666 research outputs found

    Citron: A Context Information Acquisition Framework for Personal Devices.

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    A Software Infrastructure for Wearable Sensor Networks.

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    Continued-Maintenance Therapy for PCNSL

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    Background. PCNSL is mainly treated with HD-MTX-based chemotherapy with or without WBRT. However, As WBRT is associated with delayed neurotoxicity leading to dementia in the elderly, many institutes reported benefits of intensive chemotherapy or high-dose chemotherapy with ASCT. We investigated whether treatment with HD-MTX and rituximab, followed by continued-maintenance HD-MTX monotherapy (3.5g / m2), improves overall survival (OS). Methods. In this retrospective, single-center trial 52 immunocompetent patients with newly diagnosed PCNSL were included. All were treated between January 2005 and December 2017. The controls were 18 patients who, between 2005 and 2011, had received 3 cycles of HD-MTX and then adjuvant treatment with WBRT. In 2011 we started HD-MTX continued-maintenance therapy to treat 34 PCNSL patients. In the induction phase, these patients received HD-MTX every 14 days until a complete response (CR) was observed. When CR was obtained, maintenance therapy with HD-MTX (3.5g / m2) was delivered every three months. Results. In 3-year overall survival (OS) there was a statistically significant difference between the two groups [controls : 33.1% (95%, CI 12.4 - 55.7%) ; maintenance group : 74.9% (95%, CI 55.6 - 86.7%) (p < 0.02)]. Conclusion : The induction of HD-MTX based chemotherapy followed by continued-maintenance HD-MTX monotherapy improved OS compared with chemoradiotherapy consisting of HD-MTX followed by WBRT

    Navigation-Guided fence-post catheter

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    Background : Navigation system devices have been developed to allow precise resection of brain tumor. The fence-post catheter techniques that use a navigation system have been used in many neurosurgery centers. However, an exclusive catheter for the fence-post catheter techniques have not been made, and substituted silicon tube of the cerebral ventricle drainage or a Nelaton catheter is widely used. Objective : In this brief technical note, we describe a new fence-post catheter with steel tip device that was designed for more precise tissue resection and is useful in tumor resection. Methods : The newly designed fence-post catheter helps to visually gauge the accurate depth from the tumor bottom during tumor resection. Furthermore, the catheter tip has moderate weight and is made of a non-magnetic material. Results : Using our fence-post catheter, which has a metal part at the tip of the tube (length, 13 mm), operators can clearly notice that they are getting closer to base of the tumor by checking the metal part during the resection of deep tumors. Conclusion : Our newly developed fence-post tube enables easy confirmation of the distance to deep-tissue regions and improves the degree of safety during tumor removal

    Metastatic tumor to the orbital cavity

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    Metastatic tumors to the orbit of the eye, especially from primary carcinomas of the uterine cervix are very rare. A 64-year-old woman with a history of carcinoma of the uterine cervix presented with right eye pain and blepharoptosis for 2 weeks. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a mass at the right orbital apex. Surgical extirpation was performed due to severe pain. Postoperative pathology demonstrated a poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. The origin was ultimately considered to be the carcinoma of the uterine cervix. In conclusion, this report describes a rare case of a metastatic tumor at the orbital apex derived from the cervix of the uterus

    The risk of hemorrhage in stereotactic biopsy

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    Objective : One major complication associated with STB is intratumoral hematoma, which is also the most common cause of morbidity related to permanent paralysis and mortality in STB. The risk of perioperative hemorrhage is generally between 1% and 10%, but this could be an underestimation since it is not common for many neurosurgeons to perform CT scans after uncomplicated STBs. In this study, we describe the incidence of cerebral hemorrhage, including asymptomatic cerebral hemorrhage. Methods : We recently reviewed data on the diagnosis rate and occurrence of complications, including symptomatic and asymptomatic cerebral hemorrhage, in 80 patients who underwent STB at our facility between 2005 and 2014. Results : Histological diagnosis was established for 75 cases (93.8%), glioma was the most frequently encountered tumor. Symptomatic hemorrhage was observed in two cases (2.6%), with the symptoms subsiding within two days. The morbidity and mortality rate was 0%. However, asymptomatic hemorrhages were observed in 23 cases (28.8%). Conclusion : Stereotactic biopsy is a less invasive procedure for obtaining samples of brain tumors for diagnosis. The bleeding of the tissue-resection cavity that includes asymptomatic hemorrhage occurs at a constant rate. It is important to reduce the symptomatic bleeding associated with stereotactic biopsy
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