106 research outputs found

    Developing the Learning Through Workshop-Styled Teaching Poetry Writing : A Focus on the Effort of the Arvon Foundation

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    How to create the place of teaching poetry writing is an essential matter for children to explore the possibility of language through poetry writing which has limitless style. In Britain, there have been traditionally an educational philosophy which gives importance to create the place where children communally can learn each other, which is treasured as a workshop-styled teaching even now. The purpose of this article is clarifying the significance of workshop-styled teaching poetry writing through examining the effort of Arvon Foundation that provides a lot of courses of creative writing workshop for all writers in Britain. I reported a course which I myself attended and examined how the tutors lead their workshops. As a result, I found the structure of workshop makes participants to immerse in their writing and its function that cultivates the ability to support their learning: self-affirmation, empathy, continuity and patience. It brings a perceptional change regarding the role of teaching poetry writing in Language Arts and opens the door to fulfill a sustainable teaching poetry writing as a community of writing poetry, not a community of poets.本稿は,稿者の学位論文「イギリスにおける詩創作指導の理論と実践」(2013年,広島大学)第3章第2節「ワークショップ型詩創作指導による学びの形成」の内容を一部加筆修正したものである

    Development and Operation of the Handbooks for Initial Teachers and Mentors (Ⅱ): The Results and Issues through the Use by Initial Teachers and Mentors

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    The purposes of this research are: (1) develop tools to innovate the learning environments of initial primary school teachers to grow as continuous learners, (2) examine their effectiveness to clarify the ways of initial teacher training. There are still many problems remaining e.g. the ability difference between mentors; connection of teacher trainings at on-site and out-side schools; learning environments for initial teachers. In response, we designed a standard of teaching competencies consists of eight categories and developed some tools accordingly: two handbooks for initial teachers and mentors; a teaching competencies rubric. We distributed these tools to all initial teachers and their mentors in Hiroshima prefecture to try them. Then we examined their effectiveness, possible uses, and development potential through a questionnaire survey targeting at only those who provided their consent its concept and method. The data from free descriptions was analyzed and considered by applying subject classification which is one of the text-mining approaches. As a result, we could extract their usage based on each teacher’s practice task and experience, effectiveness, and improvement potential. Our findings are beneficial as a fundamental material to consider about an effective support for initial teachers and their required competencies in contemporary world.本研究は,平成25−26年度独立行政法人教員研修センター委嘱事業「教員研修モデルカリキュラム開発プログラム」終了後も継続して取り組んだ成果の一部である。なお,本稿はWERA Focal Meeting & HKERA International Conference(2017年11月30日,香港)での発表内容(Innovations of Learning Environments for Novice Primary Teachers in Contemporary Japan: Towards Fostering Teachers as Continuous Learners)を加筆・修正したものである。 本研究は,JSPS科学研究費補助金基盤研究(B)(一般)「「学び続ける教員」を支えるアクティブ・ラーニング型教員研修プログラムの開発」(JP16H03765)の助成を受けている

    The Role of Multiculturalism in Citizenship Education : A Scandinavian Perspective

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    In this paper, I propose to link two separate educational fields. In so doing, I argue that these fields are more than linked, they are closely intertwined. The aim of this discussion is to bring together these concepts and to investigate some of the practical implications of such an endeavor. This is done with a firm conviction that such an exercise will contribute to an expansion of our understanding of democracy, including an appreciation of diversity as something else than an anomaly, rather a state of normalcy in a democracy. First, I will provide a brief introduction as to how multicultural education and democratic education respectively can be understood. Then I move on to investigate where and how they actually overlap through discussing four dimensions: 1) Developing of citizens; 2) Our perspectives on justice; 3) Living together; and, 4) a relatively compact and brief discussion of cosmopolitanism, and then I will wrap up

    Development of a Teacher Educator Training Program Aiming to Improve the Planning and Conducting Skills in In-service Teacher Training: Through the Trial in the Graduate-level Course

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    This study aimed to develop a teacher educator training program trying to improve the planning and conducting skills in in-service teacher training. We tested out the teacher educator training program in two graduate-level courses. One of them, “Special Lecture on Teacher Education,” took up the theories relating to human resource development and adult education and knowledge needed for planning and conducting in-service teacher training programs. In another course, “Seminar on Teacher Education,” the students developed and conducted the simulated in-service teacher training program. This study assumed that these two programs of teacher educator training program could contribute to improving the students’ planning and conducting skills in in-service teacher training.本研究では,JSPS科学研究費補助金基盤研究(B)(一般)「「学び続ける教員」を支えるアクティブ・ラーニング型教員研修プログラムの開発」(JP16H03765)の助成を受けています

    Teacher Education as a High-quality Learning Environment

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    In this paper, we discuss what a high-quality learning environment in teacher education may look like from the perspective of Biesta’s three characteristics of good education: the qualification, socialization, and subjectification functions of education. Through critical investigation of our own classroom practices, we identify indicators of high-quality learning environments as well as several areas that could be improved. First, we offer a short outline of what quality education can be. Second, we describe three snapshots of teacher education activities, one from each of the authors. The two first examples are from Japan and the third is from Norway. Finally, we discuss characteristics of these snapshots that can be considered quality learning environments, ways in which these three particular learning environments can be improved, and possible ways forward for teacher education in general


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    Ecotourism is a travel system carried out for the purpose of environmental preservation, environmental education, economic promotion, and tourism promotion. What is indispensable for ecotourism is “Eco Tour”. Ecotour is a tour conducted by the definition of ecotourism, accompanied by a guide to explain the nature, culture, history etc. appropriately during the course. The eco tour guide, has roles of promoting environmental conservation education, grasping current condition of the tour target area, and being a successor as maintenance and management. In 2007 the Ecotourism Promotion Act was established in Japan and in 2014 the Nantan City Miyama Ecotourism Council was designated as the sixth ecotourism promotion organization in the country. This study was discussed about the current situation and problems in Miyama ecotourism and Advanced land of eco-tourism and challenges in the future of eco-tourism promotion.研究ノー