305 research outputs found

    Limnotrachelobdella okae(Hirudinida: Piscicolidae) parasitic on a flathead grey mullet(Mugil cephalus) in Lake Shinji, Shimane Prefecture, Japan

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    Limnotrachelobdella okae(Moore,1924)is a skin parasite of coastal marine and brackish−water fishes in Far East Asia. A specimen of L. okae was found on the head of a flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus)in brackish−water Lake Shinji, Shimane Prefecture, Japan, inMarch 2012. This represents the fourth record of L. okae from M. cephalus in Japan.ホシザキグリーン財団委託業績 第119

    DNA base flipping by a base pair-mimic nucleoside

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    On the basis of non-covalent bond interactions in nucleic acids, we synthesized the deoxyadenosine derivatives tethering a phenyl group (X) and a naphthyl group (Z) by an amide linker, which mimic a Watson–Crick base pair. Circular dichroism spectra indicated that the duplexes containing X and Z formed a similar conformation regardless of the opposite nucleotide species (A, G, C, T and an abasic site analogue F), which was not observed for the natural duplexes. The [Formula: see text] values among the natural duplexes containing the A/A, A/G, A/C, A/T and A/F pairs differed by 5.2 kcal mol(−1) while that among the duplexes containing X or Z in place of the adenine differed by only 1.9 or 2.8 kcal mol(−1), respectively. Fluorescence quenching experiments confirmed that 2-amino purine opposite X adopted an unstacked conformation. The structural and thermodynamic analyses suggest that the aromatic hydrocarbon group of X and Z intercalates into a double helix, resulting in the opposite nucleotide base flipping into an unstacked position regardless of the nucleotide species. This observation implies that modifications at the aromatic hydrocarbon group and the amide linker may expand the application of the base pair-mimic nucleosides for molecular biology and biotechnology


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    島根県高津川水系匹見川の支流,石谷川で採集したイシドンコOdontobutis hikimiusの体表からチョウモドキArgulus coregoni Thorell, 1864の雌成体を得た。イシドンコはチョウモドキの新宿主である。また,チョウモドキはイシドンコから見出された最初の寄生虫である。An adult female of the argulid branchiuran Argulus coregoni Thorell, 1864 was collected from the body surface of a recently described, rare odontobutid Odontobutis hikimius (called “ishidonko”) in the Ishitani River, a tributary of the Hikimi River within the Takatsu River system, Shimane Prefecture, Japan. This collection represents a new host record for A. coregoni. This branchiuran is the first species of parasite found from O. hikimius

    Recovery from heat shock injury by activation of Na+-glucose cotransporter in renal epithelial cells

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    AbstractExposure of cells or organs to sublethal physical or chemical stresses induces disruption of cellular structures and functions. Here, we examined whether Na+-glucose cotransporter (SGLT1) is involved in the recovery from heat shock (HS) injury in porcine renal epithelial LLC-PK1 cells. Recovery from HS (42 °C for 3 h, then 37 °C for 12 h) increased SGLT1 activity, assessed by [14C]α-methyl glucopyranoside uptake, and a maximal transport rate (Vmax) from 2.4 to 5.9 nmol/mg protein/30 min, but did not alter an apparent affinity constant (Km). Protein distribution of SGLT1 in apical membrane fraction was also increased after recovery from HS without changing in total membrane fraction. Membrane integrity assessed by calcein accumulation was decreased by HS, and then returned to basal level. This recovery was inhibited by phloridzin, a potent SGLT1 inhibitor, and nonmetabolizable glucose analogues. Anti-transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) antibody inhibited both elevation of SGLT1 distribution in apical membrane and recovery of calcein accumulation induced by HS. Taken together, HS increases in the number of SGLT1 protein in apical membrane mediated via TGF-β1 signaling pathway. The increase of glucose uptake is necessary to repair plasma membrane integrity

    Eucalyptus Leaf Extract Suppresses the Postprandial Elevation of Portal, Cardiac and Peripheral Fructose Concentrations after Sucrose Ingestion in Rats

