121 research outputs found

    Trust : Self-presentation and Securitytechnology

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    信頼概念を理論的に明晰化した最初の人であり,信頼を機能的観点から捉えたLuhmannに依拠しながら信頼の多様な問題を考察する(〔 〕に人名がない場合は全てLuhmann).信頼の二領域「パーソナル信頼」と特に「システム信頼(確信)」は「自己呈示」により支えられるが,そこには限界があり,それを補足するのがセキュリティ技術である.しかしまずこの「自己呈示」は「被信頼者の信頼に値する性を毀損するというパラドックス」を,「セキュリティ技術」は「それ自体が信頼を要求し結果的に信頼の無限連鎖に陥るというパラドックス」を産み出す

    Evaluating on-demand video lectures

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    The popularity of online classes in university education has grown rapidly since the COVID-19 outbreak. This study aims to examine the association between the detailed characteristics / various contexts of students and the evaluation of online classes. An online questionnaire survey administered to third- and fourth-grade medical students of Tokushima University in September 2021—with 101 (42.8%) valid responses—showed the respondents’ general impressions, comprehension, convenience, and desire for online classes even after the pandemic ends were significantly higher for the on-demand lectures than for simultaneous online classes. Notably, students who did not do other things while watching video lectures (10.9%) rated on-demand lectures as facilitating significantly higher impression, comprehension, and convenience than those who did other things (89.1%). A multivariate analysis revealed that students who did not do anything else while watching, whose waking time changed slightly, who commuted to school for shorter periods, who were not good at morning lectures, and who watched at high speed rated the video lectures highly. Thus, video lectures are appreciated by students who are committed to learning, which is a positive result for the future of on-demand education

    SOCS-1/SSI-1-Deficient NKT Cells Participate in Severe Hepatitis through Dysregulated Cross-Talk Inhibition of IFN-γ and IL-4 Signaling In Vivo

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    AbstractSuppressor of cytokine signaling-1 (SOCS-1), also known as STAT-induced STAT inhibitor-1 (SSI-1), is a negative feedback molecule for cytokine signaling, and its in vivo deletion induces fulminant hepatitis. However, elimination of the STAT1 or STAT6 gene or deletion of NKT cells substantially prevented severe hepatitis in SOCS-1-deficient mice, while administration of IFN-γ and IL-4 accelerated its development. SOCS-1 deficiency not only sustained IFN-γ/IL-4 signaling but also eliminated the cross-inhibitory action of IFN-γ on IL-4 signaling. These results suggest that SOCS-1 deficiency-induced persistent activation of STAT1 and STAT6, which would be inhibited by SOCS-1 under normal conditions, may induce abnormal activation of NKT cells, thus leading to lethal pathological changes in SOCS-1-deficient mice

    CRP in PMR and RS3PE syndrome

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    Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) and remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema (RS3PE) syndrome are common inflammatory rheumatic diseases in the elderly. In this study, we investigate predictive factors which correspond to subsequent disease control of PMR and RS3PE syndrome. Twenty four patients, which contained 18 PMR and 6 RS3PE syndrome, were treated with initial dosages of 10-20 mg per day oral prednisolone, and the dosage of prednisolone was then tapered. Significantly higher initial CRP was observed in patients with poor disease control than in those with good disease control afterwards. The number of patients with negative CRP after 4 weeks was significantly more in patients with good disease control after 1 year than in those with poor disease control. Patients were shown to be in good disease control status after 1 year when CRP after 4 weeks became negative even if they had initial high CRP. Our study clarify that to make CRP negative after 4 weeks is associated with subsequent suppression of the disease activity and with decreased dosages of corticosteroids