154 research outputs found

    Le catholicisme intransigeant de Joseph de Maistre: notes de lecture et transferts dans le second volume de Bouvard et PĂ©cuchet

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    [http://flaubert.univ-rouen.fr/revue/article.php?id=130 ] "Les dossiers documentaires de Bouvard et Pécuchet": l'édition numérique du creuset flaubertien, Actes du colloque de Lyon des 7-9 mars 2012 ("Bouvard et Pécuchet: les "seconds volumes" possibles - Documentation, circulations, édition"), Revue Flaubert (http://flaubert.univ-rouen.fr/revue/index.php et EISSN: 2104-3345), n°13, sous la dir. de Stéphanie Dord-Crouslé, 2014 [25 contributions].International audienceIn examining the lecture notes taken of the file " Religion " and their transfer to the second volume, we show the presence of intransigent Catholicism of Joseph de Maistre in documentary files of Bouvard et Pécuchet : what are the categories of classification indicated in the margin of notes, how many extracts are copied on the pages prepared for the second volume, and how certain elements of the critical metalanguage undergo sometimes unexpected modifications during their transfer ? Through a numerous collection of blunders commited by the apologist constituting several categories of the " Copie " (Scientific Ideas, Styles, Great men, Prophecies...) are emerging personal hatred of Flaubert but also the profound fascination he could feel for the sublime eloquence of a great stylist.En nous appuyant sur l'analyse des notes de lecture du dossier "Religion" et leur transfert dans les pages préparées pour le second volume, nous montrons la présence du catholicisme intransigeant de Joseph de Maistre dans les dossiers documentaires de Bouvard et Pécuchet en répondant à ces questions : quelles sont les catégories de classement inscrites dans la marge des notes, combien d'extraits sont recopiés sur les pages préparées, et comment certains éléments du métalangage critique subissent-ils des modifications parfois inattendues lors de leur transfert ? À travers les innombrables bévues de l'apologiste alimentant les rubriques de la " Copie " (Idées scientifiques, Styles, Grands hommes, Prophéties...) se dessinent la haine personnelle du romancier mais aussi la fascination profonde qu'il a pu éprouver face à l'éloquence remarquable d'un grand styliste

    Notes de lecture et généalogie des idées

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    Théoricien de la contre-révolution, apologiste d’une philosophie de l’autorité contre les Lumières, Joseph de Maistre est l’un des écrivains catholiques qui nourrissent le discours apologétique de l’abbé Jeufroy dans le neuvième chapitre (religion) de Bouvard et Pécuchet. Comme le montre la liste bibliographique établie par Stéphanie Dord-Crouslé, on connaît la place prépondérante voire privilégiée et pléthorique, que le penseur savoyard occupe dans les notes de lecture prises par Flaubert po..

    Magnons and electromagnons in a spin-lattice-coupled frustrated magnet CuFeO2 as seen via inelastic neutron scattering

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    We have investigated spin-wave excitations in a four-sublattice (4SL) magnetic ground state of a frustrated magnet CuFeO2, in which `electromagnon' (electric-field-active magnon) excitation has been discovered by recent terahertz time-domain spectroscopy [Seki et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 097207 (2010)]. In previous study, we have identified two spin-wave branches in the 4SL phase by means of inelastic neutron scattering measurements under applied uniaxial pressure. [T. Nakajima et al. J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 80 014714 (2011) ] In the present study, we have performed high-energy-resolution inelastic neutron scattering measurements in the 4SL phase, resolving fine structures of the lower-energy spin-wave branch near the zone center. Taking account of the spin-driven lattice distortions in the 4SL phase, we have developed a model Hamiltonian to describe the spin-wave excitations. The determined Hamiltonian parameters have successfully reproduced the spin-wave dispersion relations and intensity maps obtained in the inelastic neutron scattering measurements. The results of the spin-wave analysis have also revealed physical pictures of the magnon and electromagnon modes in the 4SL phase, suggesting that collinear and noncollinear characters of the two spin-wave modes are the keys to understand the dynamical coupling between the spins and electric dipole moments in this system.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    N\'eel-type skyrmion lattice in tetragonal polar magnet VOSe2_2O5_5

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    Formation of the triangular skyrmion-lattice is found in a tetragonal polar magnet VOSe2_2O5_5. By magnetization and small-angle neutron scattering measurements on the single crystals, we identify a cycloidal spin state at zero field and a N\'eel-type skyrmion-lattice phase under a magnetic field along the polar axis. Adjacent to this phase, another magnetic phase of an incommensurate spin texture is identified at lower temperatures, tentatively assigned to a square skyrmion-lattice phase. These findings exemplify the versatile features of N\'eel-type skyrmions in bulk materials, and provide a unique occasion to explore the physics of topological spin textures in polar magnets.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, supplemental material (7 pages

    Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of the Cool Brown Dwarf, SDSS 1624+00

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    Using the Subaru Telescope, we have obtained multiple near-infrared spectra of the cool brown dwarf, SDSS 1624+00, in search of spectral variability in an 80 minute time span. We have found the suspected variability of water vapor absorption throughout the observations, which requires confirmation by a longer time baseline. After coadding the spectra, we have obtained a high-quality spectrum covering 1.05 to 1.8 um. Three kinds of spectral indicators, the water vapor bands, methane band, and KI lines in J band, suggest that SDSS 1624+00 is warmer and dustier than Gl 229B.Comment: 6 figures, to appear in PAS
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