84 research outputs found

    Microbial Community Composition of Two Environmentally Conserved Estuaries in the Midorikawa River and Shirakawa River

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    To provide a general overview of the microbial communities in environmentally conserved estuaries, the top 5 cm of sediment was sampled from the sandy estuary of the Shirakawa River and from the muddy estuary of the Midorikawa River. Higher amounts of organic matter were detected in the Midorikawa estuary sample than in the Shirakawa estuary sample. Measurement of redox potential revealed that the Shirakawa estuary was aerobic and the Midorikawa estuary was much less aerobic. Clone analysis was performed by targeting partial 16S rRNA gene sequences and using extracted DNA from the samples as a template. Various bacteria were detected, among which Gammaproteobacteria was dominant at both estuaries. Unclassified clones were detected in the Gammaproteobacteria group, mainly among samples from the Midorikawa estuary. Other detected bacterial groups were Alphaproteobacteria, Deltaproteobacteria, Chloroflexi, Actinobacteria, and Bacteroidetes. All the Deltaproteobacteria clones were anaerobic sulfate-reducing bacteria. Those aerobic and anaerobic bacteria coexisted in the top 5 cm of the estuary sediments indicating the surface layer have active sulfur and carbon cycle. Abundance of aerobic Gammaproteobacteria may be an indicator for conserved estuaries

    Tracking overweight and obesity in Japanese children ; a six years longitudinal study

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    Childhood overweight/obesity is growing steeply, globally. It is usually regarded as a risk factor for severe obesity over life-time course. Here, we investigated temporal course of overweight/obesity development in Japanese school children. A six-year longitudinal study was performed on 16,245 Japanese primary school children (8,427 boys and 7,818 girls) comprising three cohorts of 1st~3rd grade. A baseline survey was conducted at 2001, followed by annual baseline studies from 2002~2007 to determine the prevalence and track overweight/obesity. Our results showed that the prevalence of overweight was 15~23% in boys and 15~18% in girls, however, for obesity it ranged between 4~7% in boys ; and 2~4% in girls. As regards for tracking status, 60~80% of overweight and 35~70% of obese Japanese primary school boys track into overweight or obese junior high school adolescents. However, these percentages are lower among primary school girls, where only 50~70% overweight and 30~60% obese primary school girls track into overweight and obese adolescents, respectively. We conclude that Japanese boys are fatter than girls ; and ~80% of overweight/obese Japanese primary school children track into junior high school overweight/obese adolescents

    Determinants of life satisfaction among Japanese elderly women attending health care and welfare service facilities

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    Prolonged life expectancy must be recognized as an excellent achievement of modern medicine, but not all the elderly people are satisfied with their lives. Life satisfaction is a multi-dimensional issue that depends on many objective and subjective characteristics. In this study, we aimed at investigating the factors affecting life satisfaction of 314 elderly Japanese women attending in 28 elderly-care and welfare facilities at Tokushima Prefecture, Japan. Our results indicated that elderly subjects with depression tendencies always show significantly lower degrees of life satisfaction than others who are not depressed (p 0.001) regardless of their cognitive status. Furthermore, elderly women who shared decision for their living place and whose opinions were considered for daily life decisions reported significantly more life satisfaction levels than others. We conclude that elderly life satisfaction is affected by various determinants however, with different influencing weight. Life satisfaction of elderly people, with or without dementia, is greatly affected by their mood status and share in decision making. Avoiding elderly people depressive mood, sharing them in various daily decisions, considering their opinions, and allowing them to decide their elderly-care facility placement are crucial determinants for their life satisfaction and essential for their coping, adaptation, well-being and successful aging

    A/G heterozygote of the A-3826G polymorphism in the UCP-1 gene has higher BMI than A/A and G/G homozygote in young Japanese males

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    UCP-1 is suggested to have important roles for thermogenesis and energy expenditure. To elucidate whether the A-3826G polymorphism that is located in the 5’ flanking region of the UCP-1 gene has roles in healthy young people, the polymorphism was genotyped among 251 young Japanese men whose mean age is 22.7 years old. We analyzed relationship between the A-3826G polymorphism and body mass index (BMI) or six biochemical parameters, serum concentration of total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, triglyceride (TG), asparatate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), fasting plasma glucose. The genotype frequencies were observed at the frequencies of 24.3% for AA, 48.2% for AG and 27.5% for GG, respectively. When BMI and the biochemical parameters were compared by ANOVA among individuals with each genotype, the statistical difference was observed only for BMI (P=0.016). Bonferroni’s test demonstrated that the men with the AG genotype have higher BMI than those with the AA genotype (22.4±2.8 vs. 21.4±2.2)(P=0.04). The individuals with the AG genotype also showed trend to have higher BMI than those with the GG, although the difference was not statistically apparent (22.4±2.8 vs. 21.5±2.3) (P=0.07). Our results indicated that the young healthy Japanese men with the AG heterozygote showed higher BMI than those with other genotypes

    Prediction of Japanese children at risk for complications of childhood obesity : gender differences for intervention approaches

