythmia predictors in patients who achieved effective weight loss with bariatric surgery. Methods The study included 58 patients who underwent bariatric surgery. We measured heart rate, PR, P wave (PW) max, PW min, Average P axis, P wave peak time (PWPT) in lead D2 and lead V1, terminal force in lead V1 (V1TF), and we estimated P wave dispersion (PWdis) interval both pre-operation and 6 months after operation. Results Heart rate, PR, PW max, PW min, PWdis, Average P axis, PWPTD2, PWPTV1 and V1TF values, which were close to the upper limit in the pre-op period, showed statistically significant decreases at 6 months after the operation. The most prominent changes were observed in PW dis (51.15 +/- 9.70 ms vs. 48.79 +/- 9.50 ms, p = .010), PWPTD2 (55.75 +/- 6.91 ms vs. 50.59 +/- 7.67 ms, p < .001), PWPTV1 (54.10 +/- 7.06 ms vs. 48.05 +/- 7.64 ms, p < .001) and V1TF (25 [43.1%] vs. 12 [20.7%], p < .001). Conclusions The results of our study indicated that bariatric surgery has positive effects on the regression of ECG parameters which are predictors of atrial arrhythmias, particularly atrial fibrillation (AF)

    Evaluation of changes in ventricular repolarization parameters in morbidly obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery

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    Background Weight loss after bariatric surgery has been associated with reduced cardiovascular mortality and overall mortality in obese patients. In this study, we aimed to analyze the changes between pre-operation and post-operation ventricular arrhythmia predictors in patients who underwent bariatric surgery. Materials and Methods The study included 58 patients who underwent bariatric surgery. We measured QT max, QT min, QRS, JT, and Tp-e intervals, and we estimated Tp-e/QT max, Tp-e/QTc max, Tp-e/JT, Tp-e/JTc rates, QTc max, QTc min, cQTd, and JTc intervals both pre-op and 6 months post-op. Results Heart rate, PR, QT max, QTc max, QTc min, cQTd, JTc, Tp-e, Tp-e/QT max, Tp-e/QTc max, Tp-e/JT, and Tp-e/JTc values, which were close to the upper limit in the pre-op period, showed statistically significant decreases at 6 months post-op. Conclusion The results of our study showed that bariatric surgery had positive effects on the regression of ventricular repolarization parameters and the possible development of ventricular arrhythmia