32 research outputs found

    Consideration of morality concerning "communication of the heart" : Effects of Presentation Software in Teacher Training Course Effects of Morality on Conversation Students' Conversation Form

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    Tight junctions in Schwann cells of peripheral myelinated axons: a lesson from claudin-19–deficient mice

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    Tight junction (TJ)–like structures have been reported in Schwann cells, but their molecular composition and physiological function remain elusive. We found that claudin-19, a novel member of the claudin family (TJ adhesion molecules in epithelia), constituted these structures. Claudin-19–deficient mice were generated, and they exhibited behavioral abnormalities that could be attributed to peripheral nervous system deficits. Electrophysiological analyses showed that the claudin-19 deficiency affected the nerve conduction of peripheral myelinated fibers. Interestingly, the overall morphology of Schwann cells lacking claudin-19 expression appeared to be normal not only in the internodal region but also at the node of Ranvier, except that TJs completely disappeared, at least from the outer/inner mesaxons. These findings have indicated that, similar to epithelial cells, Schwann cells also bear claudin-based TJs, and they have also suggested that these TJs are not involved in the polarized morphogenesis but are involved in the electrophysiological “sealing” function of Schwann cells

    Long-Term Effects of Polychlorinated Biphenyls and Dioxins on Pregnancy Outcomes in Women Affected by the Yusho Incident

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    Background: Maternal exposure to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) is associated with increased proportions of spontaneous abortion and stillbirth in animal studies. In Japan in 1968, accidental human exposure to rice oil contaminated with PCBs and other dioxin-related compounds, such as polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), led to the development of what was later referred to as Yusho oil disease. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigated the association of maternal PCB and dioxin exposure with adverse pregnancy outcomes in Yusho women. Methods: In 2004, we interviewed 214 Yusho women (512 pregnancies) about their pregnancy outcomes over the past 36 years. Pregnancy outcomes included induced abortion, spontaneous abortion, preterm delivery, and pregnancy loss. Results: In pregnancy years 1968-1977 (within the first 10 years after exposure), the proportions of induced abortion [adds ration adjusted for age at delivery (ORadj) = 5.93; 95% confidence interval (CI), 2.21-15.91; two-tailed p < 0.001) and preterm delivery (ORadj = 5.70; 95% CI, 1.17-27.79; p = 0.03) were significantly increased compared with the proportions in pregnancy years 1958-1967 (10 years before the incident). Spontaneous abortion (ORadj = 2.09; 95% CI, 0.84-5.18), and pregnancy loss (ORadj = 2.11; 95% CI, 0.92-4.87) were more frequent (OR = 2.18; 95% CI, 1.02-4.66), but these were not significant (p = 0.11 and p = 0.08, respectively) in pregnancy years 1968-1977. We found no significant increases in the proportions of these adverse pregnancy outcomes in pregnancies occurring during 1978-1987 or 1988-2003 compared with those in pregnancies before 1968. Conclusion: High levels of PCB/PCDF exposure had some adverse effects on pregnancy outcome in Yusho women

    Bortezomib-cyclophosphamide-dexamethasone induction/consolidation and bortezomib maintenance for transplant-eligible newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: phase 2 multicenter trial

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    [Objectives:] We conducted a phase II trial to prospectively evaluate the efficacy and safety of bortezomib-cyclophosphamide-dexamethasone (VCD) induction, autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT), VCD consolidation, and bortezomib maintenance in transplant-eligible newly diagnosed multiple myeloma (NDMM) patients in Japan (UMIN000010542). [Methods:] From 2013 to 2016, 42 patients with a median age of 58 (range 42–65) years with NDMM were enrolled in 15 centers. The primary endpoint was the complete response (CR) /stringent CR (sCR) rate after transplantation, and overall/progression-free survival rates were also evaluated. [Results:] Following induction therapy, the overall response rate was obtained in 71% of patients, including a CR/sCR of 10% and a very good partial response (VGPR) of 26%. Twenty-six of the 42 patients completed ASCT following the protocol and CR/sCR and VGPR rate 100 days after ASCT was 26% and 17%, respectively. During consolidation therapy, 3 of the 24 patients achieved deeper responses. Eight of the 18 patients completed 2-year bortezomib maintenance without disease progression and grade 3/4 toxicities. Five patients were VGPR or partial response after ASCT but maintained response with 2-year bortezomib maintenance. Two-year overall and progression-free survival rates were 92.5% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 78.5%−97.5%) and 62.6% (95% CI: 45.8%−75.5%), respectively. Grade 3/4 toxicities (≥ 10%) included neutropenia (19%) and anemia (17%) in induction, and thrombocytopenia (29%) in consolidation. [Conclusion:] VCD induction/consolidation and bortezomib maintenance with ASCT for NDMM resulted in a high CR/sCR rate and provided good overall/progression-free survival in Japan