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    Childhood obesity is one of the most serious public health problems in Japan, especially in Tokushima compared with other prefectures. This study was designed to clarify the life habits which predispose to development of obesity and can be modified through an appropriate intervention program to combat childhood obesity and its lifestyle-related diseases. A total of 216 school children from Itano Town, a municipality of Tokushima Prefecture, Japan, who are attending the fourth grade (9-10 years) of elementary schools, participated in the study from 2004 to 2007. The study included child’s life habits questionnaire, investigating physical activity by recording the daily steps using a pedometer, anthropometric measurements, hematological examination and hemodynamometry in a cross-sectional survey during a two-month period from June to July every year. We conclude that there are considerable gender-related differences for developing obesity and other lifestyle-related diseases ; and all intervention strategies against obesity must consider such gender differences. For example, restriction of television watching hours must be intervened for controlling obesity in boys, however for girls, promotion of exercise practice or making more steps per day with adequate sleeping periods should be intervened as the proper approaches for preventing and controlling obesity and other lifestyle-related diseases


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    PS63ポスター要旨 / ブルーアース2008(2008年3月13日~14日, 横浜市立大学金沢八景キャンパス)http://www.godac.jamstec.go.jp/darwin/cruise/natsushima/nt06-21_leg1/

    Expression analysis of a mouse orthologue of HSFY, a candidate for the azoospermic factor on the human Y chromosome

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    Heat shock transcription factor on Y (HSFY) is located in one of three candidate regions for azoospermic factor (AZF), AZFb on the Y chromosome. We and others have already revealed that some azoospermic males are missing the regions of the Y chromosome including HSFY. Previously, we showed that murine HSFY-like sequence〔mHSFYL(RikencDNA4933413G11Rik)〕, which is the mouse orthologue of HSFY, is exclusively expressed in testis. The sequences encoding the presumed DNA-binding domain in HSFY and mHSFYL were found in other mammals such as dogs, cows and chickens. To elucidate mHSFYL expression in the testes in detail, we carried out in situ hybridization. mHSFYL was predominantly expressed in round spermatids. Furthermore, we clarified the intracellular distribution of mHSFYL inCOS1 cells with HA- or GFP-tagged proteins. Both HA-mHSFYL and GFP-mHSFYL were located in the nucleus. Our results suggest that HSFY/mHSFYL may have evolutionarily conserved functions for spermatogenesis

    RNA export factor RAE1 contributes to NUP98-HOXA9-mediated leukemogenesis

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    金沢大学フロンティアサイエンス機構Chromosomal translocations involving chimeric fusions of the nucleoporin NUP98 protein have often been described in acute myelogenous leukemia (AML). All the fusion proteins have an identical NUP98 N terminus, which contains the GLEBS motif for interaction with the mRNA export factor RAE1 and FG repeats that associate with the transcription factors HDAC1 and p300. It is virtually unknown whether these interaction partners affect leukemogenesis. We previously showed that RAE1 depletion caused aneuploidy, which enhanced tumorigenesis. We speculated that RAE1 may also be directly involved in NUP98 fusion-mediated leukemogenesis. We show here that RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated knockdown of NUP98 caused severe chromosome segregation defects and disrupted RAE1 but not HDAC1 expression and localization. Next, we performed rescue experiments to confirm that the RAE1-NUP98 complex orchestrates proper chromosome segregation. Interestingly, we found diverse behaviors of NUP98 and the leukemogenic fusion protein NUP98-HOXA9 throughout the cell cycle. Strikingly, in NUP98-HOXA9-transfected cells, RAE1 protein were reduced and mis-localized. Our cellular interpretations were further confirmed by NUP98-HOXA9 transgenic mice and the NUP98-HOXA9 AML patient. These data suggest that RAE1 orchestrates NUP98-mediated leukemogenesis and raise the possibility that targeting this negative feedback loop may provide a new strategy for the therapy of aggressive leukemias. © 2011 Landes Bioscience

    Single-Cell Analysis of the Multicellular Ecosystem in Viral Carcinogenesis by HTLV-1

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    成人T細胞白血病リンパ腫の多段階発がん分子メカニズムを解明 --難治性疾患の新規治療標的候補を複数同定--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-09-07.Premalignant clonal expansion of human T-cell leukemia virus type-1 (HTLV-1)–infected cells occurs before viral carcinogenesis. Here we characterize premalignant cells and the multicellular ecosystem in HTLV-1 infection with and without adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL) by genome sequencing and single-cell simultaneous transcriptome and T/B-cell receptor sequencing with surface protein analysis. We distinguish malignant phenotypes caused by HTLV-1 infection and leukemogenesis and dissect clonal evolution of malignant cells with different clinical behavior. Within HTLV-1–infected cells, a regulatory T-cell phenotype associates with premalignant clonal expansion. We also delineate differences between virus- and tumor-related changes in the nonmalignant hematopoietic pool, including tumor-specific myeloid propagation. In a newly generated conditional knockout mouse model recapitulating T-cell–restricted CD274 (encoding PD-L1) gene lesions found in ATL, we demonstrate that PD-L1 overexpressed by T cells is transferred to surrounding cells, leading to their PD-L1 upregulation. Our findings provide insights into clonal evolution and immune landscape of multistep virus carcinogenesis