362 research outputs found

    Important tourist centres in and around Kerala

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    Cradled in the Western Ghats with the pleasant comfort of the cool hills, the Wild Life Sanctuary at Thekkedy is unique in India. It offers the tourist the the luxury of cruise on boats in the Periyar Lake and the thrill of watching a variety of wild animal

    Studies on bacterial flora of Trivandrum coastal water

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    The bacterial flora of waste water from Trivandrum, was investigated to understand the rate of pollution by human pathogens. A total. of 43 bacterial strains were isolatd from 13 samples of water. Out of total isolates, 22 were obtained from Shankumughom Beach, 11 from Kowalam and 3 from Vizhinjam. The morphological and biochemical features of all strains were studied

    Effect of trace elements on the rate of carbon production in marine photyplankton at different temperature

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    The alteration ih trace metal (Cu. Mu and Zn) toxicity was assessed in terms of rate of carbon production at different temperature in two unicellular algae Synechocystis salina, Wislouch and Isochrysis galbana Parke. m e rate of carbon production was maximum at lS┬░C for S. salina and at 30┬░C for I. galbnna. Metal toxicity increased at higher temperature (40┬░C) by inhibiting carbon production to a larger extent

    Effect of copper on the ultrastructure Of marine phytoplankton

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    Electron microscopy technique was used to study the copper induced ultrastructural changes in the blue green alga, Synechocyslis salina. Wislouch and golden yellow flagellate /sochrysis ga/bana Parke. The blue green alga exhibited significant deterioration in the cell's internal organisation. Presence of membrane whorls. disorganisation of cell envelop. Photosynthetic lamelleae at certain regions of the cell, reduction in cellsize increase in number of polyhedral bodies and absence of lipid inclusion was observed. Drastic change was not noticed in the golden yellow flagellate except for the presence of enlarged vacuoles and more number of osmophilic bodies. Toxicity and detoxification mechanisms are discussed and the utili zation of electron microscopic analysis is established in the studies of metal toxioity at the cellular leve

    Quantitative ecology of phytoplankton in the Cochin backwater

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    A one-year study on the standing crop in terms of chlorophylls, primary production and total-cell counts of four station grids has shown that there were regional and seasonal variations in the magnitude of phytoplankton production in the Cochin backwater. Statistically treated using a microcomputor, a multiple regression relationship has been established between parameters within stations. But th<^ Correlation coefBclent and Standard Regression coefficient have revealed that the plankton production and the related parameters at all the stations were independent of each other and the parameters varied from station to station. Probable reasons are briefly discussed

    Growth characteristics of certain estuarine phytoplankters

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    The growth constants, mean generation time, chlorophyll in relation to . cell numbers and 4 uptake have been studied in a few unialgal cultures of selected phytoplankters isolated from Cochin backwaters. Highest growth constant and lowest mean generation time are obtained during the exponential growth phase. The changes taking place in the growth kinetics on varying. concentrations of essential nutrients have also been incorporated

    A comparison of values of organic production obtained from oxygen and C<SUP>14</SUP> methods

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    Study of marine photosynthesis has been one of the main concerns of marine biological investigations during recent years. With the introduction of radioactive carbon (C14) by Steemann Nielsen (1952) in the measurement of organic production in the sea, this branch of investigation has received considerable fillip. The great sensitivity of this technique has revealed several complex problems regarding factors influencing plant production

    Aquaculture and pollution

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    я╗┐The relation between aquaculture and pollution is a complex one. Animals living in a water body are affected by changes in the chemical and physical quality of that water. An increase in water temperature can be beneficial up to certain point, above which it becomes detrimental and ultimately lethal; but a change involving an increase in level of a chemical which is not normally present can very often cause deleterious effects

    My tributes

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    я╗┐I would begin by expressing my gratitude to Dr. Mohan Joseph Modayil, Director, CMFRI and some senior colleagues for giving me the opportunity to share my golden moments at CMFRI. Joined as Research Assistant in 1956 in the Marine Biology & Oceanography Division of CMFRI at Mandapam, the then Headquarters with Dr. N.K. Panikkar as Director and Dr. R. Reghu Prasad as Head of Division to do the primary productivity studies in Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal. I pay my homage to them because I owe a great deal to both of them as they were responsible for shaping my career giving right directions to my earlier research pursuits

    Phosphorus fractions in Gulf of Mannar and their relation to organic production

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    The variations of the three phosphorus fractionsтАФinorganic, organic and particulates have been discussed in relation to the primary production in Gulf of Mannar off Mandapam. Though the rate of primary production is uniformly high, instantaneous concentration of inorganic P is low and without significant seasonal variation. But the total P, dissolved organic P and particulate P show definite seasonal variation. From primary production the rate of phosphate assimilation and regeneration have been deduced
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