21 research outputs found

    Fourier Transform Infrared Detection of a Polarizable Proton Trapped between Photooxidized Tyrosine Y<sub>Z</sub> and a Coupled Histidine in Photosystem II: Relevance to the Proton Transfer Mechanism of Water Oxidation

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    The redox-active tyrosine Y<sub>Z</sub> (D1-Tyr161) in photosystem II (PSII) functions as an immediate electron acceptor of the Mn<sub>4</sub>Ca cluster, which is the catalytic center of photosynthetic water oxidation. Y<sub>Z</sub> is also located in the hydrogen bond network that connects the Mn<sub>4</sub>Ca cluster to the lumen and hence is possibly related to the proton transfer process during water oxidation. To understand the role of Y<sub>Z</sub> in the water oxidation mechanism, we have studied the hydrogen bonding interactions of Y<sub>Z</sub> and its photooxidized neutral radical Y<sub>Z</sub><sup>•</sup> together with the interaction of the coupled His residue, D1-His190, using light-induced Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) difference spectroscopy. The Y<sub>Z</sub><sup>•</sup>-minus-Y<sub>Z</sub> FTIR difference spectrum of Mn-depleted PSII core complexes exhibited a broad positive feature around 2800 cm<sup>–1</sup>, which was absent in the corresponding spectrum of another redox-active tyrosine Y<sub>D</sub> (D2-Tyr160). Analyses by <sup>15</sup>N and H/D substitutions, examination of the pH dependence, and density functional theory and quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) calculations showed that this band arises from the N–H stretching vibration of the protonated cation of D1-His190 forming a charge-assisted strong hydrogen bond with Y<sub>Z</sub><sup>•</sup>. This result provides strong evidence that the proton released from Y<sub>Z</sub> upon its oxidation is trapped in D1-His190 and a positive charge remains on this His. The broad feature of the ∼2800 cm<sup>–1</sup> band reflects a large proton polarizability in the hydrogen bond between Y<sub>Z</sub><sup>•</sup> and HisH<sup>+</sup>. QM/MM calculations further showed that upon Y<sub>Z</sub> oxidation the hydrogen bond network is rearranged and one water molecule moves toward D1-His190. From these data, a novel proton transfer mechanism via Y<sub>Z</sub><sup>•</sup>-HisH<sup>+</sup> is proposed, in which hopping of the polarizable proton of HisH<sup>+</sup> to this water triggers the transfer of the proton from substrate water to the luminal side. This proton transfer mechanism could be functional in the S<sub>2</sub> → S<sub>3</sub> transition, which requires proton release before electron transfer because of an excess positive charge on the Mn<sub>4</sub>Ca cluster