2 research outputs found

    Soil CO2 Efflux Dataset

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    <div> <p><b>High-resolution data on the impact of warming on soil CO<sub>2</sub> efflux from an Asian monsoon forest</b><b></b></p> <p> </p> <p>This paper describes a project for evaluation of global warming’s impacts on soil carbon dynamics in Japanese forest ecosystems. We started a soil warming experiment in late 2008 in a 55-year-old evergreen broad-leaved forest at the boundary between the subtropical and warm-temperate biomes in southern Japan. We used infrared carbon-filament heat lamps to increase soil temperature by about 2.5 °C at a depth of 5 cm and continuously recorded CO<sub>2</sub> emission from the soil surface using a multichannel automated chamber system. Here, we present details of the experimental processes and datasets for the CO<sub>2</sub> emission rate, soil temperature, and soil moisture from control, trenched, and warmed trenched plots. The long term of the study and its high resolution make the datasets meaningful for use in or development of coupled climate–ecosystem models to tune their dynamic behaviour as well as to provide mean parameters for decomposition of soil organic carbon to support future predictions of soil carbon sequestration.</p> <p> </p> <p><b>General notes</b> </p><p>1. To fully interpret the metadata, users of our data should refer to the descriptor (Liang <i>et al.</i> 2017), where the full experimental design is available.</p><p>2. We used one IRGA (LI-820, LI-COR) to sequentially measure soil CO<sub>2 </sub>efflux (<i>R</i><sub>s</sub>) from 15 chambers. We set the measurement cycle for the 15 chambers to 1 hour, with the chambers closed sequentially and a 240-s sampling period for each chamber. The datasets are listed as a continuous time-series; however, the actual interval between measurements for a given chamber is 1 hour.</p><p>3. Due to the experimental design, the change to different sensors, and improvement of the measurement program, we separated the datasets into four stages (Table 1). The efflux datasets total 2820 Mb and the environment datasets total 36 Mb. We separated the efflux datasets into monthly files, but combined the environment datasets into annual files.</p><p>4. The sensors we used to measure the most important parameters for calculating <i>R</i><sub>s</sub> and environmental factors related to <i>R</i><sub>s</sub> are listed in Table 2.</p><p> </p><p>5. The total fifteen chambers were divided into three groups, each with five chambers. The first group was used to measure total soil CO<sub>2</sub> efflux (<i>R</i><sub>s</sub>). The second group was used to measure heterotrophic respiration (<i>R</i><sub>h</sub>) by installing the chambers in 1 m × 1 m root exclusion (trenched) plots. The third group was used to measure the warming-manipulated <i>R</i><sub>h</sub> (i.e., <i>R</i><sub>hw</sub>) by installing the chambers in trenched plots with soil warming performed by the carbon-filament heat lamps. Detail treatment for each chamber was listed in Table 3.</p> <p> </p> <p>You can find the detailed descriptor in the metafile named “High-resolution data on the impact of warming on soil CO<sub>2</sub> efflux of an Asian monsoon forest”.</p> </div> <div><br> <p><b><i>When using these data</i></b>, please cite the following original publications and adhere closely to the present methods and notes for analysis to account for all aspects of the experimental design.</p> <p>1. Naishen LIANG, Munemasa TERAMOTO, Masahiro TAKAGI, Jiye ZENG (2016) Warming impacts on soil CO<sub>2</sub> efflux of an Asian monsoon forest: experiment process and high resolution datasets. Scientific Data 4:170026; DOI: 10.1038/sdata.2017.26</p> <p>2. Munemasa TERAMOTO, Naishen LIANG, Masahiro TAKAGI, Jiye ZENG, John GRACE (2016) Warming impacts on soil CO<sub>2</sub> efflux of an Asian monsoon forest: experiment process and high resolution datasets. Scientific Reports <b>6:</b> 35563, doi:10.1038/srep35563 (2016)</p> <p> </p> <p>Additionally, please cite the Figshare data package:</p> <p>Naishen LIANG, Munemasa TERAMOTO, Masahiro TAKAGI, Jiye ZENG (2016) Data from: Warming impacts on soil CO<sub>2</sub> efflux of an Asian monsoon forest: experiment process and high resolution datasets. <i>Figshare</i> https://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.3808119.v5 (2016)<br></p></div


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    This file includes monthly or phenological-periodic mean values of litterfall, leaf area index, water-use efficiency, air temperature and soil water content in Southwest China rubber plantations at four stand ages and planting densities