682 research outputs found

    Statics and Dynamics of Strongly Charged Soft Matter

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    Soft matter materials, such as polymers, membranes, proteins, are often electrically charged. This makes them water soluble, which is of great importance in technological application and a prerequisite for biological function. We discuss a few static and dynamic systems that are dominated by charge effects. One class comprises complexation between oppositely charged objects, for example the adsorption of charged ions or charged polymers (such as DNA) on oppositely charged substrates of different geometry. The second class comprises effective interactions between similarly charged objects. Here the main theme is to understand the experimental finding that similarly and highly charged bodies attract each other in the presence of multi-valent counterions. This is demonstrated using field-theoretic arguments as well as Monte-Carlo simulations for the case of two homogeneously charged bodies. Realistic surfaces, on the other hand, are corrugated and also exhibit modulated charge distributions, which is important for static properties such as the counterion-density distribution, but has even more pronounced consequences for dynamic properties such as the counterion mobility. More pronounced dynamic effects are obtained with highly condensed charged systems in strong electric fields. Likewise, an electrostatically collapsed highly charged polymer is unfolded and oriented in strong electric fields. At the end of this review, we give a very brief account of the behavior of water at planar surfaces and demonstrate using ab-initio methods that specific interactions between oppositely charged groups cause ion-specific effects that have recently moved into the focus of interest.Comment: 61 pages, 31 figures, Physics Reports (2005)-in press (high quality figures available from authors

    Exact asymptotic expansions for the cylindrical Poisson-Boltzmann equation

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    The mathematical theory of integrable Painleve/Toda type systems sheds new light on the behavior of solutions to the Poisson-Boltzmann equation for the potential due to a long rod-like macroion. We investigate here the case of symmetric electrolytes together with that of 1:2 and 2:1 salts. Short and large scale features are analyzed, with a particular emphasis on the low salinity regime. Analytical expansions are derived for several quantities relevant for polyelectrolytes theory, such as the Manning radius. In addition, accurate and practical expressions are worked out for the electrostatic potential, which improve upon previous work and cover the full range of radial distances

    Drag forces on inclusions in classical fields with dissipative dynamics

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    We study the drag force on uniformly moving inclusions which interact linearly with dynamical free field theories commonly used to study soft condensed matter systems. Drag forces are shown to be nonlinear functions of the inclusion velocity and depend strongly on the field dynamics. The general results obtained can be used to explain drag forces in Ising systems and also predict the existence of drag forces on proteins in membranes due to couplings to various physical parameters of the membrane such as composition, phase and height fluctuations.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Effects of Phytosterol in Feed on Growth and Related Gene Expression in Muscles of Broiler Chickens

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    Purpose: To investigate the effect of phytosterol in a feed on growth and gene expression of broiler chickens.Methods: Seven isonitrogenous diets with graded levels of polyhydroxy phytosterol(Castastesrone) (15, 20, and 25 g/kg diet) and hydroxyphytosterol (â-sitosterol) (25, 50, and 75 g/kg diet) were used to feed broiler chickens for 45 d.Results: The dietary phytosterol significantly improved (p < 0.05) the body weight and feed intake of broiler chickens, especially with the 75 g/kg diet. In contrast, phytosterol supplementation was associated with significant (p < 0.05) hypotriglyceridemic effects with concurrent modifications ofdepressed antioxidant defence systems in the broiler chickens. Myogen, eIF4E, and S6k1 gene expression levels in tissues were significantly (p < 0.05) improved by dietary phytosterol. mTOR gene expression levels in muscle tissues were increased significantly (p < 0.05), but myostatin  (GDF-8) and ubiquitin levels were significantly decreased (p < 0.05).Conclusion: These results suggest that giving immediate phytosterol feeding regimen to chicks is a good feeding program for appropriate morphological development of the pectoralis major muscle and the  expression of genes necessary for muscle cell proliferation and   differentiation. Furthermore, the data suggest that developmental decline in skeletal muscle protein synthesis, may be partly attributed to developmental regulation of the activation of growth factor and nutrient components.Keywords: Broiler chicken, Polyhydroxy phytosterol; Hydroxyphytosterol, Feed, Antioxidant status, Gene expression

    Scaling and Universality in the Counterion-Condensation Transition at Charged Cylinders

