6 research outputs found

    Tingkat Kenyamanan Pengguna Knowledge Management System dalam Mendukung Budaya Berbagi Pengetahuan Menggunakan Metode Colles

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    The  application  of  current  knowledge  management  system  is  needed  in  every  aspect,  especially  on   education. Therefore, the ability of each college are manage the knowledges into its own power for the   institution to be able compete in improving education in Indonesia. At the School of Theology Intercultural   Knowledge Management System has been implemented by using a Learning Management System (LMS)   Moodle. Implementatio of knowledge management system based on time and place for the sharing limited   knowledge of theology. The purpose of this study is determine how much the convenience Management of   knowledge users sharing culture system in favor of the theology between teachers and students in the School   of Theology Lintas Budaya Jakarta. The results showed "GOOD" that is in the interval 3,40- 4,19 with   overall average result is 4.00. The method used to find out the user's comfort level knowledge management   system is by the method of COLLES

    Membangun Knowledge Management System untuk Membentuk Knowledge Sharing Menggunakan Metode Km-roadmap

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    The purpose of this research is to build the knowledge management system on supporting the sharing culture of theology between teachers and students in STTLB so that it can improve the quality of education at STTLB. Application of current knowledge management system is needed in every aspect in education. The ability of each institution in managing knowledge becomes its own power for the institution to be able to compete in improving education in Indonesia. In High School Cross-Cultural Theology, it is also very necessary to be applied due to the time and place for the sharing of limited knowledge about theology. The application of knowledge management system that is intended is to support the sharing of culture on the theology faculty and students in order to create new innovations that can support and improve the quality of the knowledge. The application is by using the Learning Management System (LMS) Moodle. The method used to determine the needs and describe conditions of STTLB through observation. Designing knowledge management systems is by using KM- Roadmap metho

    Implementasi Pengaturan Proxy Server Menggunakan Service Squid Pada Sistem Operasi Linux

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    Network operating system is an operation which is used to coordinate activities of multiple computers in a network, the network operating system development related with open source operating system development that would have much effect on treatment patterns in information technology. One of the server network operating system services is quite affect in the handling of information technology is a proxy server that provide dial computer (Internet programs such as browsers, download managers and other) to the internet. In manufacture of proxy servers, the author uses the Linux operating system with the service squid as a proxy application. Generally, a proxy server is very useful in the management of information technology, namely in terms of speeding up access to the Internet and can be used to filter unwanted content

    Analisa dan Perancangan Jaringan Private Cloud Computing Berbasis Web Eyeos

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    — Private Cloud Computing is the model of Cloud Computing that provides a smaller scope to be able to provide certain services to specific users on an Enterprise scale companies. Expension of the company at Sutindo Raya Mulia, PT will add new employees and new computer devices and their software application that has a license. It will lead to the use of base servers load in the company. In the Cloud Computing system base servers, local no longer has to do all the heavy load when used for all resource servers cloud computing will be the one using openstack. Openstack is a cloud OS that manages the resource for function of compute, storage, network, and can be implemented for the characteristics of Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS). OpenStack can be built through the virtual server instance for eyeOS as one of cloud computing services Software As A Service (SAAS). Computer users simply install the browser on their computer can already implement in the company by using the eyeOS

    Animasi Interaktif Pengenalan Hewan Untuk Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini

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    —In the current era of globalization, the development of the intellect of a child must be cultivated from an early age. This is because the brain absorption are very good at age 1-5 years. One of the things that can support a child\u27s brain absorption is through education, yet still very much children who do not understand and know about the animals that live in habitats such as land, air and sea. Incomprehension of the child to a knowledge might be due to what is being taught less attractive so that the curiosity children are reduced. One of the things that can support the development of a child\u27s brain is through interactive education. Therefore need a learning tool based interactive animation introduction of animals which aims to introduce the animal to early childhood education. In the writing of this thesis, an interactive animation created by the method of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) waterfall that provided the software life flow approach in sequence starting from the analysis, design, coding, testing and supporting stage. Information technology-based learning methods through interactive animations have many advantages from the conventional method of learning in children ages 1-5 years, display interactive animation in education can help students in the delivery of the material and more communicative so that it can more easily remember the lesson material. Keywords: Early Childhood Education, Interactive Animation, Introduction to Animals. Intisari— Pada era globalisasi saat ini, pengembangan daya pikir terhadap seorang anak harus ditanam sejak usia dini. Hal ini disebabkan karena daya serap otak anak sangat baik pada usia 1-5 tahun. Salah satu hal yang dapat mendukung daya serap otak anak adalah dengan melalui pendidikan, namun masih sangat banyak anak-anak yang tidak mengerti dan paham tentang hewan yang hidup pada habitatnya seperti darat, udara dan laut. Ketidakpahaman anak terhadap suatu pengetahuan mungkin disebabkan karena apa yang diajarkan kurang menarik sehingga rasa ingin tahu anak berkurang. Salah satu hal yang dapat mendukung perkembangan otak anak adalah melalui pendidikan interaktif. Oleh Karena itu perlu sebuah alat pembelajaran berbasis animasi interaktif pengenalan hewan yang bertujuan untuk mengenalkan hewan untuk pendidikan anak usia dini. Dalam penulisan Pene;itian ini, animasi interaktif dibuat dengan metode System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) waterfall yang menyediakan pendekatan alur hidup perangkat lunak secara berurutan dimulai dari analisis, desain, pengkodean, pengujian dan tahap pendukung. Metode pembelajaran berbasis teknologi informasi melalui animasi interaktif memiliki banyak keunggulan dari metode belajar konvensional pada anak usia 1-5 tahun, tampilan animasi interaktif dalam dunia pendidikan dapa