248 research outputs found

    Inheritance of Dewey’s philosophy of education in art education at the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools and today’s significance : Critical review of Gina Alicea’s speech

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     本稿は,学習指導要領の次期改訂に向けて文部科学省から出された方向性を踏まえて,わが国の学校教育におけるこれからの美術教育のあり方を考えるために,シカゴ大学実験学校で行われている21 世紀型学習について検討することを目的とする。検討に際しては,2016 年7 月2 日・5 日に広島大学学習システム促進研究センター(RIDLS)主催で開催された「アメリカの教育改革と学校教育の再設計-シカゴ大学実験学校の21 世紀型学習-」をテーマとした講演会において,ジーナ・アリシア教諭の講演「芸術による体験学習」で紹介された事例を,デューイの教育思想との関連性を踏まえながら分析した。シカゴ大学実験学校の美術教育は,①体験と結びついた美的リテラシーの育成を図る学習の推進,②リフレクションが伴う創造的思考を通して思想・感情の育成を図る学習の推進,③社会との有機的な接続を図る学習の推進,から特徴づけることができ,結論では,教育課程企画特別部会の「論点整理」に示された教育課程の構造的な見直しの柱となる3 つの資質・能力である「個別の知識・技能」,「思考力・判断力・表現力等」,「人間性や学びに向かう力等」との関連において,シカゴ大学実験学校の美術教育の今日的意義を考察した。This paper aims to investigate 21st Century Learning conducted at the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools in order to contemplate the future of art education in Japanese school education based on the direction given by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for the next revision of the course of study guidelines. This study analyzed a case introduced in Gina Alicia’s lecture “Experiential Learning Through Art” based on its relationship to Dewey’s educational philosophy, speech given at the lecture conference themed “American Educational Reform and Redesign of School Education—21st Century Learning at the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools” hosted by the Research Initiative for Developing Learning Systems (RIDLS) at Hiroshima University on July 2 and 5, 2016. Art education at the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools can be characterized by (1) promotion of learning to cultivate aesthetic literacy linked to experience, (2) promotion of learning to cultivate ideas and emotions through creative thinking with reflection, and (3) promotion of learning to achieve an organic connection with society. In conclusion, this study has examined the contemporary significance of art education at the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools in relationship with the three qualities and abilities “individual knowledge/skills,” “thinking skills, judgment skills, and expression skills,” and “ability to face humanity and learning,” which are the pillars for structural review of educational curriculum indicated in the “discussion points organization” of the Curriculum Planning Special Committee

    Art Education for Peace: John Dewey’s view of intercultural experience after his visit to Japan in 1919

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    This study attempts to reframe art education for international democracy by examining Dewey’s thoughts on international education, developed after his encounter with Eastern culture. First, Dewey’s intercultural experiences during his stay in Japan in 1919 are investigated in the context of education, culture, and art. Second, the new line of thought on international education that emerged from his visit to Japan is discussed. Third, his view of the educative nature of intercultural experience articulated in Art as Experience is reviewed in relation to his thoughts on international democracy. Finally, a new dimension of art education contributive to the building of peace is discussed from a Deweyan perspective.This paper was prepared in part for the Centennial Colloquium on Dewey Then and Now at the Laboratory Schools at the University of Chicago in 2019 in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Dewey’s visit to the East

    Inheritance of Dewey’s philosophy of education at the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools and today’s significance : Critical review of Sylvie Anglin’s speech

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    本稿は,2016 年7 月2 日・5 日に広島大学学習システム促進研究センター(RIDLS)の主催で開催された講演会である「アメリカの教育改革と学校教育の再設計-シカゴ大学実験学校の21 世紀型学習-」でのシルビー・アングリン校長による発表を踏まえて,今日のシカゴ大学実験学校がジョン・デューイの教育思想をどのように継承し教育実践を進めているのかについて検討することを目的とする。実験学校小学校の運営方針の特徴について,①教育理念,②カリキュラム,③教師の専門性に焦点を当てて検討するとともに,実験学校で開発されている21 世紀型学習について実践事例である「遊び場の建設プロジェクト」の分析を通してデューイ教育思想との関係を明確化している。結論では,次期改訂の学習指導要領の方向性を踏まえながら,実験学校の今日的意義について考察した。This paper aimed to investigate how today’s University of Chicago Laboratory Schools succeeds with John Dewey’s educational philosophy and promotes educational practices, based on a presentation by Principal Sylvia Anglin at the lecture conference “American Educational Reform and Redesign of School Education—21st Century Learning at the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools” hosted by the Research Initiative for Developing Learning Systems (RIDLS) at Hiroshima University on July 2 and 5, 2016. For the characteristics of operation policy of the Lower School at the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, in addition to investigating with a focus on (1) educational philosophy, (2) curriculum, and (3) teacher expertise, I also clarified the relationship with Dewey’s educational philosophy through analysis of the “Playground Construction Project,” which is a practical example of 21st Century Learning being developed at the Laboratory Schools. In conclusion, I discussed the contemporary significance of art education based on the direction of the next revision of the course of study guidelines

    A Study on the Development of John Dewey's Theory of Aesthetic Education -Based on the Content Analysis of Correspondence Between Dewey and Barnes-

