154 research outputs found

    Ion−Ion Interactions and Conduction Mechanism of Highly Conductive Fluorohydrogenate Ionic Liquids

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    Ion−ion interactions in highly conductive fluorohydrogenate ionic liquids (ILs) are discussed in this study. Low-temperature crystal structures of DMIm(FH)₂F and DMIm(FH)₃F (DMIm = 1, 3-dimethylimidazolium) are determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction to obtain the location of each ion in the crystal lattice. Interaction energies between the imidazolium cation and fluorohydrogenate anions are evaluated with the aid of quantum mechanical calculations where the configuration of the ions is taken from the crystal structures of DMIm(FH)₂F and DMIm(FH)₃F as well as the previously determined EMImFHF (EMIm = 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium). The calculation suggests that the interaction energies are mainly dominated by electrostatic interactions as in the cases of other imidazolium salts, and the low viscosity and high conductivity of fluorohydrogenate ILs are derived from their dynamic properties. The HF unit exchanging between fluorohydrogenate anions weakens the cation−anion interactions and produces smaller anionic diffusion species

    Potential of EBL and cosmology studies with the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    Very high energy (VHE, E >100 GeV) gamma-rays are absorbed via interaction with low-energy photons from the extragalactic background light (EBL) if the involved photon energies are above the threshold for electron-positron pair creation. The VHE gamma-ray absorption, which is energy dependent and increases strongly with redshift, distorts the VHE spectra observed from distant objects. The observed energy spectra of the AGNs carry, therefore, an imprint of the EBL. The detection of VHE gamma-ray spectra of distant sources (z = 0.11 - 0.54) by current generation Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) enabled to set strong upper limits on the EBL density, using certain basic assumptions about blazar physics. In this paper it is studied how the improved sensitivity of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) and its enlarged energy coverage will enlarge our knowledge about the EBL and its sources. CTA will deliver a large sample of AGN at different redshifts with detailed measured spectra. In addition, it will provide the exciting opportunity to use gamma ray bursts (GRBs) as probes for the EBL density at high redshifts.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, to appear in Astroparticle Physics. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1005.119

    Unraveling the Nature of Unidentified High Galactic Latitude Fermi/LAT Gamma-ray Sources with Suzaku

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    We report on the results of deep X-ray follow-up observations of four unidentified Fermi/LAT gamma-ray sources at high Galactic latitudes using Suzaku. The studied objects were detected with high significance during the first 3 months of Fermi/LAT operation, and subsequently better localized in the Fermi/LAT 1 year catalog (1FGL). Possible associations with pulsars and active galaxies have subsequently been discussed, and our observations provide an important contribution to this debate. In particular, an X-ray point source was found within the 95% confidence error circle of 1FGL J1231.1-1410. X-ray spectrum is well-fitted by a blackbody with an additional power-law. This supports the recently claimed identification of this source with a millisecond pulsar (MSP) PSR J1231-1411. Concerning 1FGL J1311.7-3429, two X-ray sources were found within the LAT error circle. Even though the X-ray spectral and variability properties were accessed, their nature and relationship with the gamma-ray source remain uncertain. We found several weak X-ray sources in the field of 1FGL J1333.2+5056, one coinciding with CLASS J1333+5057. We argue the available data are consistent with the association between these two objects. Finally, we have detected an X-ray source in the vicinity of 1FGL J2017.3+0603. This object was recently suggested to be associated with a newly discovered MSP PSR J2017+0603, because of the spatial-coincidence and the gamma-ray pulse detection. We have only detected the X-ray counterpart of the CLASS J2017+0603, while we determined an X-ray flux upper limit at the pulsar position. All in all, our studies indicate while a significant fraction of unidentified high Galactic latitude gamma-ray sources is related to the pulsar and blazar phenomena, associations with other classes of astrophysical objects are still valid options.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Ap

    Development of the photomultiplier tube readout system for the first Large-Sized Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array

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    The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is the next generation ground-based very high energy gamma-ray observatory. The Large-Sized Telescope (LST) of CTA targets 20 GeV -- 1 TeV gamma rays and has 1855 photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) installed in the focal plane camera. With the 23 m mirror dish, the night sky background (NSB) rate amounts to several hundreds MHz per pixel. In order to record clean images of gamma-ray showers with minimal NSB contamination, a fast sampling of the signal waveform is required so that the signal integration time can be as short as the Cherenkov light flash duration (a few ns). We have developed a readout board which samples waveforms of seven PMTs per board at a GHz rate. Since a GHz FADC has a high power consumption, leading to large heat dissipation, we adopted the analog memory ASIC "DRS4". The sampler has 1024 capacitors per channel and can sample the waveform at a GHz rate. Four channels of a chip are cascaded to obtain deeper sampling depth with 4096 capacitors. After a trigger is generated in a mezzanine on the board, the waveform stored in the capacitor array is subsequently digitized with a low speed (33 MHz) ADC and transferred via the FPGA-based Gigabit Ethernet to a data acquisition system. Both a low power consumption (2.64 W per channel) and high speed sampling with a bandwidth of >>300 MHz have been achieved. In addition, in order to increase the dynamic range of the readout we adopted a two gain system achieving from 0.2 up to 2000 photoelectrons in total. We finalized the board design for the first LST and proceeded to mass production. Performance of produced boards are being checked with a series of quality control (QC) tests. We report the readout board specifications and QC results.Comment: In Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2015), The Hague, The Netherlands. All CTA contributions at arXiv:1508.0589
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