175 research outputs found

    IL-4 dependent alternatively-activated macrophages have a distinctive in vivo gene expression phenotype

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    BACKGROUND: "Alternatively-activated" macrophages are found in Th2-mediated inflammatory settings such as nematode infection and allergic pulmonary inflammation. Due in part to a lack of markers, these cells have not been well characterized in vivo and their function remains unknown. RESULTS: We have used murine macrophages elicited by nematode infection (NeMφ) as a source of in vivo derived alternatively activated macrophages. Using three distinct yet complementary molecular approaches we have established a gene expression profile of alternatively activated macrophages and identified macrophage genes that are regulated in vivo by IL-4. First, genes abundantly expressed were identified by an expressed sequence tag strategy. Second, an array of 1176 known mouse genes was screened for differential expression between NeMφ from wild type or IL-4 deficient mice. Third, a subtractive library was screened to identify novel IL-4 dependent macrophage genes. Differential expression was confirmed by real time RT-PCR analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Our data demonstrate that alternatively activated macrophages generated in vivo have a gene expression profile distinct from any macrophage population described to date. Several of the genes we identified, including those most abundantly expressed, have not previously been associated with macrophages and thus this study provides unique new information regarding the phenotype of macrophages found in Th2-mediated, chronic inflammatory settings. Our data also provide additional in vivo evidence for parallels between the inflammatory processes involved in nematode infection and allergy

    Positioning of the SCRAMBLED Receptor Requires UDP-Glc:sterol Glucosyltransferase 80B1 in \u3cem\u3eArabidopsis\u3c/em\u3e Roots

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    The biological function of sterol glucosides (SGs), the most abundant sterol derivatives in higher plants, remains uncertain. In an effort to improve our understanding of these membrane lipids we examined phenotypes exhibited by the roots of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) lines carrying insertions in the UDP-Glc:sterol glucosyltransferase genes, UGT80A2 and UGT80B1. We show that although ugt80A2 mutants exhibit significantly lower levels of total SGs they are morphologically indistinguishable from wild-type plants. In contrast, the roots of ugt80B1 mutants are only deficient in stigmasteryl glucosides but exhibit a significant reduction in root hairs. Sub-cellular investigations reveal that the plasma membrane cell fate regulator, SCRAMBLED (SCM), is mislocalized in ugt80B1 mutants, underscoring the aberrant root epidermal cell patterning. Live imaging of roots indicates that SCM:GFP is localized to the cytoplasm in a non cell type dependent manner instead of the hair (H) cell plasma membrane in these mutants. In addition, we provide evidence for the localization of the UGT80B1 enzyme in the plasma membrane. These data lend further support to the notion that deficiencies in specific SGs are sufficient to disrupt normal cell function and point to a possible role for SGs in cargo transport and/or protein targeting to the plasma membrane

    Liberation of Recalcitrant Cell Wall Sugars From Oak Barrels Into Bourbon Whiskey During Aging

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    Oak barrels have been used by humans for thousands of years to store and transport valuable materials. Early settlers of the United States in Kentucky began charring the interior of new white oak barrels prior to aging distillate to create the distinctively flavored spirit we know as bourbon whiskey. Despite the unique flavor and cultural significance of America\u27s Spirit , little is known about the wood-distillate interaction that shapes bourbon whiskey. Here, we employed an inverse method to measure the loss of specific wood polysaccharides in the oak cask during aging for up to ten years. We found that the structural cell wall wood biopolymer, cellulose, was partially decrystallized by the charring process. This pyrolytic fracturing and subsequent exposure to the distillate was accompanied by a steady loss of sugars from the cellulose and hemicellulose fractions of the oak cask. Distinct layers of structural degradation and product release from within the barrel stave are formed over time as the distillate expands into and contracts from the barrel staves. This complex, wood-sugar release process is likely associated with the time-dependent generation of the unique palate of bourbon whiskey

    Alternatively Activated Macrophages Elicited by Helminth Infection Can Be Reprogrammed to Enable Microbial Killing