    「緩和ケアを推進する看護師教育プログラム」の評価 : 修了者およびその上司への調査から

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    京都府立医科大学医学部看護学科京都府立医科大学附属病院看護部京都府立医科大学看護実践キャリア開発センター京都府立医科大学附属病院地域医療推進部School of Nursing, Kyoto Prefectural University of MedicineDepartment of Nursing, University Hospital Kyoto Prefectural University of MedicineKyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Career Development Center for NursingPromotion Division of Regional Medicine, University Hospital Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine 本研究の目的は、「緩和ケア実践看護師養成コース(以下Aコース)」「在宅緩和ケア推進看護師養成コース(以下Bコース)」を受講した修了者とその上司への調査からプログラム評価および看護実践への活用状況を指標にしてプログラムを評価することである。【方法】平成27~31年度の間に京都府立医科大学看護実践キャリア開発センターが開催する「緩和ケアを推進する看護師教育プログラム」のAコースまたはBコースを受講した修了者25名のうち、調査時点で受講時と同じ施設・病院で就労を継続している21名(Aコース14名、Bコース7名)、とその上司21名(Aコース14名、Bコース7名)を研究対象者とした。修了生の施設・病院に質問紙を郵送し、令和3年7月~8月に無記名の自記式質問紙調査を行った。調査項目は、基本属性、カリキュラムについて、教育目標について、受講内容の適切性について、学習内容の臨床での活用について、とした。なお所属する大学の医学倫理審査委員会の承認を得て実施した(ERB-E-444)。【結果】回答者は、Aコース修了者9名、Aコース上司7名、Bコース修了者5名、Bコース上司3名であった。受講した修了者の評価においては、プログラムの内容についてAコースの8割以上が、Bコースの全員が(とても・まあまあ)適切としている。自己能力の発揮状況について、Aコースは4~6割、Bコースについては4~8割ができているとしている。 上司からの評価では、両コースとも受講した講義・演習・実習が7割程度現在の看護実践に役立っていると答えた。期待される能力については両コースとも8割以上が現在の看護活動に活きていると答えた。【結論】平成27年度から開始された「緩和ケアを推進する看護師教育プログラム」に対して、受講した修了者とその上司に,研修が有用であったかを問うたところ、受講した修了者はプログラムの内容が看護の実践で活かされていると実感していることが明らかとなった。さらに、上司は、受講した修了者が研修を踏まえた看護実践ができていると評価していることが明らかになった。修了者、上司の評価からプログラムの効果を評価することができた

    Coordinated Respiratory Motor Activity in Nerves Innervating the Upper Airway Muscles in Rats.

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    Maintaining the patency of the upper airway during breathing is of vital importance. The activity of various muscles is related to the patency of the upper airway. In the present study, we examined the respiratory motor activity in the efferent nerves innervating the upper airway muscles to determine the movements of the upper airway during respiration under normocapnic conditions (pH = 7.4) and in hypercapnic acidosis (pH = 7.2). Experiments were performed on arterially perfused decerebrate rats aged between postnatal days 21-35. We recorded the efferent nerve activity in a branch of the cervical spinal nerve innervating the infrahyoid muscles (CN), the hypoglossal nerve (HGN), the external branch of the superior laryngeal nerve (SLN), and the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) with the phrenic nerve (PN). Inspiratory nerve discharges were observed in all these nerves under normocapnic conditions. The onset of inspiratory discharges in the CN and HGN was slightly prior to those in the SLN and RLN. When the CO2 concentration in the perfusate was increased from 5% to 8% to prepare for hypercapnic acidosis, the peak amplitudes of the inspiratory discharges in all the recorded nerves were increased. Moreover, hypercapnic acidosis induced pre-inspiratory discharges in the CN, HGN, SLN, and RLN. The onset of pre-inspiratory discharges in the CN, HGN, and SLN was prior to that of discharges in the RLN. These results suggest that the securing of the airway that occurs a certain time before dilation of the glottis may facilitate ventilation and improve hypercapnic acidosis

    Prorenin is sorted into the regulated secretory pathway independent of its processing to renin in mouse pituitary AtT-20 cells

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    AbstractA native human prorenin and a mutant of its processing site (Arg-43 to Gln) were expressed in mouse pituitary AtT-20 cells which process prorenin to renin and have both regulated and constitutive secretory pathways. The native prorenin was processed to renin and secreted in a regulated manner. Although the mutant precursor was not processed, it was also secreted in a regulated manner. These results suggest that prorenin is sorted into the regulated pathway, stored in secretory granules and released by stimulus whether it is processed to renin or not.Renin; Prohonnone processing; Gene expression; (AtT-20 cell