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    This paper is about the influence of Albert C. Barnes on the development of John Dewey's theory of aesthetic education. Based on the content analysis of correspondences between Barnes and Dewey from 1917 to 1934, their relationship is discussed regarding two questions. One question is concerned about the psychological aspect of their relationship; what kind of personal relationship did they develop? They developed mutually intimate and sincere relationship, which helped them exchange and form their theories of aesthetic education. Another question is concerned about Barnes's theoretical support for Dewey's development of aesthetics. This study reveals that the support given by Barnes to Dewey is not only the knowledge of art, but also insightful thought on aesthetic experience, which consequently helped Dewey develop essential thoughts on his aesthetics. Such thoughts are classified into five topics: the knowledge of art, form of art, objectivity in taste, criticism, and reproductive aspect of an experience of art. It is concluded that with Barnes who agreed with Dewey's theory that the interaction between the live animal and the environment is fundamental to aesthetic education, Dewey was able to carry out his study of naturalistic humanism further in the field of art

    Developing an Intercultural Eye for Art: The University of Chicago’s Laboratory Schools and Hiroshima University’s Affiliated High School 2019 collaborative action research

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    This paper serves as the report on the 2019 collaborative action research conducted by the University of Chicago’s Laboratory Schools and Hiroshima University’s Affiliated High School aimed at cultivating middle and high school students’ intercultural eye for art. An intercultural eye for art means perceiving and sympathizing with a worldview expressed in artwork from other cultures, and to foster the growth of this competency, an intercultural eye for art curriculum was designed and implemented through collaboration between the two schools. The educational effects of the designed curriculum were surveyed by administering pre- and post-questionnaires, and selected case studies demonstrated how individual students were able to establish intercultural communication through the language of art in the classroom. The research findings demonstrate that the designed curriculum was effective in broadening and deepening the students’ intercultural eye for art and their interests in further study. Furthermore, competency in an intercultural eye for art is likely to evolve in coordination with affective and cognitive responses to artwork

    Human Resource Development in Africa

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    SMART Africa Manifesto was endorsed by all countries of African Union in 2014. African countries have cooperated to enable innovation, communication and advocacy, capacity building and resource mobilization through ICT. SMART Africa Steering Committee recommended that African space program proposal with Japan was implemented in cooperation with African Union on space developments for achieving Sustainable Development Goals continuously and synergistically in February 2018. The University of Tokyo and Japan Space Systems have cooperated to provide capacity building programs about micro-satellite developments and Earth observation satellite data analysis techniques to African young engineers. 2 optical cameras as a pseudo-multi-spectral were loaded on the planned Japanese 3U-size satellite, RWASAT-1. Those cameras were expected to acquire data for land degradation, deforestation, agriculture and other objects. Japan Space Systems has had training programs about Earth observation satellite data analyses with open and free GIS software and ASTER datasets. Using open and free software and datasets made participants analyze sustainably after the programs. When African young engineers have abilities to develop and operate micro-satellites and to analyze Earth observation satellite data, they also have abilities to expand and share their space technologies to African countries through SMART Africa for African developments in near future

    Long-term survivor diagnosed with arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy/dysplasia

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    The subject was a 70 year-old man who survived for 31 years after being diagnosed with right ventricular cardiomyopathy, having undergone right ventricular (RV) aneurysmectomy at the age of 39. His arrhythmia and syncopal attacks were effectively abolished after the original aneurysmectomy. Although he frequently suffered from right heart failure, hemodialysis improved his status. However, the patient died due to worsening anasarca caused by RV low output syndrome. Autopsy results indicated extensive replacement of the RV myocardium with fibrous and fatty tissues. This case suggests that patients with arrhythmogenic RV cardiomyopathy, but without left ventricular abnormalities and rapid ventricular arrhythmia, have a relatively favorable prognosis, although RV abnormalities may be progressive

    Study on the qualities and abilities of art and crafts that systematically grow in 12 years of childhood: Through an appreciation class by the active learning

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    本研究の目的は,アクティブ・ラーニングによる図工・美術科の鑑賞授業を通して,本学校園で育みたい資質・能力のうち,「人間関係形成・社会形成能力」と関連する美術科の本質に根ざした資質・能力が,学年区分ごとについているか明らかにすることである。研究の方法は,小学校2,4年生,中学校1,3年生の子どもに対し共通作品をもとに対話型による鑑賞授業を実施し,授業における子どもの姿を分析し,指導内容や系統の適正について検討する。研究の結果,図工・美術部会で設定した目指す姿に近い様子が見られ,概ね力がついていることが確認できた。今後は,本研究を通して見えてきた鑑賞における学年ごとの発言や思考の特徴を,より具体的な姿として系統表に取り入れ,指導方法とともに改善をしていきたい。The purpose of this study is to clarify whether the qualities and abilities it came from essence of the art department related with "forming human relationships and social development ability" is related to grade level among the qualities and abilities that we want to cultivate at this school through an appreciation class by active learning. In the method of research, we conducted interactive classes based on same works for children of elementary school 2nd, 4th graders, junior high school 1st, 3rd graders, analyzed the appearance of children. As a result, it seemed that it was close to the aim position set by the art group, and it was confirmed that there were abilities almost. In the future, I’d like to incorporate the features of each grade's remarks and thinking in viewing through this research into a systematic table as a more specific form, and improve along with the teaching method