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    The prime function of classically activated macrophages (activated by Th1-type signals, such as IFN-γ) is microbial destruction. Alternatively activated macrophages (activated by Th2 cytokines, such as IL-4 and IL-13) play important roles in allergy and responses to helminth infection. We utilize a murine model of filarial infection, in which adult nematodes are surgically implanted into the peritoneal cavity of mice, as an in vivo source of alternatively activated macrophages. At 3 wk postinfection, the peritoneal exudate cell population is dominated by macrophages, termed nematode-elicited macrophages (NeMφ), that display IL-4-dependent features such as the expression of arginase 1, RELM-α (resistin-like molecule α), and Ym1. Since increasing evidence suggests that macrophages show functional adaptivity, the response of NeMφ to proinflammatory Th1-activating signals was investigated to determine whether a switch between alternative and classical activation could occur in macrophages differentiated in an in vivo infection setting. Despite the long-term exposure to Th2 cytokines and antiinflammatory signals in vivo, we found that NeMφ were not terminally differentiated but could develop a more classically activated phenotype in response to LPS and IFN-γ. This was reflected by a switch in the enzymatic pathway for arginine metabolism from arginase to inducible NO synthase and the reduced expression of RELM-α and Ym1. Furthermore, this enabled NeMφ to become antimicrobial, as LPS/IFN-γ-treated NeMφ produced NO that mediated killing of Leishmania mexicana. However, the adaptation to antimicrobial function did not extend to key regulatory pathways, such as IL-12 production, which remained unaltered

    Commensal-dependent expression of IL-25 regulates the IL-23–IL-17 axis in the intestine

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    Alterations in the composition of intestinal commensal bacteria are associated with enhanced susceptibility to multiple inflammatory diseases, including those conditions associated with interleukin (IL)-17–producing CD4+ T helper (Th17) cells. However, the relationship between commensal bacteria and the expression of proinflammatory cytokines remains unclear. Using germ-free mice, we show that the frequency of Th17 cells in the large intestine is significantly elevated in the absence of commensal bacteria. Commensal-dependent expression of the IL-17 family member IL-25 (IL-17E) by intestinal epithelial cells limits the expansion of Th17 cells in the intestine by inhibiting expression of macrophage-derived IL-23. We propose that acquisition of, or alterations in, commensal bacteria influences intestinal immune homeostasis via direct regulation of the IL-25–IL-23–IL-17 axis

    Alternatively activated macrophage-derived RELM-α is a negative regulator of type 2 inflammation in the lung

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    Differentiation and recruitment of alternatively activated macrophages (AAMacs) are hallmarks of several inflammatory conditions associated with infection, allergy, diabetes, and cancer. AAMacs are defined by the expression of Arginase 1, chitinase-like molecules, and resistin-like molecule (RELM) α/FIZZ1; however, the influence of these molecules on the development, progression, or resolution of inflammatory diseases is unknown. We describe the generation of RELM-α–deficient (Retnla−/−) mice and use a model of T helper type 2 (Th2) cytokine-dependent lung inflammation to identify an immunoregulatory role for RELM-α. After challenge with Schistosoma mansoni (Sm) eggs, Retnla−/− mice developed exacerbated lung inflammation compared with their wild-type counterparts, characterized by excessive pulmonary vascularization, increased size of egg-induced granulomas, and elevated fibrosis. Associated with increased disease severity, Sm egg–challenged Retnla−/− mice exhibited elevated expression of pathogen-specific CD4+ T cell–derived Th2 cytokines. Consistent with immunoregulatory properties, recombinant RELM-α could bind to macrophages and effector CD4+ Th2 cells and inhibited Th2 cytokine production in a Bruton's tyrosine kinase–dependent manner. Additionally, Retnla−/− AAMacs promoted exaggerated antigen-specific Th2 cell differentiation. Collectively, these data identify a previously unrecognized role for AAMac-derived RELM-α in limiting the pathogenesis of Th2 cytokine-mediated pulmonary inflammation, in part through the regulation of CD4+ T cell responses

    Alternative activation is an innate response to injury that requires CD4+ T cells to be sustained during chronic infection

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    Abstract Alternatively activated macrophages (AAMΦ) are found in abundance during chronic Th2 inflammatory responses to metazoan parasites. Important roles for these macrophages are being defined, particularly in the context of Th2-mediated pathology and fibrosis. However, a full understanding of the requirements for alternative activation, particularly at the innate level, is lacking. We present evidence that alternative activation by the Th2 cytokines IL-4 and IL-13 is an innate and rapid response to tissue injury that takes place even in the absence of an infectious agent. This early response does not require CD4+ Th2 cells because it occurred in RAG-deficient mice. However, class II-restricted CD4+ T cell help is essential to maintain AAMΦ in response to infection, because AAMΦ were absent in RAG-deficient and MHC class II-deficient, but not B cell-deficient mice after chronic exposure to the nematode parasite, Brugia malayi. The absence of AAMΦ was associated with increased neutrophilia and reduced eosinophilia, suggesting that AAMΦ are involved in the clearance of neutrophils as well as the recruitment of eosinophils. Consistent with this hypothesis, AAMΦ show enhanced phagocytosis of apoptotic neutrophils, but not latex beads. Our data demonstrate that alternative activation by type 2 cytokines is an innate response to injury that can occur in the absence of an adaptive response. However, analogous to classical activation by microbial pathogens, Th2 cells are required for maintenance and full activation during the ongoing response to metazoan parasites.</jats:p
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