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    Overintake of sucrose or fructose induces adiposity. Fructose undergoes a strong Maillard reaction, which worsens diabetic complications. To determine whether Eucalyptus globulus leaf extract (ELE) suppresses the postprandial elevation of serum fructose concentrations (SFCs) in the portal, cardiac, and peripheral blood after sucrose ingestion, we performed gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and measured SFC without any interference by contaminating glucose in the samples. Fasting Wistar rats were orally administered water (control group) or ELE (ELE group) before sucrose ingestion. Blood was collected from the portal vein, heart, and tail. The increase in the SFCs in the portal and cardiac samples 30 min after sucrose ingestion was lower in the ELE group than in the control group. The coefficient of correlation between the SFCs in the portal and cardiac samples was 0.825. The peripheral SFC in the control group progressively increased and was 146 µmol/L at 60 min. This increase was significantly lower in the ELE group. In contrast, the serum glucose concentrations in the 2 groups were similar. ELE suppressed postprandial hyperfructosemia in the portal, cardiac, and peripheral circulations. ELE may counteract glycation caused by high blood fructose concentrations induced by the consumption of fructose-containing foods or drinks

    Novel method to rescue a lethal phenotype through integration of target gene onto the X-chromosome.

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    The loss-of-function mutations of serine protease inhibitor, Kazal type 1 (SPINK1) gene are associated with human chronic pancreatitis, but the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. We previously reported that mice lacking Spink3, the murine homologue of human SPINK1, die perinatally due to massive pancreatic acinar cell death, precluding investigation of the effects of SPINK1 deficiency. To circumvent perinatal lethality, we have developed a novel method to integrate human SPINK1 gene on the X chromosome using Cre-loxP technology and thus generated transgenic mice termed "X-SPINK1". Consistent with the fact that one of the two X chromosomes is randomly inactivated, X-SPINK1 mice exhibit mosaic pattern of SPINK1 expression. Crossing of X-SPINK1 mice with Spink3+/- mice rescued perinatal lethality, but the resulting Spink3-/-;XXSPINK1 mice developed spontaneous pancreatitis characterized by chronic inflammation and fibrosis. The results show that mice lacking a gene essential for cell survival can be rescued by expressing this gene on the X chromosome. The Spink3-/-;XXSPINK1 mice, in which this method has been applied to partially restore SPINK1 function, present a novel genetic model of chronic pancreatitis

    Assessment of the intrapulmonary ventilation-perfusion distribution after the Fontan procedure for complex cardiac anomalies: Relation to pulmonary hemodynamics

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    AbstractIn 12 patients who underwent the Fontan procedure for complex cardiac anomalies, lung scanning with xenon-133 was performed to assess the intrapulmonary ventilation-perfusion distribution, and comparison was made with a control group. All data were then analyzed in relation to either pre- or postoperative pulmonary hemodynamic data. In ventilation scans, the intrapulmonary distribution in the right lung was almost normal.In perfusion scans, an abnormal increased upper to lower lobe perfusion ratio greater than the normal value found in the control group was noted in seven patients (58.3%). There was a significant correlation (p < 0.02) between the upper to lower lobe perfusion ratio and postoperative pulmonary vascular resistance. Furthermore, this perfusion ratio correlated inversely with the preoperative (p < 0.005) and postoperative (p < 0.02) right pulmonary artery area index, defined as the ratio of cross-sectional area to the normal value. Of five patients with < 90% arterial oxygen saturation, four showed an abnormal distribution of pulmonary blood flow greater than the normal perfusion ratio. No patient had evidence of a pulmonary arteriovenous fistula by the echocardiographic contrast study.These results suggest that abnormal distribution of pulmonary blood flow to the upper lung segment may develop in patients after the Fontan procedure, and that insufficient size of the pulmonary artery before operation and the consequent postoperative elevation of pulmonary vascular resistance may be responsible for this perfusion abnormality