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    We address the critical and universal aspects of counterion-condensation transition at a single charged cylinder in both two and three spatial dimensions using numerical and analytical methods. By introducing a novel Monte-Carlo sampling method in logarithmic radial scale, we are able to numerically simulate the critical limit of infinite system size (corresponding to infinite-dilution limit) within tractable equilibration times. The critical exponents are determined for the inverse moments of the counterionic density profile (which play the role of the order parameters and represent the inverse localization length of counterions) both within mean-field theory and within Monte-Carlo simulations. In three dimensions (3D), correlation effects (neglected within mean-field theory) lead to an excessive accumulation of counterions near the charged cylinder below the critical temperature (condensation phase), while surprisingly, the critical region exhibits universal critical exponents in accord with the mean-field theory. In two dimensions (2D), we demonstrate, using both numerical and analytical approaches, that the mean-field theory becomes exact at all temperatures (Manning parameters), when number of counterions tends to infinity. For finite particle number, however, the 2D problem displays a series of peculiar singular points (with diverging heat capacity), which reflect successive de-localization events of individual counterions from the central cylinder. In both 2D and 3D, the heat capacity shows a universal jump at the critical point, and the energy develops a pronounced peak. The asymptotic behavior of the energy peak location is used to locate the critical temperature, which is also found to be universal and in accordance with the mean-field prediction.Comment: 31 pages, 16 figure

    Role of Multipoles in Counterion-Mediated Interactions between Charged Surfaces: Strong and Weak Coupling

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    We present general arguments for the importance, or lack thereof, of the structure in the charge distribution of counterions for counterion-mediated interactions between bounding symmetrically charged surfaces. We show that on the mean field or weak coupling level, the charge quadrupole contributes the lowest order modification to the contact value theorem and thus to the intersurface electrostatic interactions. The image effects are non-existent on the mean-field level even with multipoles. On the strong coupling level the quadrupoles and higher order multipoles contribute additional terms to the interaction free energy only in the presence of dielectric inhomogeneities. Without them, the monopole is the only multipole that contributes to the strong coupling electrostatics. We explore the consequences of these statements in all their generality.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Effect of varicocelectomy on sperm parameters, oxidative stress and Chromatin maturity in seminal fluid of infertile patients with varicocele

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of varicocelectomy on sperm parameters, oxidant- antioxidant status and chromatin maturity percent. The current study has been conducted on 154 infertile patients complaining from varicocele and varicocelomized men in addition to 25 fertile men as control. The results revealed significant decrease (

    Exercise Echocardiography in Asymptomatic HCM Exercise Capacity, and Not LV Outflow Tract Gradient Predicts Long-Term Outcomes

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    ObjectivesThis study sought to assess long-term outcomes in asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) who underwent exercise echocardiography, without invasive therapies for relief of left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) obstruction.BackgroundMany HCM patients present with LVOT obstruction, mitral regurgitation (MR), and diastolic dysfunction, often requiring invasive therapies for symptomatic relief. However, a significant proportion of truly asymptomatic patients can be closely monitored. In HCM patients, exercise echocardiography has been shown to be a useful assessment of functional capacity and risk stratification.MethodsWe included 426 HCM patients (44 ± 14 years; 78% men) undergoing exercise echocardiography, excluding hypertensive heart disease of elderly, ejection fraction <50% and invasive therapy (myectomy or alcohol ablation) during follow-up. Clinical, echocardiographic (LV thickness, LVOT gradient, and MR) and exercise variables (percent of age-sex predicted metabolic equivalents [METs] and heart rate recovery [HRR] at 1 min post-exercise) were recorded. A composite endpoint of death, appropriate internal defibrillator discharge, and admission for congestive heart failure was recorded.ResultsPatients were asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic on history, but 82% of patients achieved <100% of age-sex predicted METs, and 43% had ≥II+ post-stress MR. The mean LV septal thickness, post-exercise LVOT gradient, and HRR were 2.0 ± 0.5 cm, 62 ± 47 mm Hg, and 31 ± 14 beats/min, respectively. During a mean follow-up of 8.7 ± 3 years, there were 52 events (12%). Patients achieving >100% of age-sex predicted METs had 1% event rate versus 12% in those achieving <85%. On stepwise multivariate survival analysis, percent of age-sex predicted METs (hazard ratio [HR]: 0.76; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.64 to 0.90), abnormal HRR (HR: 0.89; 95% CI: 0.82 to 0.97), and atrial fibrillation (HR: 2.73; 95% CI: 1.30 to 5.74) (overall, p < 0.001) independently predicted outcomes.ConclusionsIn asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic HCM patients, exercise stress testing provides excellent risk stratification, with a low event rate in patients achieving >100% of predicted